
NHL Banning ALL Pride Jerseys Next Season After A Few Players Refused to Wear Them

NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman has announced that NHL players will no longer be allowed to wear specialty jerseys for pre-game warm-ups, particularly Pride jerseys, after a handful of players refused to wear them and caused an uproar on social media.

“I’ve suggested it would be appropriate for clubs not to change their jerseys in warm-ups because it’s become a distraction and taken away from the fact that all of our clubs, in some form or another, host nights in honour of various groups or causes, and we’d rather they continue to get the appropriate attention that they deserve and not be a distraction.

While the NHL is not disavowing Pride altogether, Bettman cited the refusal of several players to wear the Jerseys and the ensuing media attention that came with it as a leading cause for pulling the plug. Famously, Ivan Provorov of the Philadelphia Flyers, James Reiner of the San Jose Sharks, and Florida Panthers brothers Eric and Marc Staal refused to bow before the gay rainbow, with Reiner saying:

For all 13 years of my NHL career, I have been a Christian — not just in title but in how I choose to live my daily. I have a personal faith in Jesus Christ, who died on a cross for my sins and, in response, asks me to love everyone and to follow Him. I have no hate in my heart for anyone and I have always strived to treat everyone that I encounter with respect and kindness.

In this specific instance, I am choosing not to endorse something that is counter to my personal convictions which are based on the Bible, the highest authority in my life. I strongly believe that every person has value and worth and the LGBTQIA+ community, like all others, should be welcomed in all aspects of the game of hockey.”

Bettman noted that the refusals of these men brought unwanted chatter and undue attention, and that a blanket ban is the best way to minimize the noise.

(It) just become more of a distraction from really the essence of what the purpose of these nights are. We’re keeping the focus on the game. And on these specialty nights, we’re going to be focused on the cause.


PCA Passes Overture Condeming Sex-Changes For Children by 58% to 42% Vote

The theologically conservative Presbyterian Church in America had its General Assembly last week where they passed Overture 12: Petition Government to End Sex-change Procedures for Minors. The script calls for the denomination to petition the Biden administration to “renounce the sin” of encouraging and entrenching ‘gender-affirming care’ like puberty blockers and surgical intervention in minors.

The overture states that the PCA is “joyfully and confessionally committed to the Bible’s teaching on the complementarity of men and women” and that “medical and social interventions related to so-called sex change procedures are a rejection of God’s design that will prevent his blessing, grace, and joy to be experienced.”

It further calls sex-changes a rejection of science, argues that most minors with body dysphoria will grow out of it once they reach adulthood, condemns the government for removing children from parents who will not affirm their child transitioning, and says that the PCA must “make a stand” against doctors when they violate the Hippocratic Oath by transitioning children.

The Overture concludes with the promise of sending a petition to the Biden government and to elected officials in 50 states, which reads:

The vote was 1089-793, with the affirming side winning 58%-42%

Though that sounds very close, many Presbyterians opposed it not because they supported sex changes for children, but because they disagreed that it was the church’s role to petition the government over matters of public policy.

The Westminster Confession of Faith 31.4 says that “Synods and councils …are not to intermeddle with civil affairs which concern the commonwealth, unless by way of humble petition in cases extraordinary; or, by way of advice, for satisfaction of conscience, if they be thereunto required by the civil magistrate.”

The winning side argued that this petition qualified as an ‘extraordinary case’ while many opposed did not believe it rose to the occasion.


Mika Edmondson Says Jesus Turning Water into Wine is a ‘Justice Situation’ + Mary, Not Joseph, Was His Primary Bible Teacher Growing Up

Mika Edmondson is a frequent Gospel Coalition contributor and the lead pastor of the Koinonia campus of Christ Presbyterian Church in Nashville, which is part of the conservative PCA. He is the husband of Christina Edmonson, who is the “scholar in residence” at his church and who is also part of the Truth’s Table podcast- a ‘Christian” talk show which for years she co-hosted with pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ pastrix known for her sermon about the queerness of the Trinity.

We last wrote about Edmondson after he suggested that Jesus’s sermon on the mount was primarily inspired by, if not directly taught by, his mother, Mary

Now, appearing on a recent episode of the Truth’s Table podcast, he describes Jesus’ turning the water into wine at Cana as a ‘justice situation’ while making the baseless claim that Mary, not Joseph, was Jesus’ primary bible teacher. 

