Woke Pastor Repents of Using the Word ‘Picnic,’ Because It’s……
A pastor at Sycamore Creek Church in Lansing, MI, Pastor Tom Arnold says that his church has repented of using...
A pastor at Sycamore Creek Church in Lansing, MI, Pastor Tom Arnold says that his church has repented of using...
Global Fire Ministries International co-founder and well-known charismatic false prophet Jeff Jansen has passed away at the age of 59,...
Several days ago, we criticized Kyle J Howard for his love of R-rated pornographic TV shows. In the last few...
Welcome to our bi-monthly roundup of the worst of the worst so-called pastors and pastrixes from TikTok and other social...
In what is likely a world’s first, a group of progressive Christians (In reality, a collective of pagans and self-deceived...
Kenneth Copeland continues to expose his hypocrisy and inconsistency, with the arch-heretic revealing at this year's Southwest Believers Convention that...
Kyle J. Howard has a lot to say about the social and sexual interactions and relationships between men and women....
Not sure who posted this, but my man here has his head on straight, and knows what's up! This is...
When he’s not claiming that COVID has been destroyed , throwing someone in a wheelchair to the floor, casts away bald spots in...
You’ve probably seen Isaiah Saldivar somewhere on social media. He’s a 34-year-old revivalist and full-time social media influencer and content...