Steve Lawson Update: Attending New Church, Working on Reconciliation, Receiving Counseling

While rumors have swirled of where Steven Lawson has been and what he’s been up to in light of silence from his former church, Trinity Bible Church, or any of his associated ministries, Protestia can report that he’s been quietly attending a small reformed church in Nashville for the last several months, following his scandalous departure and ministry implosion, where he has been receiving counseling, fellowship, and prayer.
We are NOT giving the name of the church in order to give Lawson privacy while he works through his life, along with not drawing needless attention to the church. We can confirm, however, that he’s been out of state for several months, at the request of his wife, who has justifiably been devastated by his actions.
Despite the outrageous, cataclysmic betrayal, the marriage has not been lost.
In Tennessee, he’s been receiving professional counseling while also meeting with several men for fellowship and prayer from almost the