Jesus frees men from the ideological bondage of chauvinism and misogyny. And that is actually good news to men. And certainly that is good news to women, absolutely that’s good news to women, but it’s also good news to men, right? For us to be free from the devil’s bondage that would cause us to believe that we are superior to women, right? Because that robs us of wisdom, right?

Because there’s wisdom that God has given women that we as men need to learn. And Jesus exemplifies this, right? His primary Bible teacher growing up was actually his mother. And you see that because Mary’s Magnificat comes out in themes on the Sermon of the Mount.

And when Jesus is going to actually show the very first sign of his public ministry, he does it really in many ways in collaboration with his mother who noticed a situation going on, a justice situation happening of a person, a couple that was without, and a couple that needed some resources.

And Jesus here, he is stepping in in collaboration with his mother. And so Jesus really exemplifies throughout his life our calling as men to submit to the wisdom of wise women.


Aimee Byrd Torches Her ‘Uptight’ Old Church, Reveals THIS about Her New One

Former professing complementarian Aimee Byrd has ripped into her former church while revealing she now attends a church led by women pastors, highlighting the downgrade she’s been on and vindicating many who have been warning about her drift for years.

Once part of The Mortification of Spin, a podcast she co-hosted with Carl Trueman and Todd Pruitt, she was sent packing and expunged from the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals due to dissatisfaction with her polemical publications, particularly after her views of complementarian went from hard, to soft.

For years Byrd rebuffed any notion or concerns that she was on a progressive trajectory- a claim she categorically denied and then became upset that it was even suggested in the first place, despite ample evidence to the contrary. We noted our concerns with her four years ago, after we removed her book from our recommended reading list, two years before she was relieved of her duties on the show.

Byrd used to be far more conservative in her beliefs, hiding behind her denomination until she left it last year. During her discourses and online skirmishes, she would frequently point out her membership creds in the OPC as proof positive she’s sound in her beliefs. Then last year, she preached a very strange sermon to a mixed crowd during the Sunday morning service – something her former denomination expressly prohibited.

In a recent article titled Drunk on New Wine that brings everything full circle, she extolls the virtues of a youth-led church service, in part because it led by a pastrix, which she likens to the culmination of pentecost.

The children were collaborating with the adults in leading us to worship. To pray. To read the word of God to us. They were thinking about how the pastor’s sermon affects the lives of the congregation. Before preaching, the pastor credited them with their collaboration, mentioning that all the good parts were theirs and that she takes the responsibility for any parts that weren’t good….

Later, after noting that the “I told you Aimee is on a slippery slope” crowd can feel very vindicated”, Byrd took some potshots at her former denomination, the air acrid with her bite.

I walked away thinking how about how terribly uptight the churches I’ve worshipped so long in are. Quenching the Spirit. Managing Pentecost. Promoting an image that God speaks through the few. The special. The men. The “qualified.” Missing these wonders in the heaven above and the signs on the earth below.

Ultimately, the last five years of Byrd’s life and ministry represent a failure to be honest about what she believes and offer us a picture of what it looks like to reject labels even while covertly embracing them. With this part of her deconstruction complete, we wonder what the next stage will be.


Southern Baptist Pastor Gives False Prophecy about Women ‘Pastors’ in the SBC

Malachi O’Brien is the pastor of the Church at Pleasant Ridge in Harrisonville, Missouri. We wrote about him years ago after Ronnie Floyd appointed O’Brien to be the president of the Southern Baptist Convention’s influential Committee on Committees. Later that year, he became the SBC’s 2nd Vice President.

Our concern was that O’Brien has a long history of partnership and promotion of Mike Bickle (of the disgraced and discredited Kansas City Prophets) and The International House of Prayer that Bickle runs, which is a charismatic, dangerous cult where mind-numbing, hallucinogenic, trance-inducing repetitive ‘worship’ mantras, creepy prayer labyrinths and fire tunnels are church mainstays.

