New UMC Bishop Praises the Denomination’s Transformation Into a “Large, Non-Governmental Institution”
The United Methodist continues to be a simmering cauldron of every vile and aberrant theology conceived in hell, with a...
The United Methodist continues to be a simmering cauldron of every vile and aberrant theology conceived in hell, with a...
During the September 9 evening service, Alistair Begg announced to the congregation of Parkside Church that he'll be formally stepping...
(Christian Post) A woman has accused the John MacArthur-led Grace Community Church of Sun Valley, California, of disciplining her when...
Megachurch' pastor' and noted heretic Apollo Quiboloy has finally emerged from his compound and surrendered to police on Sunday, after...
Pastor Greg Locke of Global Vision Bible Church recounted during his sermon yesterday the mayhem that transpired in the aftermath of...
NBA superstar Steph Curry, who has long touted his Christian creds and beliefs on and off the court, has said...
Disgraced former megachurch pastor Bruxy Cavey no longer has to fear being imprisoned after Crown prosecutors withdrew his final two...
Adapted from two X posts from @WokePreacherTV N.T Wright says Americans' defense of gun rights is inconsistent with their defense...
The First Baptist Church in America in Providence, RI, is America's oldest Baptist church. Established in 1638 by Puritan Minister...
Update and Retraction. An earlier version of this post erroneously conflated a miscarriage Ayala had at 18 with her recent...