
Woke Church Puts on ‘Drag Bingo’ to Raise Money For Worship Team

MCC Toronto is a “vibrant and progressive church rooted in the Christian tradition and the 2SLGBTQ+ community” that is “open and welcoming to everyone, and a Human Rights Centre that is fiercely committed to social justice,” at least according their website.

Led by “non-binary” impastor Rev. Deana Dudley and a “transgendered woman” named Rev. Junia Joplin, as well as a cadre of three-pronouned assistants, they run the joint with the full blessing of Satan, who has most assuredly taken up residence in the hearts in the minds of the congregation.

In fact, we featured Dudley yesterday in her bizarre barefoot bathroom video.

The “church” recently announced that they are hosting a “Drag Bingo Extravanganza” to raise money to support their choir, because the Lord loves worship funded by drag shows and gambling.

Drag queen Messy Margaret and special guest Madee Lovegoo will host the event. Tickets are available online and will also be sold from the church Info Desk during their Sunday worship service.

Your extravaganza will incorporate four rounds of bingo (bingo cards are $2 each) with performances by our fabulous drag queens!  A cash bar will be available.


Carl Lentz Hints at Ministry Comeback Despite Long History of Sexual Deviance and Predatory Behavior?

In November 2020, Carl Lentz was ousted from the pastorate of Hillsong, NY, after it was revealed that he was having an adulterous affair with a New York City-based designer named Ranin Karim. Though his bombshell got him fired, it was only one of many affairs, according to leaked audio from Hillsong leadership.

Rather than a so-called “one-time mistake,” which is inexcusable but at least partially understandable, Lentz exemplified predatory sexual behavior for years, including grooming behavior, resulting in several sexual encounters and acts of deviance that he instigated.

Many of these were outlined in a 51-page barn-burner of a booklet titled “Internal Investigation Report Regarding Carl Lentz and Other Matters” that was commissioned by the leadership in early 2021, including:

While he was engaged in a relationship with Karim (in 2020) , Lentz also revealed that he engaged in another “inappropriate relationship” with a woman he met in August or September 2020 he listed in his contacts as “Germany.” He said he met her at a deli in Brooklyn.

“He stated that he saw this woman two times and that their contact was sexual in nature but did not involve sexual intercourse. He stated that Germany is not affiliated with the church and she did not participate in or attend Hillsong.

He also was uncovered to be involved in frequent sketchy massages from various women/ prostitutes:

Lentz … described receiving frequent massages, though he would not provide details. In particular, despite his obligations to cooperate pursuant to his severance agreement, Lentz refused to answer questions regarding whether the massages he received were sexual in nature.

Laura Lentz stated that she had ‘hunches’ and ‘vibes’ that the massages were ‘a bit strange’ and that in 2019 the routine of Lentz receiving massages became more of a night time occurrence. Review of Lentz’s text messages showed masseuses quoting Lentz for the cost of massages and also other sexual acts.”

And his long terms sexual relationship with his Nanny:

“Last year (2021), Leona Kimes, who served as a nanny for Lentz and his wife for seven years and currently leads Hillsong Boston with her husband, Josh Kimes, accused Lentz of “repeated sexual touching” in a post on Medium. Through a legal representative, Lentz at the time denied the allegations. 

In this report, however, Lentz, who describes Leona Kimes as someone who “got her identity from the Lentz family,” admits to subliminally encouraging a relationship with the married Kimes with whom he engaged in at least 20 but less than 100 sex acts which he described as “manipulated intimacy.”

Despite these confessions, along with multiple scandals involving over-the-top spending, a church atmosphere of bullying and intimidation, and preferential treatment of celebrities at Hillsong NY, Lentz has hinted at a comeback, or at least a mysterious new project that would put him more in the public eye.

While currently employed as a church strategist at the gong show that is Transformation Church, under the leadership of impastor Mike Todd, Lentz released a new mysterious Instagram video with the heading “JUNE 4…new chapter.”

