
Former Hillsong Pastor Carl Lentz Announces He’s Launching New Podcast, Ending ‘New Chapter’ Speculation

Disgraced former Hillsong pastor Carl Lentz has revealed the “new chapter” of his life he’s about to embark on, announcing in an Instagram Post that he is launching a new podcast, ending speculation (for now) that he is about to return to the ministry.

Lentz was famously ousted from the pastorate of Hillsong NY, after it was revealed that he was having an adulterous affair with a New York City-based designer named Ranin Karim.

Though this bombshell got him fired, it was only one of many affairs, with multiple instances of adultery and accusations of grooming and clergy sexual abuse being raised against him, most of which he has admitted to. Following his canning, he spent some time out of the public eye altogether until he took a job as a “church strategist at Transformation Church, where he has remained low-key until now.

Lentz revealed in a new Instagram post that he’s launching a new podcast show on June 4, titled “Lights on with Carl Lentz,” explaining the concept:

My choices, and the road toward recovery taught me how helpful it is to have people share vulnerably the impact of their bad choices, the pain they caused, and the pain they suffered that led them to make those choices, and what they’ve discovered can be helpful and healing.

My hope is that in sharing those things from my story and asking others to share theirs, it will be helpful, hopeful and healing. 

Lentz added that he’s “thankful” for where he is today, that he’s “confident of the future, content in the present and healed enough to speak to the past is miraculous.”


‘Happy Pride! Elmo Loves You.’ Elmo and Sesame Street Celebrate Pride Month+ Target Two-Year-Olds

Everything is gay and getting gayer in the secular world, and kids shows continue to be no exception. Several recent offerings include when Blue’s Clues Reboot Featured Drag Queen Sing-along at LGBTQ Parade, the time when the Cartoon Network Promoted Abortion and Ze/Zir Pronouns and when Disney Introduced 14-year-old as First Bisexual Lead Character in ‘Owl House’. Also the cartoon Arthur had a Gay Wedding the most recently,  Rugrats reboot features a Lesbian Single Mom, the Scooby-Doo animated film Had ‘Velma’ Officially Coming Out as Lesbian, the PBS Kid’s Show ‘Odd Squad’ Featured a Same-Sex Wedding, and Blue’s Clues Reboot Features Drag Queen Sing-Along+ Ft, ‘Trans Beaver’ with ‘Top Scars’

Perhaps the biggest piece of propaganda that is emblematic of this whole affair is when Disney Junior pushed trans ideology on two-year-old’s using Muppet Babies.

Gonzo Goes Gay- ‘Muppet Babies Pushes Trans Agenda to 2-Year-Olds

There’s always more on the horizon, however, as Sesame Street, whose target audience is 2-3 year olds, recently shared on X an homage to #PrideMonth.

It’s not the first time; last year, they posted a video of Elmo expressing his job at celebrating the homage to homosexual perversion, with his “host” offering, “We want to uplift and celebrate our LGBTQIA+ family, friends and communities” and Elmo rejoining “Happy Pride! Elmo loves you.”

It’s relentless, and it’ll only get worse.


‘I just have to start with my testimony of Jesus Christ.’ Mormon Glenn Beck Casts Himself as Faithful Believer at ‘Christian’ Men’s Conference

Noted member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Glenn Beck, took to the stage at the Fearless Roll Call 2.0 conference yesterday morning, regaling hundreds of men with tales of George Washington’s escapades while sharing an extended personal testimony that urged his audience to “surrender to Jesus Christ.”

During his message, Beck positioned himself as a true believer who is part of the family of God, and not a single person attending shared a word of rebuke or repudiation otherwise.

We have been highly critical of the prominent Mormon’s presence at the Fearless conference, much to the chagrin of many who would rather we stay quiet about it, from Mormon Radio show hosts to conference organizer Jason Whitlock, who has previously affirmed Beck as a Christian and recently told us to “kiss” his “butt” following our initial first article.

