
Canadian Pastor ‘Won’t Comply’ with Gag Order on COVID Speech, is ‘Prepared to go to Prison’

(Lifesite News) Pastor Artur Pawlowski has made it clear that he will not comply with the gag order imposed by a Canadian judge that was part of the final ruling against him and his brother for their outspoken stance against lockdowns and vaccine mandates.

Regarding the desire of the Alberta court that Pawlowski not contradict the government narrative when speaking publicly about COVID-19 vaccines and lockdowns, the pastor stated, “This is compelled speech the judge ordered like in China and North Korea … I won’t comply and I’m fully prepared to go to prison.”

Alberta Justice Adam Germain’s 12-page ruling contained instructions for what the court expects Pawlowski to say about COVID-related topics. According to the judge, if he speaks against any of the recommendations laid out by Alberta Health Services, he is supposed to state the following:

“I am also aware that the views I am expressing to you on this occasion may not be views held by the majority of medical experts in Alberta. While I may disagree with them, I am obliged to inform you that the majority of medical experts favour social distancing, mask wearing, and avoiding large crowds to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Most medical experts also support participation in a vaccination program unless for a valid religious or medical reason you cannot be vaccinated. Vaccinations have been shown statistically to save lives and to reduce the severity of COVID-19 symptoms.”

Pawlowski’s lawyer, Sarah Miller, intends to appeal the “compelled speech and unconstitutional” sentencing in a separate…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Kennedy Hall and posted at Lifesite News


Bizzare! Judge Orders that Viral Canadian Pastor Must Say _________ Every time He Mentions COVID+Vaccines, Or Go to Jail

In a bizarre, unprecedented, and unheard-of decision, a judge ordered that for the next 18 months, Artur Pawlowski, the pastor made famous after he chased the police out of his church shouting “I do not cooperate with Gestapo. I do not talk to the Nazis. You came in your uniforms like thugs…You are Nazi Gestapo Communist Fascists,” must self-denounce himself every time he speaks on issues of COVID, vaccinations or pandemics and must include a reference to the fact the majority of scientific opinion contradicts him and disagrees with, or else he will be in breach of his probation and will be arrested and imprisoned.

The Canadian pastor has garnered the ire and eyes of Alberta Health Services on account of being a vocal defender of free speech while denouncing the government’s COVID policies and lockdown restrictions as fascistic and conspiratorial. This was particularly true when the province was jailing other pastors for the great sin of refusing to shut down their church services- something Pawlowski himself has been arrested and imprisoned for.

Judge Adam Germain ruled that every time he speaks out against COVID, masks and vaccines, like a YouTube disclaimer or a Twitter alert he must preface or conclude his comments by condemning his own worst and include government-sanctioned talking points, lest he is thrown in jail again.

The judge suggested wording to bookend his speeches to include something along the lines of “I am aware that the views I am expressing to you may not be held by medical experts” and “(this is just my opinion) as the majority of medical experts favor social distancing and vaccine programs.”

During the trial, the judge also berated him for appearing on Fox News, fined him $30,000, ordered him not to leave the province for 18 months, castigated him for going on a pro-freedom speaking tour across the United States, and ultimately declared that Pawloski and his brother “have contributed to this ominous health situation encouraged others to doubt the legitimacy of the pandemic.”

Basically What the judge is saying is that I cannot be a pastor anymore for 18 months. I have to give up my convictions, I have to give up my faith, and I cannot participate in anything that I believe in, and every time I open my mouth to the public I have to lie to the public, stating that vaccinations are saving lives, that masks works, that doctors and scientists are all for the restrictions. Pretty much I have to lie in public. I have to become a liar every time I open my mouth in order to appease the corrupted judges of the corrupted court system…Welcome to Chinada 2021.


Canadian Pastor Who Kicked Police Out of Church Arrested Again…For Having Church Service Last June

The Canadian pastor who famously shouted “Out Gestapo Nazi” and chased away police and government workers who came to his church to investigate whether he was violating lockdown laws has been arrested again and is facing jail time for church crimes in Alberta.

