
Is Trump the ‘Christ, the Son of Man’? This Blaspheming Crackpot Thinks So

During a recent rally in Ohio where Trump was on tap to endorse JD Vance for Senator, a flyer was seen being given out to rally goers to advertise a book being sold on site: the blasphemously President Donald J. Trump, The Son of Man – The Christ.

Released by professing Christian raging heretic Helgard Müller, the book argues that there are two Christs- Jesus and former President Donald Trump, and spends much of the 300+ pages seeking to draw similarities between the two figures (i.e., Jesus was betrayed by Judas, Trump was betrayed by Pence.) The promo material for the book reads:

During the presidency of President Donald Trump, it became evident to me that the prophecies about the Son of Man, as predicted by Jesus in the Bible were, to a significant extent, fulfilled at the hands of Mr. Trump. The Bible speaks about two different Christs-or Messiahs. Jesus, the Son of God is the one Christ, whereas the Son of Man is the other.

…This book will explain in depth how “Donald John Trump’s” full name literally means: “The Ruler of the World, graced by Yahweh (the LORD) and a descendant of a Drummer.” Upon reading this book, the reader will be captivated when they realize how President Donald John Trump fulfilled most of the prophecies as the Son of Man. It speaks about End Time Prophecies and Biblical revelations regarding “President Donald J. Trump, the Son of Man. The Christ.”

Self-published by Mueller, author of the equally bizarre ‘Five Gods of the Bible,’ all indication is that this book is a hoax, but rather he really believes it; at least enough to to have traveled around and promoted it for the last six months.


New Chinese Law Bans the Word ‘Christ’ on Social Media, Says it Causes ‘Incitement’

(Christian Headlines) China has banned “Christ” and other religious words from social media apps under a new policy that went into effect on March 1. According to a new report, the policy also requires licensing and training to post Christian and religious content on the internet

The Chinese Communist Party’s new law – dubbed the “Measures for the Administration of Internet Religious Information Services” – prohibits individuals and organizations from posting religious information on the internet unless they have first obtained permission from a provincial government department, according to China Aid, which monitors religious freedom within the country.

Early Rain Covenant Church, a Chinese congregation, recently discovered the far-reaching impact of the new law. Using the messaging app WeChat, a church member tried posting the names of eight books for members of a reading group, asking them to vote on their favorite. Among the titles: The Defense of the Faith by Cornelius Van Til, Tradition and the Individual Talent by T. S. Eliot and The Imitation of Christ by Thomas à Kempis.

But the WeChat app rejected the post, saying the word “Christ” was not allowed.

“The word ‘Christ’ you are trying to publish violates regulations on Internet Information Services, including but not limited to the following categories: pornography, gambling, and drug abuse; excessive marketing; incitement.”

The issue could only be resolved by editing the post,..

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Michael Foust and published on Christian Headlines.


Jordan Peterson Chokes Up and Sheds Tears While Talking About Jesus Christ and the Idea of Following Him

A stunning video has been released that seems to demonstrate that the work of the Holy Spirit is beginning to absolutely wreck the worldview of famed author and academic Jordan Peterson.

Peterson, who calls himself a “pragmatic Christian,” claims to follow the teachings of Jesus as best he understands them and holds that the First Century rabbi’s moral philosophy forms a superior and worthy ethos to live a virtuous life. Peterson, however, denies the inspiration of Scripture, the deity of Christ, and the resurrection (in other words, he’s no more a Christian than was Martin Luther King, Jr).

In truth, Peterson is the thought leader of our age. A promoter of logic, reason, and general sanity, he has gutted the anti-intellectual emotionalism of the political left and has done so through a secularist worldview.

Jordan Peterson has gleaned more understanding about God and his created order from natural revelation than leftist Christians have gleaned about God and his created order from special revelation. Probably more so than any man has ever articulated it, Peterson has taken natural revelation as far as it can be taken, and now seems to be grasping for more.

Now, during one of his podcasts, timestamped and lasting for about 4 minutes, he talks about this clash between two worldviews – at one point his chin quivering and tearing up in what is a powerful emotional struggle to reconcile these two worldviews and realities.

To some degree, the conscience can be viewed as the voice of reciprocal society within, and that’s a perfectly reasonable biological explanation. But the thing is, is the deeper you go into biology the more it shades into something that appears to be religious, because you start analyzing the fundamental structure of the psyche itself, and it becomes something with a power that transcends your ability to resist it.

[Speaking about people who tend to say that Jesus is just another mythical Christ figure like Mithras or Horus:]

The difference between those mythological gods and Christ [is that there is] a historical representation of his existence as well… and so what you have in the figure of Christ is an actual person who actually lived, plus a myth, and in some sense, Christ is the union of those two things.

The problem is, I probably believe that, but I don’t know…I’m amazed at my own belief and I don’t understand it. Like because I’ve seen – sometimes, the objective world and the narrative world touch. You know, that’s union synchronicity. And I’ve seen that many times in my own life. And so in some sense, I believe it’s undeniable we have a narrative sense of the world. For me that’s been the world of morality, that’s the world that tells us how to act. It’s real. Like we treat it like it’s real. It’s not the objective world. But the narrative and the objective world touch and the ultimate example of that in principle is supposed to be Christ.

But I don’t know what to – that seems to me oddly plausible. But I still don’t know what to make of it. It’s too – partly because it’s too terrifying a reality to fully believe, I don’t even know what would happen to you if you fully believed it.