Yet our concerns have been simple: of what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? What does light have with polytheist cultists? We appreciate much of what the Blaze founder does as much as the next person, recognizing the heavy price he’s paid for exposing the evil in our nation, but what does welcoming Beck and platforming him as a Christian brother say about the truth and exclusivity of the gospel to Christians and Mormons alike?

What message does it send to Mormons, who in recent years have been desperate and insistent on being seen as just another Christian denomination, rather than a blasphemous, heretical cult of damned and deluded false converts that are leading millions upon millions to hell?

We seek to minister to and save Mormons from their sins, snatching them from the flames. We don’t send them soul comforts and false assurances that they are part of the family of God.

If Fearless were a generic men’s conference that Beck was speaking at, that would be one thing. But this event was specifically and intentionally marketed as a conference for Christians and has every hallmark of being one. Public prayers, praise and worship, times of confessions, rousing speeches and messages, several sermons by well-known preachers, and tons of scripture quoted throughout.

We were told that while prominent preachers like Voddie Baucham and E.W Jackson would be preaching sermons, Beck would simply be giving a history lesson with nary an involvement in the spiritual discourse.

How wrong that turned out to be.

The event kicked off with a presentation from Preborn, the headline sponsor, then Jason Whitlock invited Anthony Walker to open up the event in prayer:

“Father God we thank you for today. We thank you for all of your many blessings. Father you tell us in your word ‘how good and pleasant it is for men to dwell together in unity‘.

We’re thankful for all these men who have come from all over to unite to be called together, but to be called by Your word…In the mighty name of Jesus we pray, and all the men said (in union) “AMEN”

Voddie Baucham spoke first, giving a sermon on manhood and masculinity, quoting the scriptures to demonstrate that the war against men and marriage is ultimately a war against God and his church, which marriage is an image of. Following the sermon, Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina, Mark Robinson spoke, and then Beck, who, just as we called it, used his time to give an extended testimony while repeatedly framing himself as a believer.

All the while, not one person got up and rebuked him, shouted him down, or apologized later from the stage for allowing Beck to speak.

The irony of this happening at a Men’s conference on the theme of being fearless is not lost on us.

Beck shared:

“I just have to start with my testimony of Jesus Christ. I am an alcoholic. I grew up in an abusive family- Mark’s story and my story are kind of similar….

But you can break the cycle. My mother committed suicide when I was 13 years old. She was an alcoholic. My father was an alcoholic when he died. And child abuse happened in our family and in his family and in his family-for generations it happened.

And it was my decision after I sobered up: we’re gonna break this in our family once and for all. And it is hard to do, and there’s only one way to do it. Surrender to Jesus Christ. That’s it.

And that’s what our country needs to do. And unfortunately, the only way you can do that is if you’re driven to your knees. I had no other place, I was on my carpet. I was living in an apartment complex, I had lost my family and my children and my job and everything else. And I was on the carpet in this little apartment that I called the ‘United Nations building’ because I was the only one that lived there that spoke any English.

And I remember being on the ground feeling sorry for myself. And I realized I was either going to repeat my mother’s life or I was gonna get up, and get up every day after, and beg the Lord for help. Three years later, I was baptized, and my life changed overnight. Whatever is happening in your life, shed it. Shed it. You are so much more powerful.”

He continues:

Believe me, I wouldn’t be able to be here today. Mark (Robinson) knows about the media. He wouldn’t make it. I wouldn’t have made it if I had something to hide. You terrify people when you have nothing to hide. You’re like, ‘Well, we’re gonna be looking into you.’ ‘Go ahead.’ And you terrify them.

…Well, this has been a slow impact. We won’t make it through the next New Year’s if men don’t stand up, men of God and peace, people who understand the full armor of God. That’s not sending you into a war with a gun, that’s sending you into battle with God and the truth and peace and the sword of that truth, His word.

They are afraid. Why do you think they’re silencing everybody? They are terrified of the truth. Speak the truth. If you don’t know how to find the truth, get your face back into the scriptures; the only thing that will be your compass now in these confusing times, because remember ‘even the very elect will be deceived.’

