Breaking Coronavirus Heresies News

Bethel Church Causes County of 175,000 to Lockdown Over COVID Cases

Does God cause Sickness? “I refuse to create a theology that allows for sickness… You can only give away what you have. Can God give away sickness? No: He’s not sick. You can’t give cancer if you don’t have it….Does God ever choose not to heal? No. ~Bill Johnson.

Shasta County in California has announced that they are implementing stricter lockdown policies and curtailing a host of business activities on account of a dramatic spike in COVID cases, the vast majority tied to Bethel Church’s School of Supernatural Ministry (SSM).

The County, which has been in Tier 2 up to this point, made the decision to entered into Tier 1 after 274 positive diagnoses of COVID cases were reported at Bethel’s SSM. As a result of the downgrade, the County is enforcing the following restrictions:

  • Places of businesses like hair salons may be open while abiding by the mask and social distancing rules.
  • Retail stores can be open but with only 25% capacity.
  • Places of worship, gyms, movie theaters, wineries and restaurants will be required to move all services all outdoors.
  • Bars that don’t serve food will be required to close.
  • People who work in offices will be required to work remotely.

The Megachurch of 11,000 has been called out specifically by Dean Germano, chief executive officer for Shasta Community Health Center, after Bill Johnson’s wife, Beni, called masks “worthless” in a since-deleted (but saved here for posterity) video.

“It’s disconcerting to see leadership in any role disavowing the basic public health tenets of distancing and masking…It’s infuriating particularly for those working in the health care side of things (who are) dealing with the repercussions of people failing to do this.”

Many residents of Shasta county are outraged over the actions of Bethel Church, which already has a mixed “love them or hate them” public image, with one business owner saying “It’s because of these idiots that I have to close my business again. I can’t sustain this. I’m going to go bankrupt because these a****** hate science. And I’m not the only retailer who thinks so.” and another commenting “Can you imagine being responsible for a quarter of a million people re-entering lockdown? From a church that is all about miraculous healing and supernatual [sic] miracles? Unreal. ”

Kris Vallotton, a spokesperson for Bethel speaking about the virus spreading among church members, called the criticism unfair:

“I think it’s important to note although we’ve had some spread and our students have participated in that spread, there are churches that have been having services in our city,” he said. “We’re not one of them.”

Bethel shut down their healing houses 8 months ago, discontinued in-person classes at the School of Supernatural Ministry weeks ago, and Bethel Church has been closed since the pandemic began.

Conspiracy Heresies Money Grubbing Heretics

Bethel Church’s Bill Johnson: ‘Not Voting Makes you a Contributor to Evil – Voting Releases Power of God into the Atmosphere’

Bethel Church’s Bill Johnson, a man who has given so many false “words of knowledge from the Lord” that the prophets of Baal and Asherah are rolling in their graves, burning in incorporeal jealously at why they had to be cut down in the Kishon Valley although Johnson gets off scot-free, has once again turned the providentially mundane into something deeply weird.

Appearing at Todd White’s Lifestyle Church service, the invertebrate pastor touched briefly on politics, bringing some of that California charismatic woo-woo to the state of Texas, saying:

“There are tens of millions of believers who did not vote in the last election, and I’ll tell you why: is because they don’t believe their vote matters. They don’t believe that when you do a natural thing a spiritual power is released.

They actually believe that the world is supposed to get worse and worse and that’s when the Lord comes back, and so why work against that which brings Jesus back to earth? They don’t have an expectation of the glory of God, they have an expectation of the increasing evil, and that would be the sign that brings the Lord back, so why work against the purposes of the Lord?

So they actually become contributors, their silence makes them a contributor to the growing evil in the land.

Physical obedience brings spiritual release. Every time you vote in Jesus’ name’ you release the power of God into the atmosphere. You’re not voting by yourself, there’s an angelic presence with you that is shouting ‘amen’ to voting the value system of heaven. Stop voting for personality, start voting for values.

Refusing to vote for a candidate in either a local, statewide or national election of whatever stripe, political or otherwise, because one’s conscience binds them and prevents them from doing so does not make someone a “contributor to evil.”

Furthermore, God’s power is already everywhere. He is omnipresent and omnipotent. It’s not like people are micro-dosing on God’s power through the power of their vote, releasing puffs of glory clouds into the atmosphere every time they head to the ballot box while celebratory angels dance on the heads of pins at the news that Mrs. Perry has been elected to the board of the Library because you voted the value system of heaven and released a flood of spiritual power.

If the charismatics could stop laying bizarre theological blankets on top of everything, that would be great.