Saddleback Church Pastor Andy Wood Pathetically Apologizes for Pro-Inauguration Post

Saddleback Church pastor Andy Wood, who took over the reins of the California-based megachurch from Rick Warren two years ago, is under fire from progressives, even within his own church,over a pro-Trump post he wrote on social media.
On January 20, Wood shared a photo of President Trump being sworn in for his second term and wrote:

It was pretty benign stuff, but it was too much for many. After being deluged with comments, many of them critical, Wood turned off commenting, later adding: “Not because I can’t handle the disagreement but because of the divisive nature of the thread.”
But things percolated for two weeks, and enough staffers and members were so distraught about it that Wood felt the need to address it during this past Sunday’s sermon. Caving to the crowd and spirit of the age, he indulged in a 6-minute struggle session and public self-flagellation, saying that the post was made “in haste” as he gave “context” for it.
Rick Warren must have called him up and told him “boy, you better walk that back!”
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Rick Warren is a member of the CFR Council on Foreign Relations, a highly political group with globalist aims.
I would expect gasps from pearl clutching congregants if anyone backed or complimented Trump.
How about just preaching the Gospel and the horror of Hell? That should be enough to keep you busy.
Snatching defeat from Victory. What a disgusting little wimp (Andy Wood). Nothing but a pastor prostitute.
Funny as H-E-double hockey stick!