
Woman Leaves State to Kill Disabled Baby After Texas Supreme Court Blocks Her From Abortion Access

(Life News) After the Texas Supreme Court temporarily blocked a lower court’s ruling and is protecting a disabled baby with Trisomy 18 from abortion, the mother of the baby is now heading to another state to have the baby killed.

The case has 31-year-old Kate Cox suing the state’s abortion ban to allow her a medically unnecessary abortion just because she doesn’t want to give birth to a child with disabilities or who could die soon after birth. As LifeNews reported last week, a Texas judge has ruled a baby can be killed in an abortion just because the baby is disabled. Cox is suing Texas, saying she is seeking an emergency exception in the state’s law protecting babies from abortions for a pregnancy that is destined to end in the death of the baby.

Cox’s baby is approximately 21 weeks old now.

A judge ruled Cox can legally get an abortion despite the fact that Texas law only allows abortions to save the life of the mother. Cox lawsuit claims that not having an abortion could make it so she can’t get pregnant again, even though the abortion could cause the same problem. The Texas Supreme Court temporarily stayed a lower court’s ruling, preventing her abortion until the higher court reaches a decision. Now Cox is leaving the state to… to continue reading click here

This article was written by Steven Ertelt and published at Life News. Title changed by Protestia


Texas Woman Files Lawsuit to Let Her Have An Abortion

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — A pregnant Texas woman whose fetus has a fatal diagnosis asked a court Tuesday to let her have an abortion, bringing what her attorneys say is the first lawsuit of its kind in the U.S. since Roe v. Wade was overturned last year.

Texas is one of 13 states that ban abortion at nearly all stages of pregnancy. Although Texas allows exceptions, doctors and women have argued in court this year that the state’s law is so restrictive and vaguely worded that physicians are fearful of providing abortions lest they face potential criminal charges.

Kate Cox, 31, is 20 weeks pregnant and has been told by doctors that her baby is likely to be stillborn or live for a week at most, according to the lawsuit filed in Austin. The suit says doctors told her their “hands are tied” under Texas’ abortion ban.

“Kate Cox needs an abortion, and she needs it now,” the lawsuit reads…to continue reading click here

This article was written by PAUL J. WEBER and published at the AP. Title changed by Protestia


Miami Venue Fined $5K For 2022 Xmas Drag Show Ft. Minor Attendees

(WFTV) State regulators and the Hyatt Regency Miami have reached a settlement in a dispute about minors attending an event last year titled “A Drag Show Christmas.”

Regulators threatened to revoke the hotel’s liquor license, and the dispute helped lead to the Legislature passing a law this spring aimed at preventing minors from attending drag shows.

Under the settlement, known as a consent order, the Hyatt Regency Miami agreed to pay a $5,000 fine and to prevent minors from attending performances at a facility known as the James L. Knight Center if such a performance “contains, depicts or simulates” activities targeted in the new law.

The consent order said the hotel “admits…. to continue reading click here.

This article was written by WFTV news staff


Nearly 7300 Churches Have Left the United Methodist Denomination Over Progressive LGBTQ Stance

(Juicy Ecumenism) As of Saturday, November 18, nearly 7,300 churches have exited United Methodism, more than 24 percent of total U.S. churches. But some churches, despite voting by the required two thirds of the congregation, have been petulantly denied exit, including four in the North Georgia Annual Conference on Saturday. Such churches are then punished and/or shattered.

Iowa approved 59 more exits, and Missouri approved 20 more. But the big vote was in North Georgia, which approved 261 more exits. Late last year, North Georgia’s departing bishop, on nearly her last day before moving to another conference, instituted a ban on further exits. But 186 churches litigated and won, forcing the conference, under a new bishop, to ratify more exits.

But the special North Georgia Annual Conference on Saturday refused exit for four churches. There was no justification but petulance. These churches had.. to continue reading click here.

This article was written by Mark Tooley and published at Juicy Ecumenism.


Russell Moore’s Book Celebrated By NPR

(Evangelical Dark Web) Earlier this year, Russell Moore published a book that amounts to a whiny screed against his current and former rivals. The book has garnered much liberal media attention landing him an interview with David French at a gay church for the Texas Tribune Festival back in September. However, Moore’s book has received critical acclaim from NPR landing in their 2023 nonfiction book recommendations.

Russell Moore took to celebrating this achievement. The only problem.. to continue reading click here.

This article was written by Ray Fava and published at Evangelical Dark Web


Mike Johnson’s Belief in Original Sin Is Labeled ‘Shocking’ by Left-Wing Media

(Christian Headlines) A decade-old quote where Speaker Mike Johnson states his belief in humanity’s sinfulness and the biblical purpose of government is drawing criticism and critique from mainstream media and individuals on the Left.

The quote on original sin was uncovered by CNN in a review of his positions on abortion, same-sex marriage, Ten Commandments displays, and LGBT issues, among other things. Most, if not all, of his views are common among social conservatives. Johnson formerly worked for Alliance Defending Freedom, a legal group. 

“His staunchly conservative rhetoric is rooted in an era of ‘biblical morality,’ that he says was washed away with the counterculture in the 1960s,” the CNN story says. The CNN story then quotes Johnson on sin. “One…to continue reading click here

This article was written by Michael Foust and published at Christian Headlines


Kidnapped Pastor Murdered After Church Pays $1184 Ransom

(Morning Star News) – A pastor kidnapped on Saturday (Nov. 11) in Nigeria’s central state of Kogi was killed on Tuesday (Nov. 14) after church members paid a ransom for his release, sources said.

The Rev. David Musa of the Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA) in the Obajana area, Lokoja County, had been kidnapped from his farm by armed terrorists, said church member John Emmanuel.

“With a heavy heart, I want to inform you that an evil act has taken place. My pastor, Rev. David Musa of ECWA Church, Obajana, who was kidnapped on Saturday, 11 November while he was in his farm, has been killed by his terrorist captors after they collected the ransom they demanded,” Emmanuel said in a text message to Morning Star News. “Kindly pray for the family and the church, the ECWA Obajana Local Church Board, and the ECWA church denomination at large.”

Church members said the terrorists had demanded 20 million naira (US$23,676) but had accepted 1 million naira (US$1,184).

“Rev. Musa was killed by the terrorists after they were paid a ransom of 1 million naira by the church leadership,” church member Stephen Danladi told Morning Star News in a text message. “This is because the church was unable to raise the 20 million naira demanded by the terrorists.”

The continue reading click here.

This article was written and published at the Morning Star News


Joe Biden Puts Elderly Pro-Life Woman in Prison for 11 Years for Protesting Abortion

(Life News) Joe Biden’s political prosecutions of pro-life Americans have resulted in another conviction, and this time an elderly pro-life woman has been sentenced 11 years in prison for protesting abortion.

While Americans stage sit ins across the country to protest Israel or the use of oil, only pro-life Americans have a federal law targeting them for engaging in similar protests at abortion centers. Although the law has rarely been used to prosecute pro-life advocates, Joe Biden’s radical abortion agenda includes ramping up prosecutions and he’s already gotten several pro-life people convicted under the federal FACE law.

Now, a 73-year-old woman with medical issues faces over a decade in prison for participating in a rescue at an abortion center in Washington D.C. that kills babies in late-term abortions.

Paulette Harlow (pictured right) was convicted yesterday after a bench trial of violating the law during the protest, which has seen multiple pro-life advocates be convicted. There is a possibility Harlow may serve her prison term under house arrest because she has a significant medical condition… to continue reading click here

This article was written by Steve Ertelt and published at Life News


Mini Documentary: Speaker Mike Johnson Intentionally Killed Legislation That Would Have Ended Abortion

(The Dissenter) Mike Johnson, the esteemed House Speaker and a reputed conservative Christian figure, is currently embroiled in a controversy that challenges his long-held pro-life stance. Allegations have emerged, accusing Johnson of covertly working against legislation aimed at ending abortion in Louisiana, a move that starkly contradicts his public persona and professed beliefs.

Mike Johnson, known for his meteoric rise within the Republican Party and his connections to the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), has, on the surface, been a vocal advocate for conservative Christian values, particularly on issues related to the sanctity of life. His public declarations have consistently aligned with the orthodox Christian doctrine that life begins at conception and must be protected.

However, in a revealing conversation between Pastor Jeff Durbin of Apologia Church and Pastor Brian Gunter of Louisiana, a different narrative has surfaced. The discussion details Johnson’s alleged behind-the-scenes maneuvers to kill House Bill 8813, titled “The Abolition of Abortion in Louisiana Act.” This bill, if passed…to continue reading, click here. To watch the video directly, have at ‘er.

This article was written and published at the Dissenter.


Arizona Church Leader Shot in the Head While Street Preaching

(AZ Family) A congregation is in shock after a beloved religious leader was shot in the head while preaching on a Glendale street corner on Wednesday night. In an update on Friday morning, Glendale police say 26-year-old Hans Schmidt, a husband and father of two, remains in critical condition and officers are asking for the public’s help in finding who’s responsible.

It happened on the northwest corner of 51st and Peoria avenues around 6 p.m. Wednesday. Friends say it happened as the former military combat medic was standing with a megaphone on the street corner, preaching the gospel to people passing by, something he’d apparently done countless times before. Only this time, someone pulled out a gun and shot him.

Friends and family can’t understand why. “Who knows why someone would want to take it out on a preacher like that because he’s speaking the gospel and good news to everybody. He’s out to help the community,” said Henry Branch, who lives nearby. Schmidt also helps lead weekly services at the Victory Chapel as… to continue reading click here.

This article was written by Ben Bradley and published at AZ Family. Please pray for this man and his family.