
Spiritual Child Abuse? Charismatic Revival Night Sees Young Children ‘Slain in the Spirit’ (Caution, Hard to Watch)

We last wrote about Jenny Weaver, the former homeless drug addict and self-cutting Wiccan-turned worship leader after she led a charismatic children’s conference that had kids as young as four years old being encouraged to speak in tongues, prophecy, and get slain in the spirit.

Now she’s actually doing it.

At a November 11, 2022, Core Group revival meetup, Weaver, in a very hard-to-watch video, performs what can only be described as spiritual child abuse. Telling the children they’re about to get “wild for Jesus,” she asks them to come to the front to worship because “they’ll create an atmosphere for God” and won’t get “arrogant” or doubt that the Holy Spirit is in the room. 

At the conclusion of the service, she specifically targets the children, ‘speaking in tongues’ over them while proclaiming, ‘the Lord wants to baptize you in the Holy Ghost.’

With music reverberating through their bodies and surrounded by other kids, she amps them up so much that they become teary, overwhelmed, and succumb to the unbiblical, creepy charismatic invention known as ‘slain in the spirit.’

In response to the criticism, Weaver was unapologetic, writing on her Facebook wall:


Bible Bashed: Is Sending Your Children To Public School Child Abuse?

Is sending your children to public school more harmful than helpful? Should Christians send their kids to public school as “missionaries”? Is it sinful to send your children to public school or simply unwise? What alternatives are there to public school?

The newest member of the Protestia family, Bible Bashed will answer all these questions and more. Don’t forget to subscribe to this podcast and like the video.


Arkansas Overrides Governor Veto, Passes Awesome Anti-Trans Children Bill

Despite the best efforts of Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson to veto a bill brought before him that would have banned puberty blockers and transgender surgeries for children, the General Assembly was having none of it, voting Tuesday to override his veto and making theirs the first state in the country to prohibit these sorts of child abuse.

The bill, HB 1570, also dubbed the excellent and accurate “Save Adolescents From Experimentation Act” (SAFE), was vetoed by Hitchinson because “if the bill becomes law, then we are creating new standards of legislative interference with physicians and parents as they deal with some of the most complex and sensitive matters involving young people.”

Naturally, he was roasted and called out by conservatives.

Appearing on Tucker Carlson Tuesday night, the host wasted no time tearing into him, asking the governor why he was “pro-choice on the chemical castration of children?” Hutchinson explained:

“If this had been a bill that simply prohibited chemical castration, I would have signed the bill…[But] this bill was overbroad, it was extreme, it went far beyond what you just said.

If this was about prohibiting procedures, sex reassignment surgery- absolutely I would have signed that bill. But this is the first law in the nation that invokes the state between medical decisions, parents who consent to that, and the decision of the patient. And so, this goes way too far. And in fact, it doesn’t even have a grandfather clause that those young people that are under hormonal treatment.

When pressed by Carlson on the logic of that, Hutchinson brought up a new line of defense, quoting his conservative creds and explaining that he supports ‘limited government’, arguing that governments shouldn’t get involved in medical decisions between parents and doctors.

I signed pro-life bills. I sign many bills that would be looked at as very conservative. But this is one that crosses the line. There is no need for it.