(If you aren’t aware of why Kansas City IHOP is a cult read this expose in Rolling Stone Magazine, the Love and Death in the International House of Prayer. Virtually any anti-cult expert or professional de-brainwashing psychologist would explain that the environment and culture at IHOP fits the definition of cult in every conceivable way. Every aspect of their “worship” – from the way the lights are dimmed to the repetitious music to the endless chanting – is designed to program the brain for mindlessness.

Add to their cultic behavior their pro-Romanist ecumenism, embrace of any and almost every religion as compatible with Christianity, and endless droning on about “prophecies” and “miracles” that are literally never provable, and IHOP ranks among the most dangerous churches in America, perhaps behind Bethel Church in Redding and slightly ahead of Hillsong.)

At the height of the fervor of the so-called Asbury ‘Revival,’ Obrien was ecstatic over what he felt to be a move of God and fulfillment of prophecy, writing:

In the last few months he’s tied Asbury to the SBC, believing that God will move in the denomination the same as on that college campus if Southern Baptists simply seek the Lord more. Now, Malachi is up to his elbows in more prophecy, giving a ‘prophetic declaration’ that in the next 20-30 years, women preachers and pastors will be embraced within the SBC because that is what the Holy Spirit and the next generation of southern baptists will want.

When pressed about his prophecy, O’Brien makes the case that prohibitions against women pastors in the early church were only descriptive, not prescriptive.

And later, he offers a direct correlation between indwelling and action, saying that the more people pursue and are filled with the Holy Spirit, the less they will care about prohibiting women pastors. Instead, in response to the Holy Spirit, they’ll be embraced.

While O’Brien might be correct that the SBC may one day embrace women pastors, it won’t be on account of a move from God, but rather an act of rebellion, and it certainly won’t make his prophetic declaration true.


Another Jen Hatmaker Org. Brings Together Queer and Transgendered 6-Year-Olds for Playtime and Community

We recently brought you the story Jen Hatmaker Org. Supports ‘Gender Affirming Care’ for Children+ Gives Money to Groomers, which looked into Jen Hatmaker’s company Legacy Collective, and their gifting of financial grants to LGBTQ-friendly organizations. One of these organizations is Texas Action Health, whose goal is to help boys and girls transition into the opposite sex by providing access to health care information, counseling, chemicals, and gender-bending insurance. 

Then we wrote about another of her grant recipients, TransFamily Support Services, which not only helps teenagers get access to “gender-affirming care” like puberty blockers and sex changes, but also hosts monthly and bi-monthly programs for ‘trans littles’- pre-pubescent transgendered and non-binary children between the ages of 3 and 10. 

Lastly, we want to highlight a third recipients, The Equality Crew (TEC), which like all the organizations her company donates tens of thousands of dollars to, is “thoroughly vetted” to ensure their values line up.

Based in Arkansas, the TEC is geared towards supporting queer and transgendered youth within the state, providing a safe space for them and pairing them up with resources and counseling as they physically and socially transition. For this reason, they were “thrilled” when Arkansas’ SAFE Act ( a bill that would have banned gender-affirming surgery and “cross-sex” hormone therapy for individuals under 18) was recently defeated in court.

Like TransFamily Support services, TEC likes to host events for families who have LGBTQ+ children under the age of 12, where parents can build ‘community.’ Though mostly populated by gay and lesbian ‘little bears,’ some of the ‘trans’ and ‘non-binary’ children attending are as young as 6 years old.

Because there is a focus on having access to resources, they’ve created a database of gay-affirming teachers, school staff, and therapists within the state. They also run and partner with ‘Equality Closet, providing gender-affirming clothing for teens to wear at school or different events. 

While this organization is not as egregious as Jen Hatmaker’s other grant recipients, everything about TEC is geared towards normalizing and encouraging children and teens between the ages of 6-18 to live their authentic Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Queer selves, which is nothing more than grooming child abuse.


Jen Hatmaker Org. Supports ‘Gender Affirming Care’ to Trans and Non-Binary Children, Ages 3-10

Progressive mommy-blogger Jen Hatmaker is giving tens of thousands of dollars to pro-LGBTQ+ organizations, and her most recent grant winner, with their focus on grooming and encouraging babies to become transgender or non-binary, is perhaps the most grotesque of all.

