Bible Bashed: Is Sending Your Children To Public School Child Abuse?

Is sending your children to public school more harmful than helpful? Should Christians send their kids to public school as “missionaries”? Is it sinful to send your children to public school or simply unwise? What alternatives are there to public school?
The newest member of the Protestia family, Bible Bashed will answer all these questions and more. Don’t forget to subscribe to this podcast and like the video.
Pubic schools produce bad product. Your kids don’t learn math but will learn to be gay and hate white people. Only dopey churchians would bother to question if it’s “Biblical” to consume rotten fruit. It’s stupid to eat poison and dog pooop. Do you really need scripture to get that?
I agree. I don’t see how any parent claiming to be a Christian doesn’t pull their kids out of the public schools. Take a second job. Downsize. Put your kid’s future first. Homeschooling is not difficult if you make the commitment to do it. I know many homeschooled kids and they are outstanding young people. And to answer the question: yes, i believe it is child abuse.
Absolutely – well said.
I’m a single father of 5 and I homeschool.
If I can do it anyone can.
The public schools WILL fry your children’s minds!
‘Be not deceived evil communications corrupt good manners…’
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After reading this article ……… 𝗚𝗘𝗧𝗝𝗢𝗕𝗦𝟮𝟰
Yet there are countless faith stories of solid biblical Christians who went to public school and an equal amount of stories of Christian school kids who walked away from Jesus. For those of you who think this is abuse..How small do you think God is? I had to endure a whole heap of albeit , well meaning people telling me that my kids would turn into gay perverts if they went to public school. They went for primary and some of high school and made some really good friends. Some of our Christian friends ( who couldn’t afford private like me!) also sent their kids to that school also, so i think the Christian community was helpful too. My kids now go to a top “christian” private school( they’re very bright and got academic scholarships praise God!) which is as liberal and non Christian as their public school!! My kids know how to spot false teaching and they were the ones to report to me.. dad, this school isn’t very Christian and they don’t teach the bible very well. My kids have made a decision to get baptised soon – it will be my pleasure and privilege as a pastor to baptise them soon Lord Willing. As Christian parents, we do our best under the guidance of scripture and His spirit and we disciple our kids to the best of our ability – it’s not the schools job to do that. Yes there are challenges in public school, but the same challenges they will face when they walk out of those school doors in the real world. Same challenges when they turn on the tv or watch a movie or whatever!! And they’ll be ready for it if they’ve been in the public system. Unless you’re gonna keep them in a bubble and live like the Amish.. you aint shielding them from nothing . Pray together, read the bible together go to church together. Humbly submit it all to the LORD. HE is in control and by His grace my kids have stayed true. Glory to Him alone.