Pawlowski, who has been in the United States these last several months on a speaking tour, was picked up on the tarmac by Canada Border Services Agency once his plane landed. He had the warrants pending from several months ago, stemming from his continued insistence on having church services and refusing to wear masks, including failing to wear a face-covering from last March, and disobeying a court order from early June.

In an interview with Rebel News, his lawyer explains:

While he was away, the Calgary police service decided that they wanted to lay a charge regarding church services held outdoors on June 5. Although they had nearly a month to delay that charge before he had left, they decided to initiate the charge once he had departed from the country. Of course then they can’t actually serve him with the paperwork or charge him with the criminal offense, so as a result a warrant was issued for his arrest, essentially, so that they could play the charge. So he was arrested at the airport yesterday for that purpose and that warrant was issued while he was in the states.

During his bail hearing, the condition that the prosecutors desired to put on him for his release was that he does not “engage in any illegal gatherings” (read illegal church services) but his lawyer argued that it was an ambiguous order. The Justice of the Peace agreed, letting him out on bail so long as he “keeps the peace.”

Currently in the province:

  • Churches are not allowed to gather indoors at more than 30% of their fire code capacity.
  • Masks are mandatory and must be worn in church.
  • Mandatory physical distancing between households for both indoor and outdoor services.

The hearing to decide his fate and determine whether or not he goes to jail for longer than three days will be on October 13.


Fire! Arsonists Attack Pastor Artur’s Home While Children Sleep Nearby

Pastor Artur Pawlowski, one of the Canadian pastors arrested for defying lockdown orders and whose church was shut down and locked tight by the government of Alberta had his garage set on fire by an arsonist Friday night, all while his children slept inside the nearby home.

Pawlowski, made famous for kicking the police of of his church while screaming at them “Get out Nazi Gestapo!” recounted the incident to Rebel News.

“Around 11-11:30 p.m, my wife she hears some commotions. And firefighters I mean so many cars and police. And first we thought ‘okay maybe they’re coming for me in the middle of the night.’ But no, they actually came to put the fire down. So my wife comes out, I joined her, and we see this big smoke coming and I thought ‘oh neighbor’s house is on fire’

So we went around and behold it’s our house, it’s our garage that is on I had to kind of keep moving a little bit closer and closer and closer until I was able to at least record a little bit of the of the craziness. So someone set our property on fire. Someone wants us dead.

..They want me dead and they want my children that I mean this is this is this is shocking…

Someone put fire into a blue bin that was with cardboard and that’s how the fire started. They pushed the bin to the door, the wooden door of the garage and the whole garage started to burn. So that’s how it was done.

But they don’t know who did it, of course. they don’t know what caused (it) there was a lighter or just someone holding the lighter and putting the bin on fire. You know, no one knows. Only god knows at this moment how was that and the villain.”

Continue to pray for the Artur and his family.


Video: Another Canadian Pastor Arrested and Thrown In Jail (Updated)

Update #1: James Coates’ lawyer, James Kitchen, responding to Calgary Police Service Statement, says that Pastor Stephens was never served with a copy of the court order and that Alberta Health Services is straight-up lying.

A third Alberta Pastor has been arrested and thrown in jail on account of breaking pandemic gathering rules, which limit church services to 15 people inside, or 5 people outside. [Where is “the science” on that? -Ed.]

Pastor Tim Stephens of Fairview Baptist Church in Caglary, Alberta, follows Pastor James Coates and Pastor Artur Pawlowski in being arrested for violating a a Court of Queen’s Bench Order that requires organizers of events to comply with public health restrictions.

Tim Stephens, a reserved man with 8 children, was arrested following the church service Sunday. He hugged his family and friends before being led away and put into a police car, surrounded by a half-dozen officers and multiple police vehicles. There is no word yet on how long he is being incarcerated for or if he’s being allowed to post bail.

For weeks Stephens has indicated that he will not comply with these health orders, writing on the church website:

Restricting the church to 15 people — which essentially restricts the church from gathering — is against the will of Christ and against the conscience of many who desire to worship the Lord of glory according to his word. Our actions are borne out of theological commitments to the Lordship of Christ and his instruction to the church as revealed in Scripture…The consequences may be severe. But we stand before Christ rather than bend before consequences.