We recently brought you the story Jen Hatmaker Org. Supports ‘Gender Affirming Care’ for Children+ Gives Money to Groomers, which detailed the efforts of her company’s grant recipient, Texas Action Health, to help boys and girls transiton into the opposite sex by providing access to health care information, counseling, chemicals, and gender bending insurance.

Hatmaker is the co-founder and Chief Outreach Officer of the Legacy Collective, a community of socially-minded people who “work to solve systemic issues by partnering with aligned nonprofits, elevating innovative, sustainable solutions, and amplifying the power of giving, collectively.” So far, they’ve given over $6,000,000 through 165 grants since 2015. 

The grants are clustered around key categories; women’s empowerment, racial justice, LGBTQ+ rights, and mental health, known as ‘giving circles.’  So far Legacy Collective has given $150,000 to several LGBTQ+ organizations, including Kind Clinic, Gender Spectrum, Resource Center, Covenant House Washington, Keshet, The Trevor Project, the Tyler Clementi Foundation, and GLSEN.

While Hatmaker and her collective routinely share LGBTQ+ propaganda, lately they’ve been more focused on the ‘T’ part of that acronym. In particular, they are highly concerned about efforts to stop trans youth from transitioning, insisting that minors be given the right to take puberty blockers, cut off healthy breast tissue, and invert penises into grotesque approximations of vaginas.

This is why, as Hatmaker explains, every month is Pride month at the Legacy Collective.

Because every month is Pride month with Hatmaker at the helm, one of the organizations they gave a grant to TransFamily Support Services, (TFSS) who had to beat out several competitors to receive the funds. Legacy Collective is adamant that every company they donate to has been questioned and investigated, promising that “with integrity and in complete transparency, we thoroughly vet all nonprofits prior to granting funds.”

So who are they? Legacy Collective explains:

TFSS offers a wide array of services to help trans youth transition. This includes setting up meetings with medical professionals and liaising with insurance companies to receive coverage for these services.

Not only physically, but also socially. They offer a link to trans gear like the Joey, a belt where biological girls can attach prosthetic silicon penises so it looks like they’re “packing.”

If teens cannot afford their wares, they also offer a program where kids can get free gender-transitoning swag.

They have a FAQ section where they offer advice to parents of ‘transgendered and non-binary children’, which is to be unquestioningly affirming.

Notably, TFSS doesn’t just support confused transgendered teens, but also those much younger. They have monthly and bi-monthly programs for ‘trans littles’– pre-pubescent transgendered and non-binary children.

Lest you’re wondering how old exactly these trans and non-binary littles are, they’re between the ages of 3 and 10!

Jen Hatmaker is quite clear about who she and her company give grants to. They’re not being given out willy-nilly, but rather go through a rigorous nomination and confirmation process, part of being being “thoroughly vetted.”

Jen Hatmaker directly supports child abuse and the maiming of minors. What other conclusions can be drawn?

Editor’s Note. The last time we caught up with Jen Hatmaker she announced she was leading a new pro-LGBTQ curriculum, which is not the worst thing she’s ever done. She also became a woke racial justice warrior and lamented the death of notorious pro-abort Ruth Bader Ginsberg, giving her the benediction, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” She recently wondered if God is a woman, opening herself to the ‘Feminine Divine,’ said that Jesus’ maleness makes it impossible for homosexuals and BIPOC folk to feel safe and relate to him, and has since come out in support of abortion and “women’s rights.’


Beth Allison Barr Suggests ‘Doxxed SBC Pastrix List’ Will Result in More Women Being Abused

Prominent progressive egalitarian Beth Allison Barr has found herself hip deep in hypocrisy after claiming that a list of women ‘pastors’ compiled by a Southern Baptist pastor is abusive ‘doxxing’ – virtue-twerking her outrage and disbelief at its very existence, despite praising it months before.

Three months ago, Pastor Mike Law of Arlington Baptist Church published a list of 170 SBC churches that have women serving as “pastors” in an effort to support a proposed SBC constitutional amendment to bar any Southern Baptist Convention Church from giving women the title of “pastor.”

At the time, Barr did not express any doubts or misgivings about the list, freely sharing it and saying that it gives her “hope” and that she’s “encouraged” by the women on it.

