
Surprise! Jenna Ellis’ Replacement for Controversial ‘Christian’ Conference is Another Trinity Denier, Bringing Total to 4

With the news that Jenna Ellis has left the lineup of the controversial ‘America’s Revival’ conference, an event so rife with bad theology, character defects, and misguided spirituality and purpose that it’ll be the closest thing to the Christian version of the Fyre Festival there will ever likely be, organizer Johsua Feuerstein had to find a replacement.

By all accounts, the conference is still on and set for this weekend. Looking high and low, they found a replacement minister to fill Jenna’s slots: Pastor Anwar Fazal of Eternal Life Ministries.

Described as ‘Pakistan’s Benny Hinn,’ Fazal has worn the moniker like a badge of honor, having spent years putting on massive healing crusades and engaging in the same form of charismatic tomfoolery that Hinn has. He’s claimed to have healed tens of thousands of people from AIDS, cancer, blindness, deafness, back backs, short legs, and other incurable illnesses. In fact, Fazal considers Hinn a good friend, having done events together in partnership.

Unsurprisingly, he also denies the Trinity, making him the 4th speaker at this event to do so. From his ministry website

In standard Oneness Pentecostal flair, Jesus is not a separate person of the Godhead, rather he is just a manifestation of the Father. The Holy Spirit is likewise not God, but rather only a manifestation of God. They are not co-equal, but rather the Father is it, and he merely presents himself as Jesus of the Holy Ghost for narrative purposes

As an incidental, along with the usual ‘all Christians must be baptized in the Holy Spirit with the gift of tongues being the evidence” nonsense, he has a unique view on the scriptures which is idiosyncratic enough to be mentioned in the way it specifically keys in on the new testament alone.

4 out of 9 speakers at this conference are Trinity-deniers and at least two of the men that aren’t are unrepentant rogues with explosively troubling personal lives. And they think they can bring Revival to America?

The only thing they are going to bring is more judgment upon themselves, and we don’t wish that fate upon anyone.


Breaking Evangelical Stuff Featured Money Grubbing Heretics News

Exclusive: Jenna Ellis Withdraws From ‘Christian’ Conference Featuring Heretics and Scoundrels

Yesterday we wrote in our article “Three Oneness Pentecostals, an Adulterer, a Whoremonger, a Pillow Tycoon, and Trump’s Lawyer Headline a Conference Together…” about how a collective of false teachers, Trinity-deniers, and men whose scandal in their personal lives would give the guy sleeping with his father’s wife in 1 Corinthians 5 a run for his money. They were headlining what was promoted as a “Christian conference,” a three-day event in August called America’s Revival, whose goal was to “Make America Godly Again” and whose promo material states:

Join thousands of other God-fearing patriots as we gather for three days of powerful preaching, heartfelt worship and a call to prayer for our nation. This is not a time to bow down. This is not a time to back up.  This is a time to unify, lock arms and declare war on the Satanic agenda that seeks to destroy our families, our values and our nation.  It’s time for the church in America to have revival. 

This was not designed to be a political rally, but distinctly Christian in nature- comprising of preaching, teaching, worship, prayer, and pleading with the Lord to bring a much-needed revival to America.

Featuring “pastor” Greg Locke, Clayton Jennings, “pastor” Tony Spell, “pastor” Joshua Feuerstein, Draylin Young, Joseph Lupetz, Ken Peters, Mike Lindell, and Jenna Ellis, our post went on to detail that with few exceptions, half these men were proponents of false teaching and error that touched primary and foundation issues of Christian truth, and the other half lived lives that were far, far, faaaaar below reproach.

We reached out to several of the speakers attending, mostly through private messages on social media and got through to some of them.

For starters, we are pleased to announce that Jenna Ellis has withdrawn from the conference. Ellis is a sister in Christ who is perhaps best known as being an attorney and the former Senior Legal Adviser and Counsel to President Donald Trump, as well as the Special Counsel at the Thomas More Society who represented Pastor John MacArthur in his battle against the Los Angeles County and their efforts to shut Grace Community Church.

After being repeatedly tagged by our supporters on Twitter, she saw our post, read our articles, sought counsel, and now will no longer be attending this event, explaining that “I do NOT endorse that unsound doctrine.”

While this may seem like a no-brainer and something easy to do – her act of publicly withdrawing from an event on account of false teachers being present is incredibly rare, and she ought to be commended. It is not something that prominent Christian public figures are known to do, nor is it an easy or inconsequential thing.

It’s fantastic, and we thank God and her for it.

Furthermore, we reached out to two other men speaking at the conference. One man, who will be nameless for now, is considering his options and working out what to do in light of the information we shared with him, including Ellis’ departure. Another is likewise almost certainly going to withdraw, taking with them the last bit of light left.

