
Jerry Falwell Jr. Sues Liberty Over Plans to Build $35M Shrine to His Dad, ft. Hologram Tour

Let’s take a stroll down the scandal-ridden path of Jerry Falwell Jr., the former president of Liberty University, who, in a predictable twist, has now decided to sue the very Christian college he once presided over for the unauthorized use of his late father’s image. Yes, the same father who founded the school and whose legacy he tarnished by resigning amidst a sex scandal in 2020 following scandalous photos of him taken on a yacht 

Earlier this year, Falwell Jr., who steered the university’s ship from 2007 until his ousting in 2020, slapped the school with a lawsuit for $8.5 million. His claim? Unpaid retirement benefits. He’d already drawn up defamation and breach of contract suits against the university. In a tit-for-tat move, the school responded with a breach of contract and fiduciary case of their own against Falwell. 

The crux of the latest suit is the plan by the university to build a $35 million Jerry Falwell Center. This grand project is in honor of his father, who founded the school in 1971 and would serve as a living monument to the man. 

The proposed architectural marvel is set to feature an engraving of the elder Falwell’s signature at the entrance, a hologram tour showcasing his likeness, and quotes from him emblazoned on the walls.

Falwell Jr. insists that a trust controlled by him and his siblings holds the exclusive rights to his father’s name, intellectual property, and likeness and that the university has continued to use these without the family’s nod of approval. 

He has labeled the planned venture an “ostentatious Disney-esque shrine” and accuses the school of turning a blind eye to the family’s request for a licensing agreement. Oh, the audacity! 

“I asked the university to stop improperly using my father’s intellectual property and sent the university leadership a proposed license agreement that would cover the Jerry Falwell Center, assuming there was meaningful consultation with the family about the use of my father’s intellectual property. Unfortunately, they chose to continue using it without authorization, and in an undignified manner that seems to attempt to aggrandize and deify my father in a fawning way that he would never have wanted or approved.”

Ah, the irony! 

Meanwhile, Liberty University remains unfazed. A spokesman confidently declared that they will “ultimately prevail in this case” and will continue to honor the name of its founder.

The spokesman also shed some light on the lawsuit, stating that it’s in response to Falwell Jr.’s demand of a whopping $7 million for the university’s continued use of his father’s name for the next four years. “Included in his demand is the expectation that, in effect, former president Falwell would also have total editorial control of Liberty’s use of the name of Liberty’s founder.” The university declined the request, so Mr. Falwell filed this lawsuit. And so, the saga continues.


Boston Red Sox Pitcher Opens Up After Being Fired Over Tweet About ‘Hell’: ‘I Don’t Hate Anybody in This World’

Former Boston Red Sox pitcher Matt Dermody has opened up about his recent unexpected dismissal from the team, resulting from a resurfaced 2021 tweet about homosexuality. Dermody was called up from a Triple-A affiliate in June and pitched one game in the major leagues before his Tweet was uncovered and the cancel-culture harpies took over.

Appearing on Tomi Lahren’s podcast, Dermody, 33, retraced the steps that led to his abrupt exit from the Boston Red Sox over a tweet now expunged from his account, declared that “homosexuals will not inherit the kingdom of God” and “will go to hell,” referencing the biblical verse 1 Corinthians 6:9

According to The Christian Post, Lahren suggested that Dermody fell victim to the ‘woke mob,’ who unearthed the tweet, leading to his contract termination after initial placement on waivers. Reflecting on a conversation with the Red Sox general manager during spring training, Dermody said:

“I don’t want anybody to go to hell…I saw the list of all the things… that lead people to Hell, and I was on that list,” He added, “That instilled the fear of the Lord in me. And so now, it’s not really about me anymore, but it’s about helping others and preaching the Gospel and the Good News of Jesus Christ, that He saves us from… the fires of Hell.” 

Defending his tweet, Dermody insisted it was “far from homophobic” and affirmed, “I don’t hate anybody in this world.” He further revealed that his tweet was an aftermath of his recent conversion to Christianity: “The whole pandemic kind of shook my whole world up because … I lost my job in baseball, I … was kind of searching for the meaning of life after that,” 

At the time, he had purchased a Bible to please his then-girlfriend, now his wife, which triggered a profound realization. He confessed, “I knew at that moment… if I died that night, I was not going to be in Heaven with God.” 

