New Lifeway Poll Reveals What Pastors REALLY Think of the Prosperity Gospel

Lifeway Research has just released a new study polling 1003 Protestant pastors on what they think of the prosperity gospel, revealing that most reject it as rank theology.
Using the definition, “God wants to make followers materially wealthy and will do so if individuals hold certain beliefs or perform specific actions,” Lifeway notes:
Fewer than 1 in 10 (8%) Protestant pastors believe individuals must do something for God in order to receive material blessings from Him. Nine in 10 (90%) disagree, including 74% who disagree strongly. Few (2%) aren’t sure.
Similarly, fewer than 1 in 5 (18%) say their churches teach that if you give more money to the church and charities, God will bless the giver in return. Around 4 in 5 (79%) disagree, including 62% who disagree strongly. Just 3% aren’t sure.
Pastors are more divided on whether God wants people to prosper financially. Still, only 37% agree, 59% disagree, 31% disagree strongly, and 5% aren’t sure.

This sharply contrasts a previous poll about their congregants, which revealed that “52% of American Protestant churchgoers say their church teaches God will bless them if they give more money to their church and charities,” showing a disconnect between the pew and pulpit.

The study notes that “Protestant pastors of the largest churches, those with 250 or more in worship attendance, are among the least likely to reject the notion that their church teaches that if you give more money, God will bless you in return” and that “Pastors of these large congregations are also the most likely to believe God wants people to prosper financially (52%).”
They also note that Pentecostal pastors are the most likely to believe in the prosperity gospel.
Pastors think God wants all Whites poor but pastors, and that we should give all our money to pastors, blacks, and illegals, and Israel of course. I don’t need a poll to know this.
New Lifeway Poll Reveals What Pastors REALLY Think of the Prosperity Gospel