
Matt Chandler Signals His Looming Return to Ministry

Months after the elder board of The Village Church temporarily suspended lead pastor Matt Chandler over engaging in an inappropriate, overly familiar conversation with a woman, Chandler has signaled his imminent return to the ministry, writing on Instagram that he’s “eager to return to @tvcfm soon

The Village Church announced that Chandler would be taking an indefinite leave of absence from preaching and teaching after Chandler was accused of engaging in an inappropriate texting conversation with a woman, not his wife. The church said that while it was not romantic or sexual, it was “overly familiar” and involved “coarse and foolish jesting.”) Furthermore, the church hired a law firm to conduct an investigation into Chandler’s behavior, and said that the suspension was based on their findings.

According to his friend Preston Sprinkle, the church’s language surrounding the incident suggested a far more severe offence than occurred. He alleges that the “coarse joking” was not sexual at all but involved joking about alcohol. 

Furthermore, he explained that the woman Chandler was DMing was not offended by their banter, did not consider herself a victim, and urged Matt not to apologize. Preston alleged that the woman who confronted Chandler followed a stringent interpretation of the Billy Graham rule that precluded these conversations- an interpretation neither Chandler nor his messaging partner held.

Lastly, Sprinkle claimed that the investigation results by the lawyers into his phone and tablet came back clean, with no porn, sexual messaging, or otherwise inappropriate conversations found anywhere on Chandler’s computers or electronic devices. 

Church Featured Righteous Defiance

Donald Trump Calls John MacArthur, Thanks him for ‘Taking a Stand’

Pastor John MacArthur of Grace Community Church (GCC) has received a phone from President Donald Trump in the midst of his fight to stay open for services, with the President thanking Dr. MacArthur for taking a stand as the two of them discussed the unbiblical notion of Christians voting for Democrats.

Pastor MacArthur revealed details of the surprising phone call during a recent interview with Ryan Helfenbein of Liberty University’s The Falkirk Podcast.

Not last Sunday but the Sunday before, [President Trump] called me after the Sunday morning service, and he was very gracious, and said “I just want to thank you for taking a stand. Church is essential, and I’m glad you’re doing what you’re doing.”

The conversation turned from the president thanking GCC for resisting efforts from the Los Angelas County Board to shut them down while facing over $20,000 in fines for their continued defiance, to the issues of the evangelical vote.

And then we talked a little bit about why, from certainly a biblical standpoint, Christians could not vote Democrat.

Because there’s no way a Christian can affirm the slaughter of babies, homosexual activity, homosexual marriage, or any kind of gross immorality – no way we could, you know, stand behind a candidate who was affirming transgender behavior, which of course is really the reprobate mind of Romans 1.

Explaining the rationale for this, MacArthur explains to Trump:

So I said ‘these things aren’t even political for us, sir’. I said ‘these things are biblical, these things are laid down by the word of God. And we love God, we desire to honor him and upholding righteousness in a society is what a church is supposed to do’ and so I said ‘any real, true believer is going to be on your side in this election because it’s not just an individual, it’s an entire set of policies that Christians cannot in any way affirm.’

There is no word on whether MacArthur took the opportunity to talk about spiritual things with Trump or to share the gospel with him.