Woke Pastor Hates ‘Bull***’ ‘Christ The King Sunday,’ Refuses to Preach On It

MCC Toronto is a “vibrant and progressive church rooted in the Christian tradition and the 2SLGBTQ+ community” that is “open and welcoming to everyone, and a Human Rights Centre that is fiercely committed to social justice,” at least according their website.

Led by “non-binary” impastor Rev. Deana Dudley, “transgendered woman” Rev. Junia Joplin, and a cadre of three-pronouned assistants, they run the joint with the full blessing of Satan, who has most assuredly taken up residence in the hearts in the minds of the congregation.

We last wrote about them after during a sermon on ‘Kink Sunday,” preacher JJ Viviers, “preached” a message on Luke 22:7-13 while wearing bondage ropes around his wrists, after they announced they were hosting a “Drag Bingo Extravanganza” to raise money for the worship team, and after their minister showed off their all-gender bathrooms.

Dudley recently preached a “sermon” where she lamented the notion of “Christ the King’ Sunday, explaining:

“I do not like the concept of Christ the King Sunday, and I really don’t want to preach on it. And the reason is, that it has traditionally gotten preached as a kind of a victory over all our enemies, militaristic kind of thing.

And I think A), that has no relationship whatsoever with the notion of unconditional love that I believe is at the heart of the gospel. And B), Jesus would be utterly horrified to be worshiped in that kind of way. And C), that kind of militaristic bullshit has absolutely no place in church.

So it has no place, and I dislike it because it leads to all kinds of evil crap like Christian nationalism, which I declare to be a heresy, which also leads to all kinds of evil divisive crap like racism and colonialism, for which the church at large really needs to repent. Are you all awake now?

You know what happens sometimes? Sometimes a preacher looks at the liturgical texts and thinks, I am not going to go there. And then they keep on reflecting, and it keeps on bugging us. And eventually we go there.

So here I am, and here’s my thought on Christ the King Sunday. I can’t do it.”

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9 thoughts on “Woke Pastor Hates ‘Bull***’ ‘Christ The King Sunday,’ Refuses to Preach On It

  1. This is why you should not allow Jews in your churches; they want to believe in Christ, they can have their own churches. Let a Jew in the pulpit, and this is what you get. Just like Klavan, and Redeemed Zoomer. There is some kind of evil gene in the Jews that makes them always pro-homo heretics and female pastor supporters. Gentiles need Gentile exclusive denominations, and the Jews can have their own heretic denominations, like the good ole days of the 2nd century. Filthy Ebionites out!

    1. “ For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” Galatians 3:26-29

      There is no place in Christ’s Church for your kind of thinking. Dudley is a heretic, but you are not much better.

      1. Nowhere does that say they have to go to the same local church. They can be Christians. But they need their own church. You literally cannot do church discipline in a multi-ethnic church which is why churches just allow adultery now. If you discipline the adulterer he or she just cry racism so churches don’t bother anymore. Multi-ethnic churches are therefore non-funxtional and ultimately anti-christ. Each ethnicity needs its own church the church can actually so it can function.

      1. You have the mental illness since you attend a Jew run church and send all your koney to Israel in a vain attempt to get blessings attached to a promise made to Abraham dor his lifetime only about him not about Israel.

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