
CRU (Campus Crusade for Christ) Fires Two Staffers For Opposing Org’s LGBTQ Drift, Theology

(Not the Bee) CRU, which used to be Campus Crusade for Christ has been on a liberal drift for quite some time. Like seemingly all Christian ministries, the spirit of the age with LGBTQ issues seems to be more than the organization could stand.

And now, if you don’t agree with this Christian organization’s positions on rainbow issues then you’re going to have a tough time.

“One of the nation’s largest campus ministries has dismissed two longtime…. to continue reading click here.

This article was written by John Knox and published at Not the Bee


Canadian Judge Rules 27y/o Woman Can Kill Herself Because She Has Autism + Gov’t Will Fund It

(The Canadian Independent) Calgary judge rules 27-year-old woman with autism can kill herself through medical assistance in dying (MAID). (Editor’s Note, which is on track to account for 10% of all deaths in Canada by 2025)

Due to a publication ban, the individuals involved can only be referred to as MV, a 27-year-old woman approved by two doctors for medical assistance in dying (“MAID”), and WV, identified as MV’s father.

The father, WV, expressed concerns about his daughter’s vulnerability and her competence in deciding to end her own life. He argued that MV, who lives with him and has autism and ADHD but no other health issues, may not be capable of making such a decision.

Court documents revealed that MV did not contest her father’s claims or provide details about her medical condition, symptoms, or suffering beyond being approved for MAID by two doctors…. to continue reading click here:


Ligon Duncan: Culture War Traitor

(Abolitionist Rising) During a recent podcast episode, Reformed Theological Seminary Chancellor and Gospel Coalition Board Member Ligon Duncan displayed brutal ignorance and breathtaking faithlessness as he attacked the Abolitionist Movement.

The podcast was primarily aimed at criticizing theonomy and culture war Christians more broadly. Duncan and host Sean Demars praised the cultural engagement style of Tim Keller (which was total appeasement) while mocking and condemning the “Moscow Mood” as being a bunch of people who “larp faithfulness and courage on social media” while actually being “guys acting like they’re tough, but put them in a room and you’d have them in the fetal position in three seconds.”

At the 49-minute mark, Duncan turns his attention to abolitionists, accusing us of opportunistically coming on the scene after Roe was overturned without demonstrating long-term faithfulness:

“Roe v. Wade gets overturned and suddenly there’s an Abortion Abolition Movement. Like, where were you, like, for the last 50 years?”

Simply stated, this is a lie. Abolitionists have been… To continue reading, click here.

This article was written by James Silberman and published at Abolitionist Rising.


Radical Progressive Activists Russell Moore and Rachael Denhollander Debunked by Department of Justice

(The Dissenter) If you’ve been keeping up with the political landscape of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) in recent years, you’re likely aware of the narrative about a “sex abuse cover-up” that has been advanced by left-wing activists within the denomination. Russell Moore, who was once a highly influential leader within the SBC and a noted far-left political and theological activist, led the denomination’s public policy branch, the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC).

In 2021, Moore left his position to join the staff of Billy Graham’s apostate publication, Christianity Today. His departure was marked by significant controversy, burning down everything and leaving behind a trail of discord and division.

Moore was undeniably the most controversial figure in the Southern Baptist Convention. In fact, it could be said he was the most controversial figure in all of mainstream Evangelicalism. Moore’s leftist activism landed him in… to continue reading, click here.

This article was written by the Dissenter and published at their website in full.


TGC Author Who Wrote About Jesus ‘Penetrating’ the Church Publishes Book on Conservatives and Democrats Uniting

(The Dissenter) You may remember last year, there was an uproar on social media involving an article published at The Gospel Coalition that described Jesus’s relationship with the Church in a graphically detailed comparison to how a man embraces and has intercourse with his wife. Not to rehash too much, but it was extremely graphic.

“Christ gives himself to his beloved with extravagant generosity,” Joshua Butler, the author of Beautiful Union wrote after describing a sexual intercourse scene between a man and a woman, “showering his love upon us and imparting his very presence within us. Christ penetrates his church with the generative seed… to continue reading click here.

This article was written and posted by The Dissenter.


MN Creepo-Pastor Charged With Sex Crimes, Church Allegedly Tried to Conceal It

(Ministry Watch) The leaders of Christian Family Church in Owatonna, Minnesota, allegedly knew that Luverne Zacharias, one of their pastors and a teacher/principal at their El Shaddai Christian School, had been abusing middle school girls in the school basement and his church office, according to recent court documents.

When one of the girls who was abused by Zacharias for years complained to church leaders Tim and Cherrie Peterson, they said they would hold Zacharias accountable. They urged her not to contact the police, saying that would hurt her abuser’s family. And then Zacharias continued in his pastoral position at the church.

But shortly after the victim went to local police in 2022… to continue reading, click here.