The post has nearly 11,000 “likes” and tons of words of encouragement from people such as Transformation Church pastors Tim Ross and William Heckenbach, Vous Church’s Rich Wilkerson, Elevation Roanoke’s Micah Isaiah, Hillsong Sweden’s Lead Pastor Andreas Nielsen, Chris Kuti, the worship pastor at Josh Howerton’s Lakepointe Church, and many others.

The overwhelming majority of the comments are filled with words of encouragement for Lentz, urging him to consider returning to ministry. Some even express their hope for him to lead an imagined “Transformation Church NY.” However, a few have pointed out that he’s disqualified from the ministry because of his predatory and scandalous behavior.

While the impression from the bulk of the commenters is that Lentz is returning to ministry, it could just as easily be a new job, book, or project. Though, knowing what a narcissist Lentz was before the fall, we don’t see a world where he doesn’t return to the pulpit very, very soon.


Dallas Jenkins’ ‘The Chosen’ Cuts Ties With Mormon Studio Over Breach of Contract

Dallas Jenkins has announced that he and The Chosen have formally cut ties with Angel Studio, the Mormon media conglomerate that helped create, fund, and distribute the hit TV show, after an arbiter found multiple material breaches of contract on behalf of the studio. The ruling allows The Chosen to terminate their contract, part ways for good, and manage and distribute the show as they see fit and in a way that is economically sustainable, but will do little to offset other controversies Dallas and the show have been involved in:

While Angel Studios (then known as Vidcom) helped launch the show in 2017, The Chosen entered into a new license agreement and contract with them in 2022. Shortly thereafter, they accused Angel of monkeying about and breaching their contract, causing the latter to seek a termination.

Disagreements and legal wrangling over the show have impacted its release schedule, resulting in long delays between seasons – three seasons in five years. Rather than sue, however, Dallas and his team entered arbitration, which recently ruled in his favor. Dallas explained in a live stream:

Our contention is that shortly after the agreement (in 2022) Angel studios breached our contract on multiple occasions to the extent that we believed and should be terminated which would dissolve our relationship with Angel.

Angel, of course, disagrees with that assessment, and ultimately the only way to solve the dispute was to exercise the provision in the contract where we engaged a third party arbitrator. We wanted to solve this in a biblical way, which was to not make it a public spectacle. Private arbitration was the only way to do this in a way that didn’t harm the show or the reputation of Jesus and this project.

Jenkins insisted that “no one was doing this for greed or spite or for more fame or to go “Hollywood” but rather because they want “this show to reach over a billion people” and had “significant differences of opinion on how to do that and what our future should be.”

The move should help assuage some critics who have accused the show of being beholden to their Mormon studio partnership that now has no involvement with the series, but it will likely do little to stem criticism over the series’ theological inaccuracies and mischaracterizations of the biblical account.

As for Angel Studios, for whom The Chosen has been by far their largest and most lucrative property, they have removed all references of it from their website, saying in a statement:

“Sadly, The Chosen, Inc has terminated its agreement with Angel Studios. We hope that one day the agreement may be restored. The team at Angel Studios is so happy we were able to be instrumental in the founding of The Chosen and thrilled our long hours of hard work over the last 8 years helped it become the worldwide success it is.”

Note: Perhaps Angel Studios will get involved with the similarly named yet overtly Mormon TV series The Promised, which looks to have The Chosen in its sights.


Slain in the Spirit or Brain-Swelling Seizure? Help Us Decide Which!

‘Prophet’ John Anosike is the President and Senior Pastor of New World Faith Ministries (Spirit Revelation Ecclesia), a “multi-cultural, highly dynamic ministry with a membership of over 8000” in Cape Town, South Africa.