You must be one with the spirit of God. You must have the ever-present spirit of the Holy Spirit with you. And when It says turn around, go back, head the other way, you better do it. And it’s a muscle. The more you obey, the stronger the Voice gets…

The morning sessions concluded with a prayer from Virgil Walker (Of G3 Ministries) saying a prayer over the meal, thanking the Lord for the “opportunity to join together as brothers and under the message of the gospel.”

“Let me pray for you. Father God, we give you thanks and praise for today for the opportunity to join together as brothers and under the message of the gospel, we’re grateful for your word, your truth that we’re standing here on that truth. Pray that you bless the food that we’re about to receive. Pray that you bless the conversations that will be had. We ask all this in Jesus’ name, amen. Enjoy your lunch.


Last Week, False Prophetess Julie Green Claimed God Told Her Trump Would Win Trial

Julie Green is the associate pastor at Faith Family Fellowship and the head of Julie Green Ministries. She believes she operates in the ‘office of the prophets’ and speaks directly from God to the people, daily recording and sharing words of the Lord, including past claims Trump would be restored to the presidency in 2021 and 2022, that Mitt Romney and Liz Cheney will be tried for treason, that Nancy Pelosi and other prominent Democrats would die before the 2022 midterms, and that Canada would soon join Iran to attack the USA.

Given her predilection to be as crazy as a rat in a coffee can and possessing a 0% accuracy rating with her mountain of false prophecies, she’s one of the worst critters in Christendom today and is undoubtedly speaking for Satan. Simply put, she is an enemy of Christ. Despite being proven to be wrong over and over again, she still has a massive audience, with most videos getting between 125k-350k views on Rumble alone. 

Late last year she prophecied that God would restore Trump (my David) to the presidency before the election, and just a week ago she claimed that God told her former President Donald Trump would win his trial, ensuring her title of never having prophecied a single thing right.


United Methodists Lose One Million Members in One Day, After Oversees Contingent Cuts Ties Over Same-Sex Support

In a continued blistering indictment against the destructive and damned United Methodist Church denomination, their largest overseas jurisdiction has voted to cut ties with them over their support of same-sex marriage and all things gay at their General Conference earlier this month, resulting in a loss of over a million members in a single day.

The United Methodist Church in the Ivory Coast (EMUCI), which has been vocal about the denomination’s drift, held an extraordinary session on May 28th and pulled the trigger, casting their votes to disaffiliate “For reasons of conscience before God and His word, the supreme authority in matters of faith and life.”

Denominational leaders within the EMUCI have been unyielding in their resistance to the LGBTQ, declaring that their American counterparts “deviate from the Holy Scriptures” and prefer “to sacrifice its honor and integrity to honor the LGBTQ community.”

Unlike the UMC, the EMUCI has been growing steadily and has long been the denomination’s largest conference, along with being one of the most vocal against the direction they’ve been heading. This split was foreshadowed earlier this month at the General Conference, when the President of the EMCUI, Bishop Benjamin Boni, told those gathered as a result of their move to embrace LGBTQ deviancy: “The United Methodist Church now rests on socio-cultural values that have consumed its doctrinal and disciplinary integrity.”


A.I. Event Seeks to Connect ‘2.5 Billion Christians’ in Simultaneous Worldwide Prayer and Worship

Gather25 is inviting all the Christians of the world, every denomination living on every continent, for a 25-hour event of simultaneous worship and prayer that will harness the power of Artificial Intelligence to ensure it is seen and heard in every tongue and language.

On March 1, 2025, Gather25, which is “led by a collection of ministries, partners, and leaders,” will use live-streaming powered by A.I. translation technology to enable the Global Church to “connect together for prayer, worship, repentance and commissioning.”

“Each continent will host a portion of the 25 hours. There will be stories told of what God is doing on each continent. There will be powerful times of worship. And there will be a worldwide “sending out” of the workers to the harvest.”