In a public statement, Calagry Police say that they have “received repeated calls from concerned citizens regarding church services held at Fairview Baptist Church over the past several weeks,” and that after being served an injunction and told to stop, “the Pastor acknowledged the injunction, but chose to move forward with today’s service, ignoring requirements for social distancing, mask-wearing and reduced capacity limits for attendees.”

When asked last week by Rebel News what happens next, Stephens was reflective but unbowed.

It’s not the civil magistrate’s job, the government’s job to regulate or restrict our worship and so we’re really coming together as peaceful citizens to worship Christ because he is worthy. In terms of what that means, now I don’t really know. The government has obviously turned up the heat on churches trying to discourage them from gathering together. I think they don’t understand that Christians are committed to follow the Lord Jesus Christ regardless of the consequence.

Pray for this man, his family, and the church.

Bonus content: These are the first minutes of last week’s sermon, where Pastor Tim explains why their gather for worship even when it is outlawed by the governing authorities. A primer for un-arrested pastors everywhere.

Evangelical Stuff Featured News

‘I Almost Broke my Shoulder’: Arrested Candian Pastor Describes Miserable Jail Conditions

In a jailhouse interview with Rebel News reporter Adam Soos, a Canadian Pastor arrested for the crime of having church services over the 15-person capacity says that he has been subjected to poor conditions while in jail, alleging that he is being thrown around, deprived of sleep and has been refused a lawyer during his stay there [Update: he has since been able to get a hold of legal counsel.]

Pastor Artur Pawlowski, who was taken down and arrested in a dramatic raid after leaving his church, explains:

Here’s what happened after the video. I was thrown like a piece of meat behind the police vehicles, and I had to go for about an hour, hour and a half (in the) back of police car laying down on my handcuffs (unintelligible) and I almost broke my shoulder.

So that was until we got to (unintelligible) then of course, the processing unit. I was with my brother, we were taken to two different separate (house?)…

They’re not allowing us to sleep, so for 24 hours I can’t sleep. The lights are so bright it’s absolutely crazy, even though other inmates for example across from my cell they turned the lights off and he could go to sleep. I don’t have that same courtesy.

We do not have blankets, we do not have pillows, nothing. We had to spend the whole day yesterday and the whole night and half a day right now on concrete, on cold concrete.

So that’s the situation here. I was never contacted by a lawyer. It’s shocking at the treatment. I’m being viewed here as a monkey in the circus. From time to time police will come and just look through the window oh, you know, like a trophy.

But I’m in a good spirit. I’m not going to quit. It will not silence me. I’ll keep doing what I’m doing because if I don’t have freedom, then I have nothing else. If we don’t have the freedom to worship our God, then what else do we have?

Pawlowski and Soos talk a bit more about his predicament, talking about the state of his cell and the fact that he’s going to file a lawsuit against those who locked him down. He calls Alberta Premier Jason Kenny “evil” and laments that he’s become a political prisoner on account of his stand. He speaks of the need for Canadians to rise up and oust these traitorous politicians, noting that on account of everything they have 11 candidates in their own church and they hope they get elected so they can clean up the corruption that would put him in prison in the first place.

If you don’t have the freedom of religion, all the other rights are disappearing as well. We have to stand up and Christians-rise up stand up right now.

I mean, if not now, then when?

As for his final words?

I want to tell you Jesus wins in the end, and when we stand with him, that’s where I draw my hope. My hope is in Christ. He redeemed me. He saved me. He changed the corrupted man into the man I am today and I give him all the glory. And if you are depressed or suicidal or in a tough situation remember that God has your back and we know how the story ends. Truth wins in the end.

Drive-In Church Evangelical Stuff Featured Onward to Glory Righteous Defiance

Video: Pastor who Shouted ‘Get Out Nazi Gestapo’ to Police is Arrested For Having Church Service

A Canadian Pastor has been arrested in the streets and thrown in jail for the crime of having a church service that exceeds the 15-person limit.