More particularly, he’s a prosperity-preaching heretic who routinely falsely claims to raise people from the dead, commit miraculous healings like curing cancer and AIDS, and regrowing lost limbs. He routinely takes trips to heaven when he hangs out with Jesus and God, getting supernatural and direct revelation which he then returns to earth and shares. Notably, he describes himself as “The Last Trumpet” and the “custodian of a dimension” on account of being able to bring heaven to earth.

We’ve covered twice after we were convinced he was throwing acid in people’s faces during a church service, and after he posted “super realistic” footage of him raising someone from the dead.

During a recent service, Anosike is seen praying for people and then watching them as they hit the floor, insisting that the camera zoom in on their faces while their eyes flutter and turn white, enthralled in some sort of demonic trance at what he has wrought.


James River Church Quietly Purges Infamous Anti-Mark Driscoll Sermon, But We’ve Kept a Copy

Last month we revealed that James River Church, led by John Lindell, was paying tithe money to promote their now infamous sermon rebuking Mark Driscoll for calling out the sword-swallower performer at the Stronger Men’s Conference. 

During the promoted message, Lindell accused Driscoll of spreading “demonic lies” about Alex Magala, the entertainer whom he describes as a married, church-going, born-again Christian whose act was the cause of much furor at the men’s event. 

Lindell also took Driscoll to task for spreading lies and falsehoods about James River Church and for seeking to sow division and behaving duplicitously towards him and his family, insisting “Mark has repeatedly engaged in sinful behavior…to sell books, get clicks.”

In short, it was a barn burner against Driscoll, publicly calling him to repent for his ungodly, immature, cowardly and unchristlike behavior to an audience of hundreds of thousands of people. (The sermon also contained many falsehoods about Magala’s Christian faith, demonstrably so)

Despite doubling and tripling down, the sermon, from April 17, 2024, has since been purged from the church’s YouTube channel and Facebook page without any reference to where it went or why it was removed. 

But things are never quite gone, are they? 

As part of our theological catalog, we have saved a copy of it for posterity and reference here and below:

Bethel Toes Miracle Update! We Have Verified ‘After’ Pictures of ‘Regrown Toes’ + You Will be Disappointed
Website ‘’ Launches After Woman Claims Amputated Toes Slowly Regrown During Bill Johnson Sermon
Pastor at Center of ‘Regrown Toes Miracle’ Announces He’s Stepping Down
Christian Men’s Conference Features Flames, Explosions, and Monster Truck Madness

For more stories about Mark Driscoll:

Mark Driscoll Featured in ‘Demon Slayer Exorcist’ Movie. That Tracks
Mark Driscoll Cries and Whines While He Strawmans Cessationists
Mark Driscoll Meets Up With Steven Furtick, Thanks Him for ‘Preaching Jesus’
Nearly 40 Former Mars Hill Elders Issue New Statement: Mark Driscoll is ‘Unfit’ and ‘Unrepentant’
Cultish Bullying! Mark Driscoll Hired 24/7 Surveillance on Congregant + More Abusive Behavior
Mark Driscoll asks for $850,000 in ‘Year End Push’ To Promote Church Influence
Mark Driscoll Lies About Where His Bible Came From
Jordan Peterson’s Daughter Promotes Mark Driscoll’s Church+ Driscoll Plays the Bully
Liar Liar? Mark Driscoll Claims Book Was Banned From Amazon, So Why Is It Still There?
Mark Driscoll’s New Promo Material for an Upcoming Sex Sermon Series is Something Else
Mark Driscoll Claims Mars Hills Elders Tried to Oust Him From Church Using False Allegations of Adultery

h.t Grant Olson


Pope Francis Says There is Too Much “F*ggotry” In Roman Catholic Seminaries

Catholic Newspapers are reporting that Pope Francis has dropped the queer equivalent of the n-bomb during a discussion with Italian Bishops over whether or gay men should not be allowed to become priests. 