Jennie Allen, the founder Gather25, said that the idea came to her after she had a vision of the second coming of Christ, and was concerned for the soul of the world if Jesus came back soon. She told Premier Christian News:

“For the first time in history, the entire Church is actually able to gather. We are inviting all 2.5 billion people who love Jesus to come together to pray, to see stories of the Church, and to commission them to become missionaries wherever they are to reach the ends of the earth.”   

Of course, the idea that there are 2.5 billion believers in the world is laughable. The number of Christians is likely less than a tenth of that number, but Allen and Gather25 count anyone who professes to believe in the Nicene Creed to be counted among them.

The event is being sponsored by Barna, Radical, Global Advance, CRU, Luis Lapau, Jesus Film Project, Alpha, World Evangelical Alliance, RightNow Media, If: Gathering, Bible Project, Arise Asia, Global 2033, Revive Europe Movement, and Messenger International.


Deranged Trump Prosecutor, Fani Willis, Gets Annointed With Holy Oil At Baptist Church Service

(The Dissenter) Progressives love to bully the right for taking a political stance in the pulpit, but nobody plays politics in the pulpit better than these radicalized, unhinged leftists. In a recently surfaced video clip, in a laughable display of political theater, Atlanta pastor Gregory Sutton anointed deranged Trump prosecutor, Fani Willis, with oil.

Willis’ appearance at Jackson Memorial Baptist “Church” took place during Sunday morning service on Pentecost Sunday on May 19.

It’s hard to… continue reading click here

This article was written and published at the Dissenter

News Op-Ed

Op-Ed: Louisiana Bill Designating Abortion Pills as ‘Controlled Substances’ Is a Pro-Life FAILURE

Last week the Louisiana Senate passed a bill designating the two drugs commonly used to terminate an early-stage pregnancy, misoprostol and mifepristone, as controlled substances, criminalizing the drugs without a prescription.

Having easily cleared the House and Senate, the bill, which Vice-President Kamala Harris described as “absolutely unconscionable,” is expected to be signed into law by Gov. Jeff Landry.

While pro-death Democrats are lamenting the legislation, which was initially created to stop men from secretly drugging their pregnant wives and girlfriends to induce an abortion, it is being lauded in equal measure by the Pro-life movement, flagging it as a significant victory for “life.”

It is not, and we agree with Kamala Harris. We view this as a particularly nasty piece of legislation that is unconscionable, though not for the same reason she does.

We abhor this bill because it is a blunted, impotent, and powerless piece of legislation that is not worth the paper it’s written on. The only thing worse than the bill is how badly pro-life advocates are spinning it as something we should celebrate rather than an object of disdain and scorn.

The bill purports to stop the use of abortion pills in a “reckless manner” while still fully allowing them to be used in a “non-reckless” manner.” The bill is clear. “It shall not be a violation of this subsection for a pregnant woman to possess mifepristone or misoprostol for her own consumption.”

And in the case of its designed, weak intent, it only criminalizes the pill-drugging deaths of babies more than three months old, clearly sending the message that pre-born victims under three months are sub-human and unworthy of equal protection under the law.

In Louisiana, any woman can freely order and take abortion pills to kill her baby any time she wants, without punishment, without consequences, and without fear of legal reprisal.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

Louisiana has a supermajority of professing pro-lifers in both the House and the Senate. They have all the tools, all the power, but none of the will. Instead of passing decisive legislation in the state that bans the sale and distribution of abortion drugs- baby poison in pill form- they give the citizenry this. It is a mockery. It is grotesque.

Sam Riley, the Media Director for the abortion abolitionist group Abolitionists Rising has echoed our concern about the effectiveness of the bill, telling us in a statement:

Pro-lifers are willing to pursue any legislation except the abolition of abortion. SB 276 is another regulatory measure in a long line of toothless bills that the pro-life movement has pursued. Nothing in it will stop the flow of abortion pills to Louisiana from out of the country or from states that have shield laws.

The mother, the primary actor in abortion, is exempt from all punishment, which renders the bill useless. This brazen partiality will result in the continued murder of the innocent preborn. It is equally effective as attempting to put out a forest fire with a squirt gun.