If you fully believed in Christ, the biblical revelation of who he is and what he demands – all of it – you would be born again.

Pray for Jordan Peterson.


Rush Limbaugh Friend ‘He Gave His Life Completely to the Lord Jesus Christ in 2019’

Following the famed radio hosts death, Christian Author Joel C. Rosenberg, a friend of Limbaugh’s, wrote an article declaring that “Rather late in his life, in his final few years, Rush gave his life fully and completely to Jesus Christ. Though he had been raised in a Christian family, this was different. Something specific had happened in his life. He had made a very personal and profound decision. And it changed everything.”

Explaining that he had spoken to Limbaugh about his faith over the years, sharing stories and beliefs, and that he was concerned that he was a false convert and that his faith wasn’t genuine. This was compounded by some of the bad fruit from Rush he observed over the years. “I believed he was struggling spiritually…I worried that Rush was resisting a personal relationship with Jesus Christ…Or perhaps too busy and too successful to focus on such a relationship.”

Rosenberg recounts:

That’s why I worried about him – and a specific Bible verse kept echoing in my heart.

Jesus once said, “What profits a man to gain the whole world, but to lose his soul?” That’s what I feared for Rush.  Maybe that seems presumptuous. Maybe it was. But it came out of my love for him. No other reason.

So, I would talk with him about the Lord when I could. We would email about lots of things, and occasionally I’d share a Bible verse with him. But mostly I prayed for him – for the past 28 years, I asked the Lord to bless him and draw Rush into the kingdom of heaven.

Though the two hadn’t seen each other in a long time, Rush invited him to visit him in February 2020, right after the initial cancer diagnosis. But the week he went down to visit, he stayed in a hotel because Rush was physically broken and too weak to host him. Rosenberg never was able to see him again in person and eventually had to abort the visit.

I worried that he was going to pass away without knowing for absolute certain that he was going to heaven. That grieved me. But something happened on that trip that changed everything.

I learned the greatest possible news – that just the year before, in 2019, Rush had given his life wholly and completely to the Lord Jesus Christ. 

Maybe he had made a decision to receive Christ by faith when he was much younger and had, like many of us, struggled to walk closely with Christ after that decision. That, I cannot say.

But I now knew that he was studying the Bible like he had never done before.  He was praying like he’d never done before. He was growing spiritually and it was transforming him. And it wasn’t out of desperation. It wasn’t simply because he was contemplating his own death. 

It was because he had truly wrestled through the claims of Jesus for himself, and come to the conclusion that Jesus really did die on the cross, rise again, and was the Messiah, the Savior and the King of the universe.

And having placed his faith in Christ’s love and forgiveness, he now had a certain, definitive hope that he was going to heaven when he died, and peace for every day before that.

I was overjoyed! 

Joel joyfully references some comments Rush made after diagnosis of cancer, where things shifted and Rush began speaking of his faith in more personal, more specific terms, specifically:

I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. It is of immense value, strength, confidence, and that’s why I’m able to remain fully committed to the idea of what is supposed to happen will happen when it’s meant to. There’s some comfort in knowing that some things are not in our hands.  There’s a lot of fear associated with that too, but there is some comfort.  It’s helpful to be able to trust and to believe in a higher plan.

Rosenberg closes with this:

I didn’t feel at liberty to say any of this publicly, so I didn’t.

I told my wife, Lynn, and my sons and we rejoiced, because we had been praying for him and his family for decades. 

But then another wonderful thing happened.

I began to hear him share about his faith in Christ and newfound hope with the radio audience he loved so dearly, and who so loved him.

For such a public person, Rush was also intensely private.

But he began talking about his faith in Christ, and I knew beyond the shadow of a doubt it was real. 

We pray that it was so.

Evangelical Stuff Featured News Religion

John MacArthur’s Attorney: Michelle Obama Would Be Less Depressed if She ‘Found Christ’

(Montana Daily Gazette) In the wake of Michelle Obama’s claim that she has been given ‘depression’ by President Trump, the attorney for a California mega-church pastor has claimed that Mrs. Obama wouldn’t have the malady if she ‘found Christ.’

Dr. John MacArthur ranks as possibly the most respected pastor among serious-minded Christians in America. The dutiful theologian has pastored Grace Community Church in Los Angeles since 1969 and completed preaching verse-by-verse through the New Testament over the course 42 years, during which he published a study Bible, commentaries, and countless books through his ministry, Grace to You. MacArthur has split from mainstream evangelicalism in recent years, much thanks to their widespread liberal drift led by ‘The Gospel Coalition,’ a leftwing progressive organization funded by political dark money, which successfully masqueraded as a Christian ministry for more than a decade before coming out as a tool of the Democratic Party. Now, MacArthur is standing up against tyranny against Christian churches on the part of Gavin Newsom and is being represented by top attorney, Jenna Ellis.

Ellis, who also represents President Donald Trump, made the remarks on Twitter in response to Obama’s self-diagnosis of Trump-caused depression.

Obama claimed on her podcast, “I’m waking up in the middle of the night because I’m worrying about something or there’s a heaviness. I know that I am dealing with some form of low-grade depression. Not just because of the quarantine, but because of the racial strife and just seeing this administration, watching the hypocrisy of it, day in and day out, is dispiriting.”

Ellis’ remarks have infuriated atheists, who claimed, “More to the point, though, ‘more Jesus’ won’t…

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Editors Note. This article was originally published at the Montana Daily Gazette