
Asbury Revival Moving to New Site After Being Swamped by Visitors

With tens of thousands of revival chasers from all across the world descending on the small city of Wilmore, KY, to experience firsthand the s0-called ‘Asbury Revival’, the University announced that they are moving locations away from the now iconic Hughes Auditorium to a new location somewhere in the “central Kentucky area” is according to a message posted to the university website

Apart from the auditorium, where many are scrambling to enter and which has imposed a time limit for attendees, visitors gathered in multiple outbuildings and lined up for blocks to enter. Some reports have cars backed up for miles seeking to enter the town, which has a population of 6000 and has seen its resources stressed. 

By moving locations, officials hope to reduce disruptions to the school and city, which has seen its population swell 4 or 5 times its size with visitors. 


Shame on Asbury! Todd Bentley Reveals His Malevolent Plans after Attending KY Revival

Last week, Todd Bentley told his followers that he was heading down to the ‘Asbury Revival’ because he felt a “great stirring to attend this fresh outpouring” and that whatever he ‘received’ in Asbury, he would use to fuel a planned series of revivals.

We have written extensively about Todd, chronicling his malfeasance from lauded anointed revivalist and miracle worker to drunkard, adulterer, liar, and sheep-fleecer extraordinaire, all the while being lifted up by a cadre of ne’er-do-wells as a great and supernaturally gifted man of God.

Bentley went relatively radio silent in 2019 after being newly accused of drug use, adultery, and sexting, some of which he admitted. It was familiar ground for the disgraced minister, whose 2008 revival imploded in a similar fashion after he was accused of alcohol abuse and adultery- charges he would also later admit.

After the second round of accusations, a “New Apostolic Reformation” (NAR) tribunal report was launched. They found that Bentley was guilty—a pointless summation, as Bentley had already checked out and declared the whole thing a scam and witch hunt anyway. Despite these findings, Bentley has maintained a high level of ministry support, with the revelation of decades of grossly immoral behavior being viewed as “just a scratch” to his reputation, and continued putting on his revivals undaunted. 

Upon learning that Bentley was heading down to their event to bask in the glow, the Asbury leadership could have chosen several actions. They could have refused to let Bentley attend, putting an usher at the door to deny him access. They could have sent him a message days before he left telling him not to bother or that his presence would bring with him demons enough to fill a hundred heard of swine.

Our preferred course of action would be to invite him to the front of the stage and ask students to take out their phones to film this moment. They would then publicly rebuke him as a two-fold son of hell who needs to repent of his demonic teaching, exposing him to the world. At this point, security guards would escort him out and tell him he is no longer welcome on campus and is being officially trespassed.

That’s the mark of true revival.

Instead they merely publicly acknowledged that they knew he was planning on attending, and said he was welcome to do so.

Bentley attended and loved every minute of it, even spending time praying for people and releasing ‘impartation into their lives.’

In a series of promos for his upcoming “Healing and Kingdom Tour,” Bentley is milking Asbury for all he’s worth, writing, “After attending the Asbury revival…(there will be) a special time of impartation as Todd desires to release what he’s received at the revival” and “time to release the impartation to others as the fires of revival are spreading everywhere.”

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It is no surprise that Todd has used his time at Asbury as a grift, drawing in desperate and biblically illiterate people who can’t travel to Kentucky for the event but who feel they can get a piece of it by listening to Bentley bloviate his wretched blasphemies so they can catch their own little piece of Asbury.

Asbury leadership could have stopped this, but instead they played their part, giving Bentley fuel and fodder to prey on the desperate for years on end.

Shame on them.


Exorcism Confirmed! Casting Out Demons at Asbury Revival

The so-called ‘Asbury Revival’ continues apace, with more and more people singing its praises as a legitimate move of God. While up to this point it has consisted mainly of singing and testimony, it took on a new dimension after an alleged exorcism took place.

In a video of the event, people are gathered around a young woman in the middle of the aisles while another woman leading the exorcism insists, “come out of her now in Jesus’ name. I (unintelligible) every attack on that body now in Jesus’ name. Every spirit- (mass cheering and clapping)

In the video posted to his Instagram page, pastor John Coleman offers this explanation:

“Young lady gets free from demon during Asbury Revival after having a seizure ❤️‍🔥after stranger began casting it out.”


Isaiah Saldivar: ‘If You Criticize the Asbury Revival, You Might Not be Saved’

Deliverance minister Isaiah Saldivar, who is quickly becoming one of the prominent and visible representations of the charismatic right on account of a rapidly growing social media presence, continues to teach weird and wonky things to justify his raison d’être

He’s a 34-year-old revivalist and full-time social media influencer and content creator with 250k friends on Facebook, 412k subs on YouTube, 100k followers on Instagram, and another 350k followers on TikTok, where he has 3.5 Million likes.

We’ve written about him previously after he claimed that a gospel presentation without signs and wonders is inadequate, that the Apostle Peter was demon-possessed, and on account of his bizarre belief that demons can still impregnate humans and make literal incubus and succubus.

