
Woke Lutheran University Commencement Has Prayer to Allah ‘The Lord of the Universe, the Most Gracious’

Augsburg University, the cauldron of wickedness and wokeness, is one of the crown jewels of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA).

Founded by conservative Lutherans in 1869 as Augsburg Seminary, the school is the walking emblem of the depths of downgrade an institution can descend into. Once known as a faithful institution, they changed it to Augsburg College and Theological Seminary in 1942, Augsburg College in 1963, and Augsburg University in 2017, walking in lockstep with the ELCA as it too transforms into a thoroughly pagan entity.

Their website claims

Augsburg is an institution guided by the faith and values of the Lutheran Church. We are rooted in this tradition. This global Christian tradition welcomes our engagements with expansive and diverse expressions of faith, spiritual practices, and various belief systems present here and in the world. We strive to strengthen faith in service and love across the campus with emphasis on the student body.

Augsburg also offers a chapel service every day, which includes worship and prayer, as well as a communion service once a week, while noting they “uphold Radical Hospitality as an expression of God’s love for all people in the world.”

They are also completely pro-LGBTQ, being an affirming institution, and pro-abortion, offering students ways to access abortion pills and Planned Parenthood as a community partner and women’s resource center if they need an abortion.

During the 2022 Commencement service, after the University pastrix and Director of Campus Ministries leads everyone in prayer, referring to the “Holy and divine one, you are known and called by many names. . .” without ever mentioning the name of Jesus, another prayer is given- this time to Allah.  

Welcome, everyone. I am Pastor Babette Chapman, your university pastor. Please assume an attitude of prayer for meditation. Holy and Divine One, you are called and known by many names. Today we all gather family, friends, faculty and staff in the spirit of love and celebration, to honor all of you. Be with us today, Oh, God as we are full of promise and unspeakable joy. This is a day that you have made and we are glad, so very glad, and we rejoice in it…


Aassalamu alaikum. May peace be upon you. Congratulations graduates. I like to do a verse from the Quran, the chapter opening of the Quran Fatiha. First I’ll read it in Arabic and then English….

In the name of Allah -the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
All praises due to Allah, the Lord of the Universe, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
The Honour of the Day of Judgement, you alone we do worship, you alone we turn for help
Guide us to the straight path, the path that whom those who have (unintelligible) your grace,
Not those who have earned your anger, nor those who went astray. Amen

h/t to Exposing the ELCA


Pastrix Says Jesus Called Syrophoenician Woman a ‘B*****’ + “Jesus Screwed Up, She Redeems Him”

Augsburg University in Minneapolis, Minnesota, is affiliated with the morally and theologically decrepit Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) at this point a foul-smelling holding pen for goats. During their March 11, 2022 chapel service, pastrix Andrea Roske-Metcalfe preached a message from the chapel series: “A Series on Female-Identifying Leaders Who Participate in Proclamation.”

Totally eye-twitching stuff. It should not be lost on anyone that the series is not about “women preachers” but rather “female-identifying preachers” in order to include transgender and non-binary pastrixes. Metcalfe explains that Jesus really ‘screwed up’ when he encountered the Syrophoenician woman, but that she redeems Him in the end.

“This has been my favorite bible story for a very long time. It used to be because it’s such a blatant example of the humanity of Jesus. He screws up bigger here than in any story I know. That’s still the case, but this is my favorite bible story today because of the Syrophoenician woman’s improv skills, because the Syrophoenician woman says, “Yes, and…”


“This woman is an outcast. Jesus does not seek her out. He never intended to talk with this woman, a Gentile. He slipped into an empty house to take a break, to get away from all the people. She follows him. She pursues him, she corners him.

Her daughter is sick, possessed, unwell. This woman has heard what this man can do. She is desperate. She has nothing to lose, so she asks him to heal her daughter. And Jesus responds by calling her a bitch.

He said to her, ‘let the children be fed first’. He is referring here to the children of Israel to the Jews. So far, they have been the entire focus of his ministry, but then he continues, ‘for it is not fair to take the children’s food and throw it to the dogs’.

There’s not enough to go around, he could have said to her, not enough healing, not enough blessing, not enough God for you or your daughter. That would have been hard to hear. But this Jesus is tired, he is frustrated, whatever is going on with him. He calls her people, dogs…this Syrophoenician woman, this marginalised, Outcast woman whose daughter is sick, she comes to Jesus for help. And he calls her a dog right to her face.

She could have slapped him. We would have forgiven her for that, yes? We would have understood. She could have told him off, yelled and screamed in his face, we would have forgiven her for this too. But she does none of these things.

Instead, she shifts to improv.”

She concludes by saying that Jesus was caught off guard by the woman engaging in ‘improv’ by agreeing with her that she was a dog, in the same way that the Russian troops who bombed Turtle Island were caught off guard by the Ukraine soldiers allegedly saying “Go F*** yourself” And yes, she says the word in full.

I would bet good money that Jesus wasn’t expecting that. Like I don’t care if he’s the son of God. He didn’t see that coming. This is the beauty of improv. This is what makes it so subversive. Nobody sees it coming.

Jesus screwed up. The Syrophoenician woman used her improv skills to call him on it. Jesus changes course. And this story marks the beginning of His ministry among the Gentiles. Dear friends, I find my redemption in Jesus Christ, but on this day in this story, the Syrophoenician woman is the one who redeems Him, who calls Him back to Himself, who calls Him back to His calling.

h/t Exposing the ELCA