While there is no such thing as a ‘good’ pope, since they are the head of an evil and wicked heterodox church, Francis has been particularly noxious and vexatious, doing things like affirming the faith of Joe Biden and saying he would never refuse him communion because the President’s love for abortion is between him and God, endorsing civil unions for gay couples, appointing multiple pro-choice people to his pro-life organization, appointing a notorious pro-LGBTQ priest to a major post, releasing an outrageously blasphemous statement, and insisting that “people are fundamentally good” and that “the heart itself is good.” 

Discussion at the meeting revolved around the content of the document ‘Ratio Formationis Sacerdotalis,’ which regulates entrance and admittance standards into Roman Catholic seminaries. The Italian Bishops conference was debating what standards would be imposed on celibate homosexual applicants, and Francis, surprisingly, reportedly took a strong stance against all of it, using the noted slang. According to Reuters:

“Pope Francis used a highly derogatory term towards the LGBT community as he reiterated in a closed-door meeting with Italian bishops that gay people should not be allowed to become priests, Italian media reported on Monday.

La Repubblica and Corriere della Sera, Italy’s largest circulation dailies, both quoted the pope as saying seminaries, or priesthood colleges, are already too full of “frociaggine”, a vulgar Italian term roughly translating as “faggottness.”

American Magazine further reveals that “Francis made the remarks during a 90-minute, closed-door meeting in the Vatican’s old synod hall with the more than 200 members of the Italian bishops’ conference last Monday, May 20” and that “various sources here say the pope’s use of “frociaggine” was a gaffe on the part of the pope, rather than a slur, given the pope’s “Who am I to judge?” attitude toward gay priests.”


Former SBC President Ed Young Resigns From Megachurch After 46 Years

Former Southern Baptist President and megachurch pastor Ed Young has announced he’s stepping down from his role as Senior Pastor of Houston’s Second Baptist Church, a position he’s held for more than 46 years. 

Young, 87, is one of the most prominent pastors in the SBC and in Christianity at large, growing his congregation from 280 people to over 78,000 spread across six campuses, making it one of the largest in the country. 

He told members during this past Sunday service that while he was stepping down from this particular role, he would not cease serving the church. He plans on continuing preaching at different campuses if and when asked, and would be joining his wife Lisa, who he married in 2020 after his first wife passed away in 2017, on any ministry endeavors they could do together.  

“I will be 88 years old this August. Two weeks ago, I thought I was in the red zone and maybe in the two-minute zone because I know I’m in the last quarter of my life. But Lisa and I have gone through all kinds of medical things, and amazingly. So I stand up here happy and reasonably healthy and ready to serve God.”

We’re not stepping down; we’re stepping up to use our primary spiritual gifts. I’m stepping up to maximize what God has given me and what God has given to my great wife, Lisa.”

Houston, who is the father of pastor Ed Young Jr. or Fellowship Church in Grapevine, Texas, said that his other son Ben Young, one of the pastors at Second Baptist, would be taking over the senior leadership role. 

Notably, Young has not mellowed out in age but rather has become increasingly outspoken about political issues that have gotten him in hot water with progressives, including calling President Biden “godless,” railing against the Democrats, decrying rampant and unrestrained immigration (and immigrants themselves, using particularly harsh invectives), and taking shots at the demonic transgender ideology.


Former SBC Seminary Professor and Interim Provost, Matt Queen, Indicted for Obstructing Justice

(The Dissenter) Matt Queen, a former professor and interim provost at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (SWBTS), has been federally indicted on charges of obstructing justice. The indictment, announced by the Department of Justice on May 21, 2024, alleges that Queen provided falsified notes to the FBI during an investigation into sexual misconduct at the seminary.

Matt Queen has been a prominent figure in Southern Baptist circles, particularly known for his role at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Queen held the… to continue reading click here.