A third speaker, Jospeh Zupetz, had his Partner Relations Director and personal assistant and respond to our message. He explained that Zupetz prayed about sharing a revival meeting with three Trinity-deniers and two men who emanate unrepentant scandal, and that he’s at peace with his decision to continue on attending. He wrote in part:

As you know, Joseph teaches the Word true and without wavering. He is very bold about preaching the Word, not religious doctrine.  Joseph is very much aware that some of the speakers at this event do not believe as we do or preach as we do.  Our goal is to be the light to not only the other speakers but also the people coming to this event. 

It is a massive opportunity to share the complete gospel that Joseph teaches with so many people. We will also be sharing and teaching on the prophetic gift which is something Joseph is called to do as well.  I want to reassure you that Joseph spent a lot of time in prayer about being part of this event.  He is at peace about being there. 

We believe God is opening up a door for this ministry to reach the masses with truth during a time when this country and the world need the truth and power of God more than ever.  Please be assured that we are not chasing after this event because of the “names” or the “numbers” that come with this event.  That has never, and will never be the force behind what we do at Z Ministries.  We are being led by the Holy Spirit in all that we are doing here including this event. Our goal with this even and any other is to be Jesus to the world.  

Pray for us as we continue to unravel this rat’s nest, and give thanks to those who exhibited wisdom and discernment for the love of the gospel and the truth of his word.


Update! Three Oneness Pentecostals, an Adulterer, a Whoremonger, a Pillow Tycoon, and Trump’s Lawyer Headline a Conference Together…

Update! We are pleased to see that our sister in Christ, Jenna Ellis, has announced that she has withdrawn from this conference, wisely not wishing to associate or break bread with unorthodox men. We commend her faithfulness and thank our audience who reached out to her.

See our newest update HERE.

Christendom is gearing up for one of the wildest conferences in a long time – an event so rife with bad theology, character defects, and misguided spirituality and purpose that it’ll be the closest thing to the Christian version of the Fyre Festival there will ever likely be.

Billed as “America’s Revival,” the promo material states:

It’s time to Make America Godly Again.

Join thousands of other God-fearing patriots as we gather for three days of powerful preaching, heartfelt worship and a call to prayer for our nation. This is not a time to bow down. This is not a time to back up.  This is a time to unify, lock arms and declare war on the Satanic agenda that seeks to destroy our families, our values and our nation.  It’s time for the church in America to have revival. 

Consider the cast: ‘pastor’ Greg Locke, Clayton Jennings, ‘pastor’ Tony Spell, ‘pastor’ Joshua Feuerstein, Draylin Young, Joseph Lupetz, Ken Peters, Mike Lindell and Jenna Ellis.

To get it out of the way, we have nothing against Lindell, Ellis, or Ken Peters. By all accounts, they are the outliers in this mess and we would plead with them to cancel this event and end their participation in this horror show.

As for the rest: Tony Spell, Draylin Young and Joshua Feuerstein are all Oneness Pentecostals and they deny the Trinity. Take a look at Spell’s website’s statement of faith

The Holy Ghost is not a third person in the Godhead, but rather the Spirit of God (the Creator), the Spirit of the resurrected Christ. The Holy Ghost comes to dwell in the hearts and lives of everyone who believes and obeys the gospel, as the comforter, Sustainer, and keeper.

Draylin Young‘s Church is no different. this statement is a common one, as it is copied and pasted from Oneness churches everywhere.

“We believe there is only one God (Deuteronomy 6:4). He is the creator of heaven and earth, and of all living beings. He has revealed Himself to humanity as the Father (Creator), as the Son (Savior), and as the Holy Ghost (indwelling Spirit).”

Update. He confirmed on Facebook as well:

Then you have Clayton Jennings. This post serves as a larger summary of his many acts of sexual malfeasance but to summarize while working as an evangelist he would routinely groom and lure women for sex, lying about it, denying it for years, and then once exposed slammed the women and doxed them, while blaming them and lashing out at anyone who called him on it. He was put under church discipline by his church, which also pulled his ministry license. They began the restoration process but quickly had to cease it when Clayton refused to cooperate. His church released a statement that said in part:

Clayton has chosen to reject instruction from God’s Word regarding spiritual leaders and repentance, as well as the counsel of HSC yet intends to continue in ministry. In November, we removed his license, we have made many attempts to correct him and he refuses to submit to the authority of Harbour Shores Church…We are deeply saddened by Clayton’s decision and ask that you pray for his repentance and restoration.  Additionally, we believe it is not appropriate to participate in any of his ministries, social media activity or related business ventures…We are grieved by Clayton’s sinful choices and we continue to pray for all those affected by his sin and for his repentance.