In a recent video, Saldivar came out against anyone who might criticise the ‘Asbury Revival’ saying that he questions the salvation of anyone who might say something bad about it.

Let’s be clear on this. These are thousands of young college students gathering. Not for a concert, not for a secular movie, not for a rave, not to come do drugs, not to come see a celebrity, they’re literally gathering to experience the presence of God. This is what America needs.

If you are a pastor or a leader that has anything negative to say about this, I don’t, I would even question if you’re even saved or not. I don’t even know what to tell you, because this is beautiful.”


Breaking! Todd Bentley is Heading Down to The Asbury Revival

Charismatic prophet Todd Bentley, the only huckster in the whole of Christianity that Dr Michael Brown has ever bothered to condemn (and that only slightly), is up to no good again, annoucing that he’s heading down to Kentucky to partake in the Asbury Revival, explaining that “I feel a great stirring to attend this fresh outpouring.”

He further writes “this feels like a season of revival and truly reminds me of the last time I saw a season like this during the Florida Outpouring season in Lakeland.

This is disastrous news.

We have written extensively about Todd, chronicling his malfeasance from lauded anointed revivalist and miracle worker to drunkard, adulterer, liar, and sheep-fleecer extraordinaire, all the while being lifted up by a cadre of ne’er-do-wells as a great and supernaturally gifted man of God.

Bentley went relatively radio silent in 2019, a year after being newly accused of drug use, adultery, and sexting, some of which he admitted. A “New Apostolic Reformation” (NAR) tribunal report was launched. They found that Bentley was guilty—a pointless summation, as Bentley had already checked out and declared the whole thing a scam and witch hunt anyway.

Despite these findings, Bentley has maintained a high level of ministry support, with the revelation of decades of grossly immoral behavior being viewed as “just a scratch” to his reputation. This should surprise no one, however, as NAR adherents historically have enjoyed infinitesimally low levels of discernment when it comes to the sinful behavior of their leaders, and this case has sadly proved to be no different.

In the summer of 2008, Todd was flying high, filling stadiums with a world-renown revival in Lakeland, where he claimed to have raised multiple people from dead. He was getting so much attention that 17 high-profile charismatic “apostles,” including Bill Johnson, Jon Arnott, Rick Joyner, Che Ahn, and C. Peter Wagner, came together in a ceremony of “apostolic alignment” over 32-year old Todd Bentley, commissioning him to lead the Lakeland Revival and recognizing him as an evangelist doing the work of the Lord led by the Holy Spirit. We call this the Charismatic day of Infamy.

During the ceremony, Wagner asked the three apostles, Che Ahn, Bethel Church’s Bill Johnson, and John Arnot, “Do you perceive the grace of God given to Todd Bentley as an evangelist to lead the Lakeland Outpouring?

They answered: “I do.”

Wagner continued:

“This commissioning represents a powerful spiritual transaction taking place in the invisible world. With this in mind, I take the apostolic authority that God has given me and I decree to Todd Bentley:

– Your power will increase.

– Your authority will increase.

– Your favor will increase.

– Your influence will increase.

– Your revelation will increase.

I also decree that:

– A new supernatural strength will flow through this ministry.

– A new life force will penetrate this move of God.

– A government will be established to set things in their proper order.

– God will pour out a higher level of discernment to distinguish truth from error. 

– New relationships will surface to open gates for the future. […]

The people cheered. Todd cried and shook his head. The “apostle” sat back, satisfied at the historic nature of their coming together, wondering what glorious things the Lord would do next.

Within a month of his alignment ceremony, Bentley would announce that he was leaving Lakeland and stepping down. A few days later, he told the world he was divorcing his wife and it was revealed that during his time as leader of the revival, as he was getting aligned by the apostles, he had been engaging in “an unhealthy relationship on an emotional level with a female member of his staff.” He was also getting drunk all the time, spiraling into depression, anxiety, and babbling on stage in a series of pseudo-spiritual slurs.

The vaunted Lakeland Revival crashed into a smoldering heap of disillusionment immediately afterwards, the populace burned by a charlatan who was able to garner the endorsement of 17 charismatic “apostles,” all the while acting like a devil.

And now he’s headed to Asbury.

If the Asbury revival is a real revival, they will personally and publicly exclude this false teacher and charlatan from attending, rebuking him for all to see, lest he spread his poison.

Todd Bentley quote about who knows what the heck he’s talking about, from his FB page:

We must become more conscious of the indwelling Christ and the abiding Glory, so we can drop down into our inner man (Spirit) and experience this secret fortress, refuge, tabernacle and dwell with our king in his inner chambers where our secret history in God is made. Abiding in God, we find the true mountain and secret garden of the lord….

The Spirit of counsel brings the Spirit of might. As we receive the counsel of Heaven to synchronize Heaven and earth, we’ll see a demonstration and manifestation of the might of Heaven…

We are called to a spiritual union with him where we continuously soak, marinate and drink of his love. When we are united to the vine, the sap of divine love and glory, we will receive from the vine (Jesus) His glory flows through the branch and comes out in the fruit of love, for the nourishment and refreshment of others.