This article was written and published at the Dissenter


Charismatic Prophetess Encourages Christians to Practice Their Exorcism Skills by Casting Demons Out Of Each Other

Like a younger version of Kat Kerr before she started smoking the electric lettuce or eating the devil’s jambalaya, Emma Stark is an up-and-coming heretic prophetess from Ireland. She founded the Glasgow Prophetic Center with her husband in 2019 and describes herself as “a prophet who hears from God’, ’a traveling lecturer in spirituality’ and ’a church pastor.‘ We’eve covered her a few times in our posts:

Prophetess Kidnapped By God to Heaven After…Sitting Down on the Toilet?
Prophetess Explains the Importance of Casting Demons Out of Yourself ‘You Just Blow Them Out’
Prophetess Claims She Battled ‘Underground’ Demons…LITERALLY ‘Under the Ground’
Prophetess: ‘Grooming Demons’ Will Capture You With ‘Lassos’ to Keep you from Financial Prosperity

Jumping on the “Deliverance Ministry” bandwagon, Stark is now offering a nine-week course on “demon busting,” where for only $49, she will “guide you in lessons on demonology, spiritual warfare, and deliverance.” After completing this course, you will be a “strategic demonbuster and deliverance warrior” and will “walk away understanding the wiles of your enemy, walking in your heavenly authority, and operating from a place of spiritual warfare sophistication.”

In a promo for her new ministry, Stark reveals that when you cast a demon out of someone, that “puts the kingdom back in” and offers that if Christians want to learn how to start in deliverance ministry, after buying her course:

I think you need to get a small group together and start practicing on each other it’s something that grows with experience.”

h/t to Revealing Truth on YouTube


Disgraced PCA Pastor Liam Goligher Officially Suspended by PA Presbytery For Refusing To Cooperate in Church Discipline Proceedings

Former ‘Tenth Presbyterian Church’ minister Liam Goligher has been officially suspended indefinitely by PCA’s Philadelphia Presbytery, months after it was revealed Goligher had been involved in an adulterous affair with deaconess Susan Elzey, being arrested and cited for sexual activity in a park many years ago, causing the well-respected minister to resign in disgrace and subject himself to church discipline. 

Only, it hasn’t happened. 

According to Anglican Watch, Goligher has been suspended indefinitely for contumacy, which the Presbyterian Church in America defines as refusing to cooperate in church disciplinary proceedings. According to a public Statement from the Philadelphia Presbytery:

In the name of the Presbyterian Church in America, the ad hoc Judicial Commission of the Philadelphia Presbytery in regards to TE Liam Goligher finds him contumacious:

BCO 32-6… b. When an accused person shall appear and refuse to plead, or otherwise refuse to cooperate with lawful proceedings, he shall be dealt with for his contumacy (cf. BCO 33-2; 34-4).

BCO 34-4. a. When a minister accused of an offense is found contumacious (cf. 32-6), he shall be immediately suspended from the sacraments and his office for his contumacy. Record shall be made of the fact and of the charges under which he was arraigned, and the censure shall be made public. The censure shall in no case be removed until the offender has not only repented of his contumacy, but has also given satisfaction in relation to the charges against him.

The accused objectively hindered the proceedings of this court, and acted against the peace, unity and purity of the Church, and the honor and majesty of the Lord Jesus Christ, as the King and Head thereof.

Because of TE Goligher’s refusal to comply with the lawful proceedings of this court in defiance of BCO 32-6b, these proceedings are hindered and continuing without due repentance from TE Goligher for his contumacy poses a serious risk to the well being of witnesses and victims named in these proceedings.

In accord with BCO 34-4, TE Liam Goligher is:

  • “Immediately suspended from the sacraments and his office for his contumacy.”

This censure:

  • “Shall be made public.”
  • “Shall in no case be removed until the offender has not only repented of his contumacy, but has also given satisfaction in relation to the charges against him.”

Almighty God, we humbly ask that you would follow this act of discipline with your blessing.

Executed this day, May 20, 2024

If Goligher doesn’t begin cooperating soon, he can expect to be formally excommunicated.