There is also Greg Locke. Our journalist exposed his affair with his church secretary (a woman whose wedding he officiated and then later counseled to divorce her husband). To do so, we had limitless accounts of his adulterous relationship from his (now former) church members and local community. At the time he called us liars and swore there was nothing to it, but then admitted to his church that indeed he had fallen in love with his secretary, but it was only after he put his wife on a bus to a homeless shelter and justified divorcing her for an alleged mental illness.

We sent a reporter to interview his wife (we still have the audio), who told the tale and gave us photographic images of him telling her to go “f&## herself,” all the while he was living it out adulterously with his mistress. The article is here, and the rest of them are here.

We don’t know much about Jospeh Lupetz, other than he is a charismatic self-styled prophet who beliefs in the prosperity gospel and heavy in the name-in-and claim-it, your words create wealth sort of stuff. As far as Ken Peters, he is a pastor and founder of the Church at Planned Parenthood. He freely associates with Joshua Feuerstein and Greg Locke, appearing at events together and defending him as his friend, but his overall theology is more or less sound, as far as we can see, and he is free from public scandal. Truthfully, he’s one of the most faithful people on that list.

Still, what a motley, ragtag bunch. These are the people who are going to bring revival to America? Through preaching and worship and sound biblical doctrine?

May God help us all.

We would encourage people to tag @JennaEllisEsq on Twitter and share this post, warning her of the mess of theological trash and unrepentant personalities she’s about to walk into.


Clayton Jennings Responds To Pulpit & Pen in New Spoken Word Album

Clayton Jennings has responded to his critics in song form, releasing a new spoken word album Unred Letters where he addresses “bloggers” who have been pointing out his malfeasance for years, with particular emphasis on Pulpit & Pen’s (our former name) 2019 post titled Clayton Jennings Arrested for Assault and Threat to Do Violence Against Woman, which has been posted in full at the end of the article.

We have been covering Jennings’ spiritual and sexual abuse of his followers for years, and a good summary of the facts can be found here. We recommend that you read that post to get up to speed, and then continue on with this one.

However, it was our recent news article that Jennings is specifically responding to, where we report that the police were dispatched to help a woman who was afraid that Jennings would do violence to her and a minor child, resulting in him being arrested at the scene after an investigation.

From his song Arabelle, which is the name of his daughter, Jennings describes his deep love and affection he has for his young child who recently turned three, and seeks to explain why he is being attacked:

Guess the Devil hates you when you’ve already reached millions,” and details his struggles with being suicidal “How many canceled suicides before I have to kill myself,” as a result of being bipolar.

The bulk of the song, however, delves into the incident that we covered here at Pulpit & Pen, which was one of the very few news sources that bothered reporting on it.

At the time we specifically did NOT name the victims, due to the nature of the abuse, but Jennings confirmed in the song that it was his wife and daughter who were victims as the result of his rage and him destroying his house in a scary and violent outburst.

We’ve bolded a few lines where he makes references to us, as Jennings has but naturally lumped his critics together, saying the internet trolls were making up fables and speculating that he hit his sister or mistress and that they were calling him the n-bomb. While we can’t speak for what others did, we did none of those things, even if the impression is designed to think we did.

Please note that we edited out stanzas of the song that don’t address this incident directly and are noted with “…” We encourage listeners to listen to the song in full.

I got a secret if you promise not to tell
A year later, I ended up in a cell
I should have been Baker Acted with the way that I acted
Punched the mirror, trashed the room, flipped the mattress
Body in one place, mind in fighter mode on the other side of the atlas
Caught a case, which was fitting ’cause I’m a basket
Like the one filled with dirty laundry that got trashed with
My reflection when I picked up Momma’s mirror and smashed it
Saw the high road and went past it
Covid hadn’t hit yet, so I couldn’t mask it

Out came the fangs
And I had a whole lot of names that I could have blamed
But the first name was my brain
You saw me in my fury, you saw me in the flames
Doctors called me to cure me, more pharmaceutical games
Uppers and downers, more pills for the pain
Nothing over-the-counter made me feel okay
Your mom took me to have doctors test my DNA
A test to show which meds would mesh and which to keep away
Problem is my results didn’t say
First time they’d seen a test come back that way

How do you medicate a mind that doesn’t allow it?
“Effexor, yes sir”
“But what are the effects sir?”
“I’m not sure”
“It’s the only option on the roster, and even it doesn’t say yes”
“So we can start you at 150 milligrams and see what’s next”

One year later, and I was a wreck
Poly pharmaceutical close to cardiac arrest
Passing out randomly holding my chest
Waking up to you and Grandma rubbing my head
Those weren’t panic attacks, I should have been dead

Mixing medications, no patience for this patient
I learned you’re on the menu if you’re not at the table
Tried to kill me in the valley, but internet trolls weren’t able
“I read this, and I heard that,” man, stop with the fables

