
Prominent Charismatic Says Famed Prophet Bob Jones Was a Time Traveler

Bobby Conner is a member of the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders (ACPE) and a member of the Harvest International Ministries apostolic network, chaired by NAR warlord Che Ahn. After 27 years as a Southern Baptist pastor, he founded Eagles View Ministries.

From the perspective of biblically literate people, he’s known for always making stuff up. He recently said he was at ‘prophet’ Bob Jones’ house when NASA called and asked Jones to look into space for them and “tell us what you see” because they knew he could see farther into space than they could, and also claimed he once spoke a squirrel into existence.

He’s an utter and complete embarrassment. We don’t know how he can stand to look at anyone he’s preaching to in the eyes, lest he die of shame.

Despite this, he is well-respected in charismatic circles and hobnobs at conferences with all the bigwigs, such as Bill Johnson, Shawn Bolz, Jim Bakker, Chuck Pierce, Kevin Zadai, James Goll, Jeremiah Johnson, etc.

In an unearthed video from 2019, Conner recounts an incident that happened to former ‘Kansas City Prophets’ Bob Jones (later disqualified for sexual misconduct for having women undress in front of him so he could give them a ‘word’ while they stand “naked before the Lord”) and John Paul Jackson, claiming they time-travelled to catch an airplane.

 Some angels came and parked Bob Jones’ truck. You already heard it. The wildest thing, Bob Jones and John Paul Jackson, both of them are in heaven watching this service today, but that’s true. Anyway, Bob Jones and John Paul Jackson was supposed to catch an airplane at a certain time. They woke up in the hotel and they woke up the time the plane was leaving. And so John Paul said, ‘well, I guess we’ll just have to try to rebook.’ Bob says, ‘no, no, I think if we’ll throw our stuff in there, we can get on.’

And John Paul said, ‘well, the plane’s leaving now.’ And here’s what happened. They got to the airport before they left the hotel. It’s the craziest thing. Yes! They got to the airport before they left the hotel and two guys walked up to them and said, ‘tickets, we’ve taken care of the luggage and we’ll park the truck.’ And so here’s what happened. They get even first class seats!

And Bob said, ‘I buckled in and John Paul looked at me and said, ‘Boy, I’m glad your friends are here.’ He said, ‘my friends? I thought they were yours.’

It was angels had come and parked the truck. And when Bob and John Paul got back to the airport, there was Bob’s red truck and the keys was hanging off the sun visor. Angels are ministering spirits sent down to aid us who are the heirs of salvation. That means they’re here to help us.”

bad theology Charismatic Nonsense

Exposed! NAR Founder C. Peter Wagner Mocked Pastors who Dislike Cleavage/ Scantily Clad Women

Content Warning: The following video contains several instances of scantily clad women. Viewer discretion

C. Peter Wagner is the granddaddy of the New Apostolic Movement. He’s the granddaddy of Dominion Theology. He is basically the first person who named the movement and along with Cindy Jacobs, became the leader of it and developed the theology through his vast writings, authoring 81 books.

The leader of Global Harvest Ministries, he famously taught that the beginning of the second apostolic age began in 2001, when the offices of apostles and prophets were restored and renewed, and therefore the church in the 21st century would be ruled by them. Therefore traveled throughout the world promoting prophets and apostles into the church. In fact, one such of these was when he participated in the Charismatic Day of Infamy.

Basically, his role in the movement, (which includes Lou Engle, Bob Jones, Paul Cain, Bill Johnson, Mike Bickle, Rick Joyner, Cindy Jacobs, Ché Ahn, and Todd White) cannot be understated. He was the guy. He was the granddaddy of it.

And he was messed up.

In a newly unearthed video, Wagner is shown commenting on the uproar and controversy with Sun Ho. Sun Ho is a Christian pastrix who cofounded the megachurch City Harvest Church in Singapore, along with her husband Kong Hee. This church had more than 33,000 members when it peaked in 2010, and was one of the biggest churches in the world. For decades, there was a concentrated effort to make Singapore a ‘Christian Country’ by NAR folks, who invested a ton of their time and effort into nation-building.

Despite being the pastor, Sun Ho decided that she wanted a music career in Mandarin Pop. Despite having the opportunity to do so modestly, she chose the other way, which involved her dancing and writhing around in barely any clothes and using sexually charged lyrics.

This went on for years, and she gained a fair amount of success. Certain people began to investigate her, however, and it was later revealed that the church had misappropriated nearly fifty million dollars to help build, launch, and sustain her career, which ultimately resulted in all six of City Harvest Church leaders being indicted and sentenced to between 2-8 year in prison. According to Wiki:

The November 2016 appeal revealed the City Harvest Church leaders spent $24 million on Ms Sun Ho’s musical foray into the United States which included a house in Hollywood that cost $28,000 a month in rent; a whole entourage of staff; a $1.9 million paycheck to rapper Wyclef Jean to produce the “China Wine” video; as well as another $500,000 to sweep up her albums when they tanked.

Over the course of the trial, the court heard that Kong Hee had set up a multi-purpose account where church members deposited “love gifts” that were used to pay for expenses between 2006 and 2010.

Examples of expenses included more than $300,000 spent on travel, more than $100,000 on food, and over $100,000 on make-up and medical costs. Ho’s earnings of more than $400,000 a year came from these gifts, and Kong admitted in court that donors were unaware of Ho’s earnings.

This is the context of Wagner mocking pastors who were upset at what she was doing; as Wagner explains that the dress and the lyrics are fine with him if that gains her influence on top of the “mountain of arts and entertainment.”