Artur Pawlowski and brother David were arrested immediately after Sunday’s service, with half a dozen police cars and over a dozen officers surrounding them and taking them down in the middle of a busy highway. Artur is the pastor of Cave of Adullam Church in Calgary, Alberta, and went viral weeks ago after yelling at police officers and Alberta Health Service personnel who entered his church without permission in order to shut down the service.

He practiced passive resistance, going limp on purpose, all the while calling them “Nazi Gestapo psychopaths,” forcing them to carry him and his brother away.

Both were taken into police custody and charged with “organizing an illegal in-person gathering, in addition to “requesting, inciting, or inviting others.” 

That is, having church and inviting others to come to his church.

In a public statement, Calgary Police say the arrest was completely justified as he was violating lockdown orders that prohibit church gatherings.

It is important to understand that law enforcement recognizes people’s desire to participate in faith-based gatherings as well as the right to protest. However, as we find ourselves in the midst of a global pandemic, we all must comply with public health orders in order to ensure everyone’s safety and wellbeing.

This is the second Canadian pastor arrested and put in jail on account on insisting on having church service at full capacity, following the arrest of GraceLife Pastor James Coates, who spent 35 days in jail and is now having an underground service to avoid further arrests and fines.

In Canada, which is quickly becoming a police state, this new roundup of pastors is likely just the beginning.

Coronavirus Righteous Defiance

Pastor Who Chased out ‘Gestapo Police’ from Church Faces New Warrant

The pastor who made international headlines after twice kicking out Calgary police from his church because of their seeking to disrupt his service, chiding them for their obscene presence on his property and screaming at them from the top of his lungs that they are behaving like “a bunch of Gespato Nazi Communists Fascists!” is facing a new ultimatum from the government and Alberta Health Services “Let us crash your church service or go to jail.”

The authorities have been granted a warrant that gives police permission to enter the church from 8am- 8pm, 7 days a week, and to inspect the service to ensure that not more than 15% of people are gathered, as well as they are following social distancing protocols. Interference or denying them access in any way, such as chasing them off and blasting them as a bunch of freedom-stealing Nazis, will result in the police being given the power to “do anything necessary” to arrest him for obstruction.

Rebel News has obtained a copy of the court order, which reads in part:

In the event the Respondent, Artur Pawlowski or any other person refuse to grant any Executive Officer access to the Premises or hinders or interferes with the Executive Officer in the exercise of his or her powers, then any member of Police Service…shall be permitted to accompany and assist the Executive Officer and use such reasonable force as they consider appropriate to gain access to the Premises and allow the Executive Officer (or anyone assisting the Executive Officer) to exercise his or her powers pursuant to section 59 of the Act…”


It is further ordered that, in making an arrest under this Order, Law Enforcement is authorized to do anything necessary to carry out the arrest, including the use of as much reasonable force as may be necessary to make the arrest, and without warrant to enter any place where on reasonable grounds Law Enforcement believes that the offending person may be found.

Sadly, it looks like Pastor James Coates won’t be the only Alberta pastor heading to jail for the great crime of preaching in his church and declaring “God over government” in how the church is run.


Pastor who Chased ‘Nazi Police’ from Church: ‘Like a ‘Flashback to Life Under the Boot of the Soviets’

The pastor who chased several police officers from his church for disrupting his service, shouting at them, “Out of this property, you Nazis, Gestapo is not allowed here. Don’t come back without a warrant,” has explained that his passion and harshness comes from experiencing “communist dictatorship behind the iron curtain, under the boot of the Soviets.”

In an interview with Mark Styne, Artur Pawlowski, Pastor of The Cave of Adullam church in Alberta, Canada, explains:

Police officers could break into your house at five in the morning, they could beat you up, torture, they could arrest you for no matter what reason they would come up with…

There was a famous saying in Poland when I was growing up by the police: give me a man and we will find something on that man. So it was like a…flashback when those police officers showed up at my church.