Regarding the firing, Red Sox team president and CEO Sam Kennedy was firm in his decision to let Dermody go, sharing in a statement.

What Matt posted in 2021 was hurtful — and we addressed this with him when we learned about it after he joined the Red Sox in 2023. We cannot dictate the religious beliefs or political views of our players and employees, but we do require they treat people in our organization and ballpark with respect and professionalism.”

At the time Dermody offered a quasi-apology, saying: “I do regret the tweet in the sense that it came out hurtful and it hurt a lot of people,. That’s the last thing I want to do is hurt people. A lot of people think that I’m against a certain group of people or whatnot. But I’m for everybody making it to heaven.”


Megachurch Faces Civil Lawsuit After Church Elder Starves and Tortures Daughter to Death

Last year, an elder from Miles McPherson’s 19,000-member Rock Church in San Diego, California, was taken into custody and charged with the gruesome murder of her 11-year-old adopted daughter, Arabella, by way of torture and starvation. Now, a lawsuit has been filed on behalf of Arabella’s two remaining biological sisters, taking legal action against the church and accusing it of ignoring the signs of abuse and failing to report it.

The tragic chain of events unraveled in late 2022, when a distress call about a child led police to the home around 2 am. Emergency crews discovered the young girl in dire straits and rushed her to the hospital, where she later died.

Detectives observed signs of abuse and malnutrition, leading them to arrest Leticia McCormack, the adoptive mother, along with Arabella’s adoptive grandparents on multiple charges, including murder, torture, and deliberate cruelty to a child. Arabella weighed just 48 lbs when found, was covered in bruises, and was later discovered to have 13 still-healing bone fractures. Her adoptive father, Brian McCormack, chose to end his life rather than face arrest, shooting himself in his truck on the day Arabella died.

In the aftermath of this tragic incident, a civil lawsuit has been initiated. This legal action accuses the San Diego megachurch and one of its employees, along with several employees of the county Child Welfare Services, San Diego police and fire departments, and Arabella’s preschool of negligence for not reporting the clear and obvious neglect and abuse, with particular ire directed toward Rock Church, writing:

At some point, the Rock Church Child Abuse Investigator and Safety Operations Manager Kevin Johnstone became involved and visited the McCormacks’ home and the girls on multiple occasions.

In fact, Mr. Johnstone visited all three children just the week prior to Arabella’s death…(and) their neglect and abuse was apparent to him. All three girls were severely emaciated, underdeveloped, and the victims of prolonged starvation, isolation, lack of medical care, torture, and abuse.”

At the time of the death, Rock Church issued this statement, but has not commented since:

The Rock no longer has any official relationship with Leticia. Her ordination at Rock Church was previously suspended and is in the process of being revoked.

We continue to grieve for Arabella and her sisters. We are so sorry that their family and friends are experiencing this unimaginable loss and pain. We send our deepest condolences to all that are grieving at this time. Our hearts go out to each of them.

h/t Church Leaders


‘Daughters of Manipur’ Two Christian Women Gang Raped, Family Killed in India

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has pledged to safeguard the “daughters of Manipur” following the horrific gang rape of two Christian women by an alleged Hindu group.  

A chilling video circulating online shows the women, stripped of their dignity, being molested by a group of Hindu men before being forcefully led into a field where they were reportedly violated, as per The Times.  

The victims, one in her 20s and another in her 50s were seen imploring the mob for mercy amidst the escalating ethnic violence in the state. When the younger victim’s father and brother intervened, the mob beat them to death/.

Modi voiced his condemnation, “I assure the nation, no guilty will be spared. The law will take its course with all its might. What happened with the daughters of Manipur can never be forgiven.” He urged state government leaders to reinforce women’s safety and labeled the May 4 incident “a blemish on any civilized nation.”  

He expressed deep anguish and fury, stating, “My heart is filled with pain and anger.”  

This brutal incident has occurred amidst a backdrop of escalating tensions threatening to plunge the nation into civil war. According to reports, nearly 250 Christian churches, mostly Baptist, have been destroyed and burned down in the last 3 months.