Worse than that, pro-life activists are watching their houses burn down while actively keeping abolitionists away from the fire trucks and water bombers. Despite being able to stop the mass murder of children, the leaders threw a few crumbs at the pro-life movement who quickly slurped them up without ever making the demand for more.

Think of an award-winning chef with a fully stocked kitchen, the best ingredients, and a roomful of starving patrons predisposed to liking his cooking. Rather than create a meal that will satiate and satisfy, he makes a rancid soup filled with rotting vegetables and seasoned with his own urine.

The politicians in Louisiana have the power and the numbers to enact real change and serve up seven courses of baby-saving, but instead, the legislators relieve their bladders on the corpses of children and the pro-life activists lick their plates and ask for more.


Pope Apologizes For “F*ggotry” Slur

Pope Francis issued a rare apology after reports emerged accusing the spiritually bankrupt and Marxist pontiff (our words) of using the term “faggotry” to refer to gay people wanting to enter Roman Catholic Seminaries.

Matteo Bruni, the press office director for the Holy See, shared:

“Pope Francis is aware of articles that recently came out about a conversation, behind closed doors. The pope never intended to offend or express himself in homophobic terms, and he extends his apologies to those who were offended by the use of a term, reported by others.”

Notably, Bruni did not confirm that the pope used the word, which is par for the Vatican’s practice of not revealing closed-door conversation, but only that it was uttered. According to American Magazine:

It notably says the word was “referred [to] by others.” America has learned from informed sources who wish to remain anonymous that Francis repeated the word that had been used by one or more bishops during the 90-minute question-and-answer session with the Italian bishops in the Vatican’s old synod hall.

Something similar happened earlier this year when Francis was interviewed by a journalist for Swiss media. The interviewer then asked whether Ukraine should raise “the white flag,” and Francis repeated the words “white flag” in his response. That statement gave rise to much controversy, with many in the media claiming that the pope was suggesting that Ukraine surrender

Earlier this week, Italy’s largest papers quoted Francis as saying that their Catholic seminaries are already too full of “frociaggine”, an Italian term that translates “faggottness” or “faggotry.”

While there is no such thing as a ‘good’ pope, since they are the head of an evil and wicked heterodox church, Francis has been particularly noxious and vexatious, doing things like affirming the faith of Joe Biden and saying he would never refuse him communion because the President’s love for abortion is between him and God, endorsing civil unions for gay couples, appointing multiple pro-choice people to his pro-life organization, appointing a notorious pro-LGBTQ priest to a major post, releasing an outrageously blasphemous statement, and insisting that “people are fundamentally good” and that “the heart itself is good.” 

Discussion at the meeting revolved around the content of the document ‘Ratio Formationis Sacerdotalis,’ which regulates entrance and admittance standards into Roman Catholic seminaries. The Italian Bishops conference was debating what standards would be imposed on celibate homosexual applicants, and Francis, surprisingly, reportedly took a strong stance against all of it, using the noted slang.


Woke Church Puts on ‘Drag Bingo’ to Raise Money For Worship Team

MCC Toronto is a “vibrant and progressive church rooted in the Christian tradition and the 2SLGBTQ+ community” that is “open and welcoming to everyone, and a Human Rights Centre that is fiercely committed to social justice,” at least according their website.

Led by “non-binary” impastor Rev. Deana Dudley and a “transgendered woman” named Rev. Junia Joplin, as well as a cadre of three-pronouned assistants, they run the joint with the full blessing of Satan, who has most assuredly taken up residence in the hearts in the minds of the congregation.

In fact, we featured Dudley yesterday in her bizarre barefoot bathroom video.

The “church” recently announced that they are hosting a “Drag Bingo Extravanganza” to raise money to support their choir, because the Lord loves worship funded by drag shows and gambling.

Drag queen Messy Margaret and special guest Madee Lovegoo will host the event. Tickets are available online and will also be sold from the church Info Desk during their Sunday worship service.

Your extravaganza will incorporate four rounds of bingo (bingo cards are $2 each) with performances by our fabulous drag queens!  A cash bar will be available.