Everything kind of came back to life from my childhood and the only thing I could do is to fend off the wolves as a shepherd and I used my voice to get rid of them…We as lions should never bow before the hyenas and that’s what they are right now…

I have been warning Canadians for the past 16 years that that’s what’s coming. I could smell it, I could see it at every corner, the implementation of what we are seeing now…history is teaching us that those people will never give up their new gained powers. You got to demand those rights back, you have to fight for your rights, they’ll never give it back to you freely.

Breaking Drive-In Church Featured In-person Church Righteous Defiance

Video! Canadian Pastor Chases 6 COVID Cops Out of Church ‘Get Out You Nazi Psychopaths!’

A pastor in Canada lit into police officers and Alberta Health Service who entered his church without permission in order to shut down the service on account of suspicion of violating Covid shutdown limits on churches, which caps attendance to 15%.

Calling them “Gestapo” and “Nazi’s” and roaring at them to leave and not to come back without a warrant, Pastor Artur Pawlowski of the Cave of Adullam Church in Alberta, Calgary chased them out with tails between their legs, refusing to hear any justification or explanation, surprising the officers who did not expect resistance at disrupting their church service.

Out! Out of this property, you Nazis! Out! Out! Gestapo is not allowed here. Out! Immediately Gestapo is not allowed here! Do you understand English? Get out of this property. Go! Go and don’t come back without a warrant. Out! Nazi!

“Get out of this property immediately. Out! I don’t want—out of this property immediately! I don’t want to hear a word. Out! Out of this property immediately until you come back with a warrant.

He continued shouting at them they slowly back down, his voice rising as his righteous indignation burst forth.

I don’t want to talk to you, not another word. I don’t care what you have to say, Out! Out! Out of this property…Nazis are not welcome here. Out. And don’t come back without a warrant. Do not come back without a warrant, you understand that? You are not welcome here.”

“Nazis are not welcome here. Gestapo is not welcome here. Do not come back, you Nazi psychopaths!

Unbelievable sick, evil people! Intimidating people in a church during the Passover. You Gestapo Nazi communist fascists! Don’t you dare coming back here!”

This is not pastor’s first run in with the law. He also runs Street Church, a ministry to the homeless in Calgary and was fined $1200 last year for being outside feeding the homeless, with the government deeming that a non-essential activity and for violating social distance protocols, even though his ministry has over 100 volunteers and feeds thousands per day.

In Canada section 176(2) of the Criminal Code makes it a crime to disturb church service, even for police. This law is the same that pastor James Coates and his elders cited last week, when police wanted to enter the sanctuary in the middle of service and so a headcount, and were refused.

176 (1) Every person is guilty of an indictable offense and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than two years or is guilty of an offense punishable on summary conviction who…

(2) Every one who willfully disturbs or interrupts an assemblage of persons met for religious worship or for a moral, social or benevolent purpose is guilty of an offense punishable on summary conviction.*

In a follow up video Pawlowski explained:

“Unbelievable. We’re living in a takeover of the government with their thugs, goons, the brown shirts, the goons, the brownshirts, the Gestapo wannabe dictators. Coming to the church, armed with guns and Tasers and handcuffs to intimidate during Passover Celebration?

Well, I guess that’s what it is, they want to enslave us all like the Egyptians did. They want to be Pharaohs of today. People, if you’re not… wake up, stand up, I don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow if Canadians will not rise up. Look at what’s happening in Germany. Germany has been taken over by fascism. The wannabe Hitlers are already ruling.

You cannot even leave for one city to another, it’s a total lockdown. If you won’t be vaccinated like a dog or a cat you won’t be able to buy or sell, or go to school, or work. Is that he future you want? Is that what you want for your children or your grandchildren? Seriously? Is that the future of Canada? Unbelievable.

Friends, you have to join the fight. We have rallies. We are meeting every week and we need numbers. We need to stand up against them and we need to file lawsuits against them. Craziness right now, while we still have the window of opportunity. Because if we don’t do it now we won’t have tomorrow. Our rights are being taken away from us so quickly it’s unbelievable.”