
Church of Mica Miller’s Disgraced ‘Pastor’ Husband Has $5.9M in Assets, Including Private Plane, But Only 30 Worshipers Last Sunday

(The Daily Mail) The church set up by Mica Miller’s disgraced pastor husband has a total value of properties worth at least $5.59million, can reveal. And it has its own plane, a  $430,000 four-seater, supposedly to be used for missionary work, but which flight records show has only made two trips all year. 

Scrutiny has been mounting on Solid Rock Ministries in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, after it was revealed that church leaders plan to allow John-Paul Miller back to the pulpit following allegations of ‘sexual encounters’ with underage girls.

Last Sunday the congregation was only around 30 people including children

The allegations came to light after Mica’s suicide in Lumber River State Park in North Carolina on April 27. Her family claims John-Paul’s actions drove her to shoot herself in the head. Mica’s sister Sierra also filed legal documents accusing Miller and Solid Rock of ‘colluding’ to ‘defraud and deprive’ the 30-year-old of her fair share of property after he ‘sold’ their home to the church… to continue reading click here

This article was written by Emma James for the Daily Mail


A Popular Worship Artist Your Church Probably Uses for Worship Exposes Herself in Risque Photo Online

(The Dissenter) Koryn Hawthorne is an up-and-coming star in the contemporary worship scene, renowned for her hit song “How Great Thou Art.” Her music is becoming increasingly popular in Evangelical worship services across the nation. However, a closer look at her background and associations reveals troubling signs of unbiblical compromise infiltrating the church.

But before we dive into that, let’s see what she’s up to on social media. In a recent Instagram photo, she poses in what can only be described as a risque self-exposure for something that is unbecoming…to continue reading click here.

This article was written and published at The Dissenter.


WOKE PREACHER MONTAGE: Meet The United Methodist DEI Kommissars

(Woke Preacher TV) At the United Methodist Church General Conference held in 2024, Dawn Wiggins Hare and Giovanni Arroyo gave “monitoring reports” on diversity, equity + inclusion (DEI) for the denomination’s legislative proceedings. Here are the highlights of their work.

This entire post ripped from Woke Preacher TV’s YouTube post, with permission.


Southern Baptist Launch Petition Over NAMB Lying In Court

(Evangelical Dark Web) The Southern Baptist Convention is embattled in several lawsuits. One of which involves Will McRaney who is suing the North American Mission Board over their interference in the Maryland Delaware Baptist Association to get him removed. The lawsuit has been going on for many years as McRainey was in a battle to be granted standing whereby the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission wrote an amicus brief asserting that the Southern Baptist Convention is a hierarchy. This strategy, though egregiously incorrect and so far unsuccessful, has been a major issue for Southern Baptists in cases outside of McRainey’s.

The petition calls out the entities for their arguments and contains the receipts from their 5th Circuit records. Though the petition does not have many signatories, enough movers and shakers signing it would bring more attention to the issue ahead of the 2024 Annual Southern Baptist Convention.

NAMB claims it can say and do what it wants regarding churches, associations, conventions, ministers, etc., with whom it partners, because by partnering with NAMB they have implied consent to NAMB’s governance and must submit to NAMB’s governance. NAMB’s defense includes the right to defame, slander, libel, and interfere in ways that threaten the employment of individuals, without… to continue reading, click here:

This article was written by Ray Fava and published at the Evangelical Dark Web


Southern Baptist Megachurch Invites Heretic, Steven Furtick, to Celebrate Lead Pastor’s 25-Year Anniversary

(The Dissenter) Pastor David Hughes of Church by the Glades in Coral Springs, FL is little more than a stand-up comedian, running a so-called “church” that does nothing more than tickle the ears of lost people. In one Instagram post, Hughes stated “If there’s one thing we can guarantee with 100% certainty about Christmas at CBG, it’s this… you will not fall asleep!”

Despite what the Bible says about Christians coming to Christ because of what Christ did for them on the cross, Hughes believes that in order for people to come to Christ, they must be entertained.

Hughes’ church is nothing but a clown show, and Hughes himself is responsible for it. If it isn’t foul-mouthed bands, it’s circus… to continue reading click here

This article was written and published at The Dissenter


Biden Wants to Put 9 Pro-Life Advocates in Prison for 11 Years for Protesting Abortion

(Life News) Sentencing hearings for nine pro-life advocates are set to commence Tuesday.

The defendants – often called “rescuers” by fellow members of the pro-life movement – partook in a 2020 peaceful protest against a notorious Washington, D.C. abortuary that performed late-term abortions.

Last year, all nine were found guilty of violating the controversial Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act. They each face a sentence of up to 11 years in federal prison. Senior Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotely will preside over the hearings, which are slated to take place at the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia just a few blocks from the U.S. Supreme Court.

On Tuesday, May 14, Kollar-Kotely is scheduled to sentence Lauren Handy at 9:00 a.m., John Hinshaw at 10:30 a.m., and Will Goodman at 3:00 p.m. All times are in Eastern Daylight Time.

Handy, a Catholic, is a well-known pro-life… to continue reading, click here.