New Survey: Most Millennials Believe Misgendering Should be a Crime

You don’t have to imagine a world where calling someone by the wrong gender pronoun could land you in legal hot water; you only have to imagine how soon it will affect you. According to a recent Newsweek survey, a startling number of millennials, those aged 25-34, think this should be the case. A whopping 44 percent of this group believe that misgendering should be punishable by law, easily overshadowing the 31 percent who disagree

Even the slightly older age group, those aged 35-44, aren’t far behind, with 38 percent in favor of criminalizing misgendering, while 35 percent oppose it. The flames of this debate are fueled by the ongoing political tug-of-war over transgender rights, where Republican-led states are righteously introducing laws to save confused children from a sick culture that wants to pump them full of puberty blockers and cut off healthy body parts.

According to the Pew Research Center, millennials are born between 1981 and 1996. Generation Z, on the other hand, encompasses those born between 1997 and 2012. With the under-40 crowd, there’s a clear tilt toward making misgendering illegal. 

These eye-opening insights are courtesy of a survey conducted by Redfield & Wilton Strategies on July 6. 

Interestingly, the overall American perspective is quite different. Only 19 percent support the criminalization of misgendering, while a decisive 65 percent are against it. The divide among Generation Z voters aged 18-24 is less pronounced, with 33 percent advocating for legal penalties for misgendering and 48 percent opposing. The survey also unveiled that 37 percent of Americans would respect and use requested pronouns.

It’s not if, but when.


Despite Controversies, Worship Leaders Keep On Choosing Hillsong and Bethel Songs

Despite the storm of scandals and controversies swirling around the bruised and battered Hillsong Church in Australia and the Bethel Church in California, worship leaders are not shying away from incorporating songs from these two megachurches into their worship sessions. 

recent study unveiled this week shows that worship leaders gravitate towards these songs not because they top the worship charts but because they have a personal connection with them, often discovered online, at conferences, or through friends’ recommendations. According to the study:

“The most influential factors in discovering a new worship song are peer endorsements and personal experiences. Worship leaders mainly trust their friends and fellow church leaders to provide them with song recommendations.”

The study draws on responses from over 400 worship leaders across the U.S. and Canada, seeking their insights on music production and their song selection process for worship. 

Demonstrating a woeful lack of discernment, a mere 16% of worship leaders admitted to being less inclined to choose a song associated with Hillsong. In comparison, 27% expressed a similar hesitancy towards songs linked to Bethel. 

On the other hand, a significant 62% confessed they were likely to pick songs from Hillsong, with a slightly lesser 48% saying they would likely opt for songs associated with Bethel. 

Three months ago, Worship Leader Research reported that four megachurches were responsible for producing and releasing nearly all the top worship songs released in the last decade, with Hillsong and Bethel being two of them. 

Top 10 Weirdest Things Hillsong Leaders Expensed to the Church  
Top 10 Most Expensive Meals Brian and Bobbie Houston Expensed to the Church 
Top 10 Luxury Hotels Hillsong Leaders Expensed to the Church (Spoiler: The Cheapest is $8457.42)


Michigan House Passes Bill Making It a Felony to Use Wrong Pronouns, Fineable up to $10,000

Michigan continues its race towards oblivion, with its recent groundbreaking legislation, House Bill 4474, sparking a fiery debate statewide. The bill, which criminalizes ‘harassment’ or ‘intimidation’ through the misuse of pronouns, is one of the first in the country. 

The Democrat-dominated Michigan House of Representatives passed HB 4474 with a 59 to 50 vote on June 20. The bill now advances to the state Senate for review. If approved, it will require the signature of fascist Governor Gretchen Whitmer for enactment, which she intends to give.

This new bill forms part of a package aiming to replace Michigan’s Ethnic Intimidation Act, achieving the holy grail of progressivism. It effectively makes it a hate crime to induce feelings of terror, fear, or threat using words. House Bill 4474 goes beyond the original law, encompassing sex, sexual orientation, age, gender identity or expression, and physical or mental disability. The bill reads:

“‘Intimidate’ means a willful course of conduct involving repeated or continuing harassment of another individual that would cause a reasonable individual to feel terrorized, frightened, or threatened, and that actually causes the victim to feel terrorized, frightened, or threatened.”

It doesn’t take much for ‘words are an act of violence’ crowd to feel threatened. The proposed legislation stipulates that deliberately using wrong pronouns with the intent to intimidate constitutes a hate crime. Convicted offenders could face a felony charge, punishable by up to 5 years in prison or a fine not exceeding $10,000.

You know that they’re just itching to enforce it. 


