Church SBC

SBC Hires Independent Firm to Investigate Russell Moore Sex Abuse Cover-up Allegations

The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) Executive Committee has hired Guidepost Solutions to investigate claims made by outgoing Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) President Russell Moore that they mishandled and were involved in a cover-up of sexual abuse cases within monitoring churches.

The startling claims were leaked by the outgoing Moore in a series of two letters, one of which was sent to the current SBC President J. D. Greear where he accused the Committee of engaging in “wickedness,” while painting himself as a martyr.

Now, as I said to my trustee officers last year, through all of this I have tried to smile and pretend that everything is alright with me personally and to refrain from revealing the horrific actions you and I have experienced behind the scenes.

and that

These (Executive Committee leaders) are doctrinally orthodox and conservative leaders. They are talking about the sort of thing I am discussing here—and they don’t even know a fraction of a fraction of it.

This naturally begs the question: how is it that Moore knew all about the sex abuse cover-up, and instead of shouting it from the rooftops years ago when it happened, chose to instead, in his own words, “smile and pretend that everything is alright” and “refrain from revealing the horrific actions?”

What do you call someone like Moore, author of The Courage to Stand, who allegedly knew where all the bodies were buried, who put them there, and who threw the gun in the river, and did and said nothing about it?

If you thought to yourself, “A coward,” you’re not wrong, but also a lot kinder than us.

Guidepost is said to be a “global leader in monitoring, compliance, sensitive investigations, and risk management solutions and has deep experience providing advice and counsel to faith communities in this area.”

They were recently hired by the entity formerly known as The Ravi Zacharias International Ministry to ferret out institutional breakdown in order to determine how their pervert namesake used his ministry to fund his own private freak-a-thon for 20 years, as well as by Summit Church to determine whether or not their new hire Bryan Lorrits mishandled a sexual abuse case.

Guidepost is being hired to review the following:

These recent allegations against the SBC Executive Committee of
mishandling sexual abuse cases and mistreating sexual abuse victims; the allegations of a pattern of intimidation; and

Review and enhance training provided to SBC Executive Committee staff and its board of trustees related to these matters, as well as its communications to cooperating churches and congregants in cooperating churches.

There is no timeline for when the report will be issued, other than it will be after what will prove to be one of the most pivotal SBC conventions since its inception.

Church Evangelical Stuff News Scandal

Even in Death, RZIM seeks to Hide Ravi Zacharias’ Sins

Ravi Zacharias International Ministry has confirmed they have no intention of releasing one of Zacharias’ victims from a non-disclosure/non-disparagement agreement she signed years ago, according to her lawyers, continuing to a long-standing pattern of silencing, victim-blaming, and ignoring her wherever possible.

The world-renown apologist who passed away last year, signed the agreement in 2017, before it was confirmed that he was a long-time sexual molester and deviant. A year before he entered into a friendship/counseling relationship with Lori Anne Thompson, grooming her to the point that he began requesting that she send him nude pictures. Thompson eventually decided to end things and tell her husband, which led Ravi to threaten to kill himself if she revealed his actions. He sued her, filing a RICO lawsuit and they settled out of court, with RZIM pledging to drop the suite and offering her $250,000 if she signed non-disclosure agreement.

Despite the agreement, it didn’t stop Ravi from widely defaming her and spreading malicious lies about her, claiming she was trying to blackmail him and releasing a statement to the rag Christianity Today, saying:

Subsequently, she began to contact me via the email address I had used to contact her husband after first meeting them. My responses were usually brief. Then, last year, she shockingly sent me extremely inappropriate pictures of herself unsolicited. I clearly instructed her to stop contacting me in any form; I blocked her messages, and I resolved to terminate all contact with her.

That of course is a lie. In the same letter he also wrote this, before news of him groping and propositioning his employees at a spa he owned came to light:

In my 45 years of marriage to Margie, I have never engaged in any inappropriate behavior of any kind. I love my wife with all my heart and have been absolutely faithful to her these more than 16,000 days of marriage, and have exercised extreme caution in my daily life and travels, as everyone who knows me is aware. I have long made it my practice not to be alone with a woman other than Margie and our daughters—not in a car, a restaurant, or anywhere else.

In a letter sent to Ministry Watch, RZIM likewise reiterated their libelous allegations of false claims, blackmail and harassment.

Since then, Thompson has made many appeals to RZIM to release her of her NDA over the years and they have refused, despite their namesake being a known deceiver. Recently her lawyer Boz Tchivijian again requested that she be released, and again they refused.

What makes this all the more frustrating is that despite RZIM allegedly launching a full investigation into his “spa activities,” they have also confirmed that she is ‘beyond the scope’ of their investigation, setting the stage for a continued cover-up without justice or resolution.

Thompson has reveled to Protestia that none of the investigators have spoken to her, and seemingly have no plans to, despite being the most prominent and visible victim, the catalyst for his exposure, and the one woman they continue to libel.

Ruth Hutchings said it best, writing on Twitter:

RZIM has a special responsibility to Lori Anne because the Board and senior leadership personally choose to slander her and her husband as “greedy extortionists” inside and outside the company. For other situations, they likely can say they didn’t know, they weren’t involved. Perhaps they were deceived, but these are still actions they’re responsible for correcting to the best of their ability. If Margie (his wife) continues to refuse, the least RZIM can do is take her off the Board/staff and make a statement repudiating their earlier remarks.

The fact is that the lawsuit that precipitated the signing of the NDA wasn’t done to prove and assert Ravi’s innocence, but rather to hide and conceal his guilt. RZIM refusing to release her because it “honors his last wishes” needs to be viewed from the perspective of a deeply dishonorable man who wielded the lawsuit as a cudgel to maintain his oppression and silence the victim.

What a wonderful legacy RZIM is hoping to leave.