The list was pretty simple – use publicly available information posted to the church’s website showing the name and picture of the person in question. I.e., a screenshot from the ‘about us’ staff page.

Though Barr expressed no concerns about this list, once Mike Law’s amendment passed and the roles of women pastors were clarified to be not a thing, she pounced on a narrative that was quickly picked up by a cadre of keening harpies, including Beth Moore, Karen Swallow Prior, and other assorted flustered women and effete men. They insisted that these women pastors impastors had been deliberately doxxed with the intent to harass, abuse, and terrorize them.

Barr went as far as to suggest that because the list even exists, more women would remain silent in their physical, sexual, and psychological abuse, and therefore more likely to be subjected to it for greater lengths of time.

When one brave soul pointed out the obvious, that no one’s private information was revealed and that there is no way this constitutes doxxing, Barr wasn’t having any of it.

Of course, by her warped logic, simply posting a screenshot of her on her university’s website would count as doxxing. Actually, back that up. Her University doxxed her first! Are they TRYING to get her killed?

As many have pointed out, it’s puzzling that these women are surprised that if they put their name and picture on a publicly accessible church website, people can see it online.

Finally, Barr tells us what she really wants. She doesn’t want anyone to be able to prove that there’s a gaggle of lady preachers in the SBC, or to show documentation or concrete evidence when confronted. Rather, she wants a completely unverifiable number devoid of proof or buttressing information.

No one is harassing and targeting these women. This is not a hit list. Beth Moore and her merry band of theological marauders represent the worst kind of critic, and missives like these are emblematic of why she must stay home. Simply put, they have given themselves to neurotic hysterics when they suggest that the list intends to make the women accessible so that someone can attack and hurt them.

For Barr, the list was great until it was useful. ‘encouraging’ until it became rhetorically expedient that it wasn’t, and gave her ‘hope’ until she could frame it as a tool of hurt.


Horrific Video Shows Abortion Activist Brutally Assaulting Two Pro-Life Senior Citizens

(LifeNews) The Baltimore police department has released the horrific footage of an abortion activist who brutally assaulted two men outside a Planned Parenthood abortion business last month.

Dick Schafer and Mark Crosby were assaulted and seriously injured during the attack outside Planned Parenthood in Baltimore. Police have confirmed that a pro-abortion man brutally assaulted the older pro-life advocates They have not apprehended the suspect, but the American Center for Law and Justice has taken the case in an effort to provide justice.

Police previously confirmed they were in possession of video footage from the assaults. They say the abortion advocate tackled Schafer to the ground and kicked the 73-year-old Crosby “with extreme force” in the face. Police also confirm witness corroborated the initial report that both pro-life men were victims of an assault.

Law enforcement officials released that video today, which graphically depicts the brutal assault and confirms testimony of the victims, witnesses and law enforcement….” to continue reading click here.

This article was written by Steve Ertelt and published at Life News


The Satanic Temple Plans To Mimic Sean Feucht’s ‘Kingdom of the Capitol’ Tour+ Feucht Responds

The Satanic Temple (TST) co-founder Lucien Grieves (real name Douglas Mesner) has announced that he and his band Satanic Planet will be copying Sean Feucht and going on a road, mimicking his ‘Kingdom of the Capitol’ tour that has seen the prominent Christian worship leader crisscross the country and playing a worship set at different state capitol buildings. That is, provided they can raise the money.

The Satanic Temple has been feuding with Feucht, especially after he claimed that nearly 100 people were saved at SatanCon. We last wrote about TST after they raffled off a free abortion to promote the organization’s religious abortion ritual, hosted SatanCon 2023’, billed as ‘The Largest Satanic Gathering in History’, and opened up the first-ever religious abortion clinic network.

They explained in a press release:

“Feucht is openly a theocrat who courts the attention of politicians and seeks to proselytize through his performances. He has his opinions, and we have ours, but one thing the government can not do is preference his viewpoint over ours by giving him exclusive access to perform a concert on the Capitol grounds. That stage is every bit as much ours as it is his, so, in the name of pluralism and religious liberty, there are some state capitols that are likely soon to be hosting Satanic Planet shows.”

Satanic Planet plays ‘experimental avant industrial’ music and it…shows…hahah

For his part, Feucht seems unbothered by it and happy for the attention.