Judge Rules Proud Boys Must Pay $1 Million To Church For Burning BLM Flag

Last week a judge decreed that the Proud Boy must pay a hefty $1.03 million to a historic Black church in Washington, D.C. The reason? In December 2020, amid a tumultuous protest surrounding the U.S. presidential election, Proud Boys members desecrated and incinerated a Black Lives Matter (BLM) banner from the Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal Church, a revered landmark in the nation’s capital. 

In his ruling, Superior Court Judge Neal Kravitz cited the “emotional trauma” inflicted on the church members due to the incident. He put forth a firm edict, effectively barring the Proud Boys from venturing near Metropolitan AME for the next half-decade and sternly prohibiting them from uttering disparaging remarks or threats against the church and its leaders. 

Significantly, this ruling was a default judgment, given the conspicuous absence of the defendants in the courtroom.

Even though the cost to replace the flag totaled around $36,600, the judge emphasized that “compensatory damages alone will not address the defendants’ reprehensible conduct or the extraordinary emotional trauma suffered by the church and its congregants” and added on another million dollars, writing:

To the members of the church, the burning of the Black Lives Matter sign represented a complete negation of their right to worship as they please and, more fundamentally, to participate fully in the life of the community—and forced them to harken back to the long and painful history of white supremacists committing wanton acts of violence against Black churches.


Christian Charity Protests Bank For Closing Their Account Following LBGTQ Pressure

A Christian charity in the UK has staged a protest outside Barclays Bank’s headquarters, claiming that the financial institution shuttered their account due to pressure from LGBTQ+ activists. 

The Core Issues Trust, in collaboration with The International Federation for Therapeutic and Counseling Choice (IFTCC), a ministry offering counsel to individuals grappling with their sexuality or gender identity, orchestrated this demonstration in the bustling Canary Wharf. 

Last year, Barclays Bank closed the IFTCC’s account, offering no explanation for their actions, yet conveniently occurring while the bank was prominently sponsoring London’s LGBT pride event.

The account closure coincided with a distressing period for the charity’s founder, Dr. Mike Davidson. He was subjected to a barrage of intimidating calls and messages, including a particularly horrific text wishing harm upon him and his staff. 

As reported by The Christian Post, Barclays ultimately agreed to compensate The Core Issues Trust with a sum of $25,221 (£20,000), plus additional legal costs. Chief executive of the Christian Legal Centre Andrea Williams, who has brought the case against the bank, remarked:

“This was a cruel and orchestrated campaign by LGBT activists targeting a Christian ministry and Barclays fell for it. Rather than standing up for free speech, Christian freedom, and minority rights, Barclays Bank Plc surrendered to the intimidatory tactics of LGBT activists. We will continue to defend and stand with Mike Davidson and CIT and any Christian ministry who falls foul of the weaponizing of the ‘conversion therapy’ ban.”


Retaliation for Protesting? Abortionist Runs Over Pro-life Activist With His Car

In a shocking event last week, an elderly abortion provider from Michigan allegedly hit a pro-life advocate with his car outside a Saginaw abortion clinic, resulting in a broken leg for the victim. 

Pro-life sidewalk counselor, Mark Zimmerman, informed Live Action News about his severe tibia fracture, which has led to his current reliance on a wheelchair until he undergoes surgery. 

Zimmerman, who often joins other pro-life supporters in prayer outside the Women’s Center of Saginaw, claimed that the 88-year-old abortionist, Theodore Roummel, ran over him twice with his car on that fateful Friday. 

“I was standing in the driveway and the abortionist ran over my leg, and then he had to reverse to get off my leg, so he ran me over twice.”

A  GiveSendGo fundraiser set up for Zimmerman claim that several witnesses saw Roummel laugh at Zimmerman as he lay injured on the ground.  Zimmerman stated that despite four witnesses backing up his account, Roummel was not arrested. Instead, he continued with his day, performing five abortions. He shared with Live Action that while the police are investigating the incident, Roummel has yet to face any charges. 

“I went today to the police station in Saginaw Township, and was told they didn’t have the police report finished because it is still under investigation, If the roles were reversed I would have been taken away in handcuffs.”

Interestingly, this isn’t the first such incident involving Roummel. In 2012, he was charged with assault after Lynn Mills, director of Pro-Life Michigan, claimed he hit her with his car. Despite this traumatic event, Zimmerman remains undeterred, planning to return to the abortion clinic to continue his advocacy work.