
Canadian Pastor Who Kicked Police Out of Church Screaming ‘Out Nazi Gestapo!’ Wins Appeal Against Gov’t

(TNC) The Alberta Court of Appeals has ruled in favor of Pastor Artur Pawlowski who was arrested, jailed and fined for continuing to preach in breach of Alberta’s Covid-19 lockdowns. 

Pastor Artur Pawlowski, of the Cave of Adullam congregation in Calgary, became a prominent figure following an April 2021 Easter service, in which he threw armed police out of his church when they attempted to inspect it for Covid-19 compliance. He was arrested multiple times and held at Edmonton Remand Centre, Canada’s largest prison.

Now, the Alberta Court of Appeal ruled that the injunction against him, his arrest, his jail time, the censorship order and fines against him were illegal.

Justice Barbara Lea Veldhuis, Justice Michelle Crighton and Justice Jo’ Anne Strekaf ordered Alberta Health Services (AHS) to reimburse Pawlowski and his brother, Dawid, for the costs of their appeal and the return of any fines and penalties paid, Rebel News reports.

The appeals panel concluded the original injunction banning protests in the name of public health “was not sufficiently clear and unambiguous.”

The judgement released Friday morning reads, “The Pawlowskis’ appeals are allowed. The finding of contempt and the sanction order are set aside. The fines that have been paid by them are to be reimbursed. “

“The chambers judge awarded costs to AHS payable by the Pawlowskis jointly in the amount of $15,733.50, calculated at…. to continue reading, click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Rachel Emmanuel and published at TNC.


Viral Canadian Pastor Released from Court Order to Recite Disclaimer when Speaking against COVID Mandates

(Lifesitenews) Christian pastor Artur Pawlowski will no longer have to promote the government COVID narrative when speaking against virus rules and vaccines after winning a court appeal. 

According to a Rebel News report, on Thursday, Justice Jo’Anne Strekaf of the Alberta Court of Appeal tossed an extreme sentence handed to Pawlowski and his brother Dawid Pawlowski by Alberta Justice Adam Germain in October, that limited their free speech. Strekaf also stayed a travel ban imposed on the brothers. 

Germain’s order mandated that the Pawlowski brothers – who have been critical of the Alberta governments’ COVID rules along with the jabs – had to state official government propaganda regarding the virus each time they challenged government rules in public. 

Germain wrote that as a “final” term of his probation order, that Pawlowski and his brother must say COVID jabs “save lives” whenever he speaks out against them. The order was imposed on October 13, when both…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Anthony Murdoch and published at LifeSiteNews