
The Christian Post Has The World’s Worst Headline (Yes, Even Worse than TGC)

We like the Christian Post as much as the guy, even if reporters like Leonardo Blair routinely farm our content without giving us the courtesy of a Twitter follow, and even though they frequently don’t differentiate between genuine believers and two-fold sons of God, but a recent headline from the prominent magazine is about the worst we’ve ever seen.

With an article written by Ryan Foley, who may or may not have titled the post, we read:

‘Deadpool & Wolverine’ movie faces allegations of blasphemy.

Yeah. You think?

In other related news, Playboy’s new film Gay Pirates and The Hunt for Black Beard’s Booty faces allegations of encouraging immodesty, Planned Parenthood faces allegations of child endangerment, and Hamas faces allegations of anti-jewish microagressions.

The article goes on to explain “The new superhero movie “Deadpool & Wolverine,” which hit theaters in the United States last week, is facing blasphemy allegations from social media influencers because one of the main characters repeatedly refers to himself as “Marvel Jesus” while the other is crucified on screen.”

We sympathize with the Post’s desire to capitalize on the flick’s popularity and the cultural zeitgeist for clicks, but the article’s thinness is particularly egregious and noteworthy.

If Christian Post is going to be the big dog in town with some societal pull and sway, they really need to do better than that.


Twitter Un-Bans Christian Post After 9-Month Suspension

Nine months after suspending the Christian Post from Twitter for sharing “hateful conduct,” the social media giant, under new management, has overturned the previous ban and reinstated their account.

The Christian post was suspended in March 2022 for sharing this tweet, where they rightly called Rachel Levine, the transgender U.S. assistant secretary for health for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, a “man.”

At the time of the suspension, they explained:

In an alert emailed to CP on Sunday, the social media giant notified the Christian news publication that the tweet violated its policy against what it deems as “hateful conduct” by stating a biological fact and has “temporarily limited some” features of the account, including the ability to post new articles.

Other limitations include being unable to like, follow or retweet posts. Twitter also told CP that the restrictions could be lifted 12 hours after deleting the tweet about Levine

In a series of tweets today, the Post was ebullient about their return, explaining why they chose to stay off Twitter rather than cow to their ultimatum and allowed to remain on this whole time.

While we are glad they’re back on, we’d like to channel their promises of obedience to other matters, namely the fact that their reporting doesn’t differentiate between genuine believers and twice the sons of hell.

News Op-Ed

Op-Ed: Christian Post Doesn’t Differentiate Between Genuine Believers and Twice the Sons of Hell

A reporter for the Christian Post has demonstrated a frightening lack of discernment by categorizing famed blaspheming, pro-choice, pro-LGBT pastor and Democrat senator as a Christian, and then doubling down when challenged on it.

Leonardo Blair made the assertion in his article, “10 Christian reactions to Derek Chauvin’s conviction for the murder of George Floyd.” As the name suggests, he scoured the internet looking for public responses from well-known Christian leaders and shared them publicly. While some were relatively benign (If you can call JD Greear and Russell Moore that), his list featured more than a few disturbing names.

Jamal Bryan. He is an African Methodist Pastor who has been plagued by sexual scandals for the last 15 years, with Blair himself frequently reporting on him mere months ago, recounting fresh accusations of “egregious sexual conduct.” AME is a thoroughly reprobate denomination, one that is founded on racial rather than theological grounds. Preaching liberation theology, the majority of congregants are pro-abortion and pro-LGBTQ.

Pastor John Gray is a former associate pastor at Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church. He left there and joined Relentless Church in South Carolina in 2018, moving into a $1.8 million mansion “parsonage” paid for by said church. This is quite prescient, as ironically the only thing he has been “relentless” about is repeatedly cheating on his wife while staying employed, along with wearing eye-watering expensive clothing.

United Church of Christ. Another thoroughly depraved denomination. Pro-LGBTQ, of course. In a 2001 survey (and things have only gone downhill since) 53.2 percent of members say “the Bible” is the highest source of authority, 16.1 percent say the “Holy Spirit,” 9.2 percent say “Reason,” 6.3 percent say “Experience,” and 6.1 percent say “Creeds.”

On their denominational website, they proudly display an article by UCC Team Leader and self-described “queer femme” Chris Davies. She writes, “Access to abortion has been one of the issues of which I am most proud that we have a historic legacy of continued support. Clergywomen and clergyfolk in the United Church of Christ have been vocal for decades about a woman’s right to choose ease of access to abortion for all people, and the healthy pathways to get what is necessary and life-affirming…Abortion is essential healthcare!”

Sojourners. Dubbed by Blair a “Christian Social Justice Organization,” the Jim Wallis-led progressive paradise shares much with the previous people and pages, being that they are openly pro-LGBT and pro-choice, advocating for their acceptance and celebration among the churches.

To top it off, Blair added Georgia Democrat Senator Raphael Warnock to the list of Christians with a comment worth contributing. Warnock is actively pro-choice and pro-LGBTQ, to the point where he was actually endorsed by Planned Parenthood.  Just three weeks ago, Warnock tweeted out this hot mess of a post on Easter morning.

For Blair, these are all Christians worthy of being reinforced as such in the article. We reached out to him for comment and he responded that so long as someone has a confession of faith – he takes them at their word and will consider them a brother.

Evidently, he has succumbed to the false teaching of “website orthodoxy,” a term coined by fellow contributor Seth Dunn which refers to a nefarious Bible-twister or false teacher having an orthodox statement of faith on their website, but ignoring it entirely in their body of work, sermons, books, or teachings.

They have an orthodox confession, but “their throat is an open grave; with their tongues, they have used deceit; the poison of asps is under their lips.”

We’re not trying to kneecap Blair or the Christian Post. He probably could have said “10 Religious Leaders,” and we wouldn’t have cared and the Post itself does some very good work, including some editorials against CRT and Wokeism that have been stellar.

But when two-thirds of the “Christian” leaders and organizations you’re pulling from would just as soon spit in Jesus’ face as bow down before him – supporting baby butchery and gospel-stealing sodomy while you declare them saved and sanctified- that’s a problem.