I’m the best poet alive but never had a label, just labels
Klonopin for this Clydesdale, put my brain in a stable
My case got dropped, never committed a crime
But at the same time, nothing was fine
Except the picture of my mugshot at the time
ADD, Johnny Cash, gotta get back on the line

Too hard to walk it sometimes
Locked up outlaw in the pen
But could out-maul any of them with a pen

Pulpit & Pen reference? Only times he doubles up on the last word like that)

I’m not talking THC or CBD, I mean poetry
Awkward when people noticed me
Went from speaking to inmates to being one
From respected to lied, slandered, neglected
But all I did was break my own stuff, how did I get arrested?
“Sir, you shouldn’t have,” that’s what the judge said
But to be honest with you? No grudge for the blue

I watched you fade from the back of that cop car
I presented the threat of violence due to lack of compliance
I never hurt anyone or even said that I would
But stalkers took it and twisted it just like I knew that they would
‘Wife beater,’ ‘Mistress hitter,’ “I heard that he worships Hitler”
“I heard that he hit his sister”
“I heard he’s just an N-Word”

Their words turned me inward
Lies, lies, lies, just the Devil in disguise

Feels like I know the coroner by name, have I already died?
Keep the temperature at 36 to 39 tonight
The average mortuary’s Fahrenheit
And what can I do, sit here and blame medicine?
Cymbalta, Effexor, Gabas, Xanax, and Addys?
Clayton, it’s time for a refill, it’ll help you feel happy
Five of the ten medications I was off and on and off and on
Losing my mind, I was halfway gone
All the while getting lied about and trashed on
Leeches to names like mine to get cash off
Every blog site can get Johnny Cashed off

Folsom Prison, I brought it back in Spring of 2019
Two middle fingers to the twisted system of greed
Where fallen people become food for the vultures to feed

I never hit your mom, obviously
I shrug off the lies, irrelevant elephants don’t bother me
Jim Jones types, only nobody’s following
They do tricks for treats like it’s Halloween
Hate me but love me, so they never unfollow me
They hate the fact that I’m irreversibly irreverent

Not a pastor, priest, or reverend
Not my parent pastor or a friend
I’m me, and you’ll never be me as hard as you try to be
I’m talking to the trolls, Arabelle, BRB
Ah, nevermind, let’s let the dead RIP

As expected, he plays the victim in most of the songs, passes the blame, makes up stuff, says he was unfairly maligned by slanderers for years, and claims he never should have been arrested in the first place, as “all I did was break my own stuff.” Jennings doesn’t seem to realize that it’s a crime to break things if the items are jointly owned, like a TV, furniture, or a vehicle and his wife didn’t want them broken.

But the fact that he is still hitting back so hard against his critics, calling them Jim Jones cultists and trolls that no one follows, shows the man is still unrepentant, making him a spiritual danger, and in some cases physical, to everyone around him.

Clayton Jennings Arrested for Assault and Threat to Do Violence Against Woman

Clayton Jennings, the serial spiritual abuser and seeming sex addict who continues to maintain a ‘ministry’ following and fanbase after being denounced by his mentor and having his ministry license revoked for unrepentance, has been arrested for assault and a threat to do violence. The alleged victim was a woman.

Jennings launched a tirade against Pulpit & Pen earlier this year, with far-fetched allegations that led to death threats against this publication that had to be evaluated by federal and local law enforcement, both by Jennings and his fans, who were largely unaware of his long history of abuse toward women and ministry followers.

However, Jennings’ pattern of behavior toward women seems to have caught up to him this summer, which went unnoticed by the press and unreported by Jennings to his fans, upon whom he relies to buy his products from his online store, which are plastered with the phrase, “Jesus Jesus Jesus.”

According to police reports, an officer was dispatched to help a woman who was afraid that Jennings would do violence to her and a minor child.

After an investigation, police arrested Jennings at the scene.

The police had the woman sign a “domestic rights and remedies packet” and she explained that Jennings had become enraged when she expressed that he was a concern for their child’s safety.

The police report says that the woman was “crying and very shaken up.”

When in the presence of Jennings, the report says that the woman was, “cleary scared and in fear of [Jennings].”

Because of the nature of abuse, Pulpit & Pen is not releasing further details or the name of the alleged victim(s).

According to court documents, it appears that the alleged victim who called the police in fear and had Jennings arrested under the evidence provided to the municipal police would not testify against him by the time of the court deposition.

The evidence from the arrest record seemed abundantly clear, but women who are abused often do not have the support systems in place to follow through on prosecution of their perpetrators.

If you find yourself in an abusive situation, please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-787-3224.

In the meantime, if you would like to sign up for Jennings’ life-coaching you can sign up hereBail-bonding not included.