This article was written by Steve Rabney and published at Ministry Watch

This article was written by Steve Rabey and published at Ministry Watch


‘No Weapon Formed Against You Shall Prosper’- Fani Willis Receives Award From Atlanta Church After Testifying On Affair

(Woke Preacher TV) Fani Willis returned to church to accept an award and deliver a brief sermon on the weekend after her court testimony about whether her affair with married lawyer Nathan Wade brought a conflict of interest to her prosecution of former president Donald Trump.

Willis quoted Isaiah 54:17 to describe the motion to disqualify her, due to alleged financial impropriety and perjurous court filings. “The scripture they keep sending me is ‘No weapon formed against you shall prosper.’ I need y’all to hear me, though. They did not say the weapons will not form, and that’s the part I didn’t hear until recently.”

Atlanta Berean Church, a Seventh-Day Adventist congregation, hosted Willis this Saturday for nearly 20 minutes of adulation, starting with lead pastor Dr. Sherwin Jack declaring: “She is one of us.”

The church presented Willis with a “Black History Achievement Award,” SDA founder Ellen G. White’s “Conflict Of The Ages” book series, and “beautiful flowers are for you, the beautiful person that you are.”

Finally, the church’s leadership and several other Fulton County elected officials gathered around Fani in prayer, asking “that your power that’s above any other power will reside not just around her but in her” and that “you’ll open up the windows of Heaven and pour out a blessing that is so mighty and so bold and so brave and so precise that she could not help but to say, “My help cometh from the Lord.'”

The entirety of this text, headline, video and thumbail were cribbed from Woke Preacher Clips YouTube channel, with permission.


Charges Dropped Against Ohio Pastor Sheltering the Homeless

(Minsitry Watch) Criminal charges have been dropped against a pastor in Bryan, Ohio, who used his church building to shelter homeless people during cold winter weather.

Dad’s Place Pastor Chris Avell was criminally charged with 18 counts for zoning violations on New Year’s Eve because he opened the first floor of the church in a business district to allow homeless people to escape the cold.

The city has agreed to drop the criminal charges while Dad’s Place ceases residential operations and seeks proper building certifications and zoning permits for the operations it plans to pursue, according to First Liberty, a public interest law firm that… to continue reading click here.

This article was written by Kim Roberts and published at Ministry Watch


He Gets Us Exposed: The Money and Marketing Behind the $20 Million SuperBowl Ads

(Evangelical Dark Web) While watching or attending sporting events in America, the people have become exposed to the He Gets Us campaign. Whether via commercials or through stadium advertising, messages about Jesus are presented in the most trifling manner with banal statements like “Jesus left it all on the field” to more unscriptural statements like “Jesus was a refuge” and “Jesus was fed up with politics, too” in vain attempts to make Jesus more relatable to a modern audience.

In reality, the modern connotation surrounding the word “refugee” along with the images of the campaign wrongly relate Jesus, who sojourned (to pass through) in Egypt for a brief stay, to illegal immigrants, who are not refugees by definition, crossing the border and taking advantage of American welfare. This is just the tip of the iceberg for the theological problems surrounding He Gets Us, as they also do not affirm the perfect deity of Christ.

Over the years, Superbowl ads have become rife with Hollywood personalities and social engineering agendas. Since it remains the largest audience for any given broadcast, it demands premium dollars from advertisers. When exposed to these advertisements, many Americans take to the internet to research what exactly is He Gets Us. They are asking questions concerning who is behind it and why they spent around $20 million on two Superbowl ads. 

Ultimately, He Gets Us is another attempt at social agenda being imposed by its theologically apostate and even unbelieving benefactors who desire the most improvident “rebrand” of Jesus ever concocted.

The Signatry: Dark Money Behind He Gets Us

He Gets Us was initiated by the Servant Foundation which operates under the business name, The Signatry…to continue reading click here.

This article was written by Anthony Fava and published at Evangelical Dark Web


Biden Admin Orders Destruction of Five Full-Term Aborted Babies, Potentially Hiding Criminal Evidence

(Life News) Two years ago, pro-life advocates made a horrific discovery when they opened boxes of medical waste from a late-term abortion facility in Washington, D.C. Inside were the bodies of 115 aborted babies, including five who appeared to be nearly full term and possibly victims of illegal partial-birth abortions or infanticide.

(Warning, graphic content in slideshow)

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However, D.C. officials seemingly have done nothing to investigate the horrific discovery despite repeated calls from U.S. Congressional leaders and pro-life advocates. Undercover investigations exposing other unethical and potentially illegal activity by abortionist Cesare Santangelo and his Washington Surgi-Clinic appear to have gone ignored as well.

Now the lack of justice for these five babies potentially killed in illegal abortions is getting worse. The Biden administration is ordering destruction of the babies’ bodies — which could permanently destroy the criminal evidence.

The Washington DC Medical Examiner has informed attorneys with the Thomas More Society that the US Department of Justice has ordered the destruction… to continue reading click here.

This article was written by Steve Ertelt and published at Life News