This article was written by Joshua Mercer  and published at Life News


UN Report Calls for Legalizing Sex Between Adults and Children

(Life News) A disturbing new report from the United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) adds to growing concerns about global leaders pushing to normalize pedophilia.

The report “The 8 March Principles for a Human Rights-Based Approach to Criminal Law Proscribing Conduct Associated with Sex, Reproduction, Drug Use, HIV, Homelessness and Poverty” on the UNAIDS website offers legal guidance on issues related to sex, including involving children under age 18.

Without any discussion about what the age of consent should be, the report suggests minors can consent to having sex with an adult.

“Sexual conduct involving persons below the domestically prescribed minimum age of consent to sex may be consensual in fact, if not in law,” the report states…to continue reading click here:

This article written by Micaiah Bilger and published at Life News


Muslim Suspected of Killing His Christian Mother By Poisoning Her

(Morning Star News) A Muslim in eastern Uganda is suspected of killing his mother last week by putting pesticide in her food for refusing to leave her Christian faith, a relative said.

Sulaina Nabirye, 50, of Kamuli, Kamuli District, put her faith in Christ on Feb. 10, and since then her 31-year-old son had tried to persuade her to return to Islam, said the relative, whose name is withheld for security reasons.

“During the month of Ramadan, she complained of her son pressuring her to stop attending church and revert back to Islam, since he was studying to become an imam at Bugembe Mosque,” the relative said. “When she refused to convert back to Islam, he stopped visiting her at her house and threatened to chase or even kill her.”

Nabirye’s fears led the source to make frequent visits, praying with and encouraging her to withstand the threats.

“She had peace and joy and was encouraged by the sermons from the pastor,” the source said.

The threats from Nabirye’s son, Arajabu Mukiibi, intensified during Ramadan, and the source was present when Mukiibi visited on April 9 to tell Nabirye that his wife would prepare dinner for them.

“At 7 p.m. he came with food, which he gave to us, and he left,” the relative said. “I was praying and fasting, so I did not eat the food. Shortly after eating the food, Sulaina started vomiting, and then followed diarrhea. I tried what I could, but things were worsening, I called a nearby clinic officer who came with medication. He tried to put her on drip, but all was in vain.”

Nabirye died that night at 2 a.m., April 10. The relative’s bitter weeping and wailing at Nabirye’s death alerted neighbors, who arrived to learn of the tragedy.

The source had the food tested at a medical clinic and discovered that it contained Methanol, a toxic alcohol used as an industrial solvent and pesticide.

“Her son did not come to help his mum,” the relative said. “He and his wife who were living close by did not show up. This made me conclude that he is the one who planned the poisoning.”

Area people have condemned Mukiibi for allegedly taking his mother’s life for becoming Christian and have vowed to take revenge, the source said. Relatives planned to file a report with police.

Nabirye, whose husband died in an auto accident in 2019, is also survived by a second adult child.

Nabirye attended church services every Sunday after putting her faith in Christ, the source said.

“On Feb. 9, I shared with her the Christian faith, and the following day we attended an open-air preaching,” the relative said. “After the preaching, she requested the pastor to prayer for her salvation. She was prayed for and received Jesus as Lord and Savior.”

The killing was the latest of many instances of persecution of Christians in Uganda that Morning Star News has documented.

Uganda’s constitution and other laws provide for religious freedom, including the right to propagate one’s faith and convert from one faith to another. Muslims make up no more than 12 percent of Uganda’s population, with high concentrations in eastern areas of the country.


Catholic Priest Burned Alive After Sparks Ignite His Robes During Church Service

(Premiere Christian News) During an Easter vigil in Zaragoza, Spain, a tragic incident occurred when Fr Javier Sánchez, was fatally injured after his robe caught fire from a spark during a candle-lighting ceremony.

He suffered severe burns covering 50 per cent of his body and passed away five days later in intensive care.

The accident happened as an ember bowl surrounded by candles unexpectedly ignited his robes. Local news outlets reported Fr Sánchez heroically attempted to shield nuns from the flames.

A source told Spanish news outlet El Heraldo de Aragón: “The priest tried to protect the nuns of the convent when embers lit up in the basin that was used [for the fire] and that ultimately caused his… to continue reading click here.

This article was written by Lydia Davies and published at PCR.


Estimate: Christian Religious Leaders to Embezzle $86 Billion in 2024

(Trinity Fi) The January issue of the International Bulletin of Mission Research (IBMR) reports that Christian religious leaders are estimated to embezzle $86 billion in 2024.

The disturbing statistic, which is easy to overlook, appears in Table 5 of the article “World Christianity 2024: Fragmentation and Unity” under the description “Ecclesiastical Crime.”

This estimate was compiled by data scientists Dr. Gina Zurlo, Dr. Todd Johnson, and Peter Crossing at the Center for the Study of Global Christianity (CSGC) at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.

IBMR has been publishing the annual estimate of ecclesiastical crime for decades. The statistic was born from… to continue reading click here.

This article was written by Barry Bowen and published at Trinity Fi