abortion Featured News

Three Christians Charged in NJ for ‘Intimidating’ Homosexual Salon Owner by Preaching ‘Homophobic Rhetoric’

(Christians News Network) Three Christians in New Jersey were charged with violating the state’s anti-bias intimidation statute, specifically for “shouting homophobic rhetoric directly in front of Allure Salon,” based on the citing officer’s wording, after the trio preached to the salon owner and an employee who are both openly homosexual.

Kombe Sefelino, Daniel Stephen Courney and Lydia Ortiz were all charged under two different sections of the state’s “bias intimidation” statue during an outreach outside of the notorious Metropolitan Medical Associates abortion facility, also known as “The Englewood Center for Women,” in Englewood, NJ.

The Allure Salon is nearby Metropolitan Medical Associates—a facility where late-term abortions occur. In an expose published by Priests for Life in 2018, the facility was caught on tape explaining how they will murder healthy babies “up until 24 [weeks]” if it is “something that you want.”

Christians, as well as others, have been gathering outside of the facility for years to oppose abortion and to engage in other speech activities. In January, Sefelino, Courney and Ortiz had spread out on the sidewalks nearby to effectively communicate the word of God and gospel of Jesus Christ to as many people as possible in the area which happened to be outside of the salon.

According to one of the citing officer’s summons’, the Christians “targeted … the owner, Rogelio Molina, who is homosexual” by preaching against homosexuality. On another citation, a salon employee…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Michael Marcavage and posted at Christian News Network.

Evangelical Stuff Featured News Politics

Cali Bill Would Fine Retailers $1,000 for Having Separate Sections for Boys, Girls

(Faithwire) While retailers in California are struggling to make ends meet under ongoing pandemic restrictions, legislators in the state are slated to consider a bill that would give the state government authority to mandate how they display their products.

Assembly members Evan Low and Cristina Garcia — both Democrats — introduced legislation last week to force retailers to offer their toys, clothing, and other kid-oriented items in a “gender-neutral” fashion, Politico reported.

Under the bill, retailers would still be allowed to sell the products they currently carry. However, they would be required to lump all the products together instead of separating them based on sex. California-based stores that sell products online would likewise be required to have pages on their websites offering the products in a collective “kids,” “unisex,” or “gender neutral” format.

Low, who serves as chair of the Legislative LGBT Caucus, told Politico he introduced the bill because he wants to make the shopping experience “more inclusive” for children. The idea, he said, came from…

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Editor’s note. This article was written by  Tré Goins-Phillips and posted at Faithwire.

Evangelical Stuff Featured LGBTQQIP2SAA SBC Scandal

After Nearly Two Years, Gay-Affirming Southern Baptist Church Finally Booted from Denomination

(Reformation Charlotte) Nearly two years ago, Reformation Charlotte broke the news that a Southern Baptist church in Georgia had opened its doors of membership to openly gay, practicing homosexuals. Towne View Baptist Church in Kennesaw, GA is led by Jim Conrad who preached a sermon in August 2019 stating that his church would no longer follow the biblical mandate on human sexual morality and instead, it would affirm homosexuals and give them full membership.

The church began accepting unrepentant homosexuals when Conrad said that two sodomites approached him with their boys and asked him if they’d be “welcomed” in their church. Instead of giving them the gospel and speaking the truth in love to them, Conrad decided to affirm them in their sin and lead them on a path straight to Hell.

Earlier this month, it came to light that the Southern Baptist Executive Committee had finally decided to take up the case and disfellowship the congregation.

Not only is…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Jeff Maples and published at Reformation Charlotte.


UK Police Release Chilling Pro-LGBT Billboard. ‘Being Offensive is an Offence,

(The PostMillennial) Police in Merseyside, a town in northwestern England, were forced to apologize after putting up a billboard claiming that “being offensive is an offence.”

An image circulated on Twitter showing Merseyside Police outside a market with a large advertising truck that read “Being offensive is an offence.”

The police say the billboard was meant to encourage residents to report hate crimes, but afterwards, they had to make amends, according to the BBC.

Merseyside police “[apologizes] for any confusion this may have caused” while noting that “hate crime is an offence and will not be tolerated.”

“Hate crime can come in various guises that can include assault, criminal damage, verbal and written online abuse,” the police spokesman said.

The billboard sparked widespread criticism, with people..

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Noah David Alter and posted at The Post Millennial. Title changed by Protestia.

Evangelical Stuff Featured

Never-Trump Evangelicals Reaping the Whirlwind as the Equality Act Makes Headway

(Ref. Char.) Reformation Charlotte has consistently argued that the Democrat party of Satan’s one and only purpose is to destroy morality rooted in a biblical worldview. The Democrat party’s platform reads like the antithesis to the Ten Commandments and there is nothing the party stands for that a Christian in good conscience could support. Nothing.

Yet, the never-Trump Christian “thought leaders” found in progressive outlets like The Gospel Coalition (TGC) have been relentless in their anti-Republican rhetoric arguing that the social justice promised by the Democrat party is well enough reason to vote Democrat and that faithful Christians can disagree cordially.

No, they can’t. And today, they are seeing why.

Joe Carter, a prominent contributor to The Gospel Coalition, a former staff member of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), and an associate pastor at David Platt’s McLean Bible Church in the Washington D.C. area has been nothing but clear in his anti-Trump rhetoric over the years.

Carter, like his former boss at the ERLC, Russell Moore, has spent countless hours trying to convince Christians that Donald Trump’s personal immorality gives Democrats — who want to murder children, force the celebration of homosexuality, and strip the Church of her religious freedoms — the moral high ground.

Russell Moore, before Trump was elected in 2016, spent an entire year writing, tweeting, and speaking to Christians about how immoral it would be to support Trump.

Now, they’re reaping what they have sown.

Joe Carter recently penned an article at The Gospel Coalition…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Jeff Maples and published at Reformation Charlotte


Planned Parenthood Annual Report Shows It Killed 354,000 Babies in Abortions, More Than Ever Before

(Life News) It was another record year for the abortion giant Planned Parenthood. Although Planned Parenthood bills itself as a woman’s health organization, in reality, it is little more than an abortion business.

Its 2019 annual report, released this week, shows it aborted over 354,000 babies, an increase of over 9,000 babies killed in abortions compared to the year before. And the 2018 annual report showed Planned Parenthood killed 332,757 babies in abortions, which itself was an increase of 3.51% from the year prior.

That means Planned Parenthood killed almost 34,000 more unborn babies than it did two years ago — even though the abortion giant claims it’s main focus is merely women’s health care.

Today the national pro-life group Susan B. Anthony List (SBA List) responded…

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Editor’s note. This article was written by Steven Ertelt and published by Life News

Coronavirus Shutdown

San Francisco Files Suit to Reopen Schools As Suicide Rate Among Children Hits Record High

(The Hill) The city of San Francisco says the number of suicidal children hit record highs as public schools remain closed due to the coronavirus pandemic. 

Last week, the city took an unprecedented step and sued its own school district over the continued closures that have kept San Francisco’s more than 54,000 public school students out of the classroom since March 2020.

City Attorney Dennis Herrera argued in the lawsuit that reopening was safe and the San Francisco Unified School District was hurting students’ mental health by keeping the facilities closed. The lawsuit also said school officials have yet to deliver a detailed plan for reopening, which is required by law. 

In a motion filed in San Francisco Superior Court Thursday, Herrera provided testimony from hospitals and parents on the mental health effects the closures are allegedly having on children, according to The Associated Press (AP). 

The lawsuit claims UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital has seen a 66 percent increase in the number of suicidal children who visited emergency rooms and a 75 percent increase in children who required hospitalization for…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Joseph Guzman and published at the Hill. Title changed by Protestia.


NYC Public School Asks Parents to ‘Reflect’ on Whether or Not They are a ‘White Traitor’

(NY Post) A city public school principal is asking parents to “reflect” on their “whiteness” — passing out literature that extols “white traitors’’ who “dismantle institutions,” education officials confirmed to The Post on Tuesday.

The “woke’’ offensive at the East Side Community School in Manhattan features a ranking list titled “The 8 White Identities,” which ranges from “White Supremacist’’ to “White Abolitionist.”

The curriculum, written by Barnor Hesse, an associate professor of African American studies at Northwestern University in Illinois, claims, “There is a regime of whiteness, and there are action-oriented white identities.

“People who identify with whiteness are one of these,’’ Hesse writes above the eight-point list.

“It’s about time we build an ethnography of whiteness, since white people have been the ones writing about and governing Others,’’ Hesse adds.

In between the two extreme “identities” of supremacist and abolitionist are such categories as “White Voyeurism’’ — defined as “wouldn’t challenge a white supremacist, desires non-whiteness because it’s interesting’’ — and “White Privilege,’’ or “sympathetic to a set of issues but only privately; won’t speak/act in solidarity publicly because benefitting through whiteness in public (some POC are in this category as well)…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Selim Algar and published at NY Post. Titled changed by Protestia.

Church Featured LGBTQQIP2SAA Super Gay

Max Lucado: ‘Faithful People May Disagree About What The Bible Says About Homosexuality’

(Reformation Charlotte) Max Lucado was invited to speak at the Washington National Cathedral — an apostate Episcopalian Church in Washington D.C. — two weeks ago where he preached a sermon comparing the Holy Spirit to a woman and calling Him the “mother heart of God.”

Prior to the invitation, homosexuals were up-in-arms over his apparent pro-traditional marriage views and desperately sought to have him disinvited from speaking at the church. However, he preached anyway.

Yesterday, Max Lucado issued a letter of apology to the homosexual community where he asked for forgiveness for his words which he says “have hurt or been used to hurt the LGBTQ community.”

“Faithful people may disagree about what the Bible says about homosexuality,” Lucado says in the letter, “but we..

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Editor’s note. This article was written by Jeff Maples and published at Reformation Charlotte. Title changed by Protestia.

Featured News Politics

President Biden will keep US Embassy in Jerusalem, Recognize City as Israeli Capital

(Premiere Christian News) The Biden administration has no plans to move the US embassy away from Jerusalem, the new secretary of state has confirmed. The decision to move the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem in 2017 was considered one of the most controversial decisions taken by former president Donald Trump.

When asked in an interview with CNN whether he recognises Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, secretary of state Antony Blinken replied: “I do. And more importantly, we do.” 

When pressed on whether he’d support Palestine formalizing its capital in East Jerusalem as part of a potential peace agreement, Blinken replied: “What we have to see happen is for the parties to get together and negotiate these so-called final status issues.” 

A White House spokesperson reportedly confirmed the government’s position on the embassy to Washington D.C. newspaper Roll Call, saying: “The U.S. position is that our embassy will remain in Jerusalem, which we recognize as Israel’s capital.” 

The comments came just days after the US Senate voted 97-3 in favour of a congressional budget amendment which stipulated that the embassy would remain in Jerusalem…

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Editor’s note. This article was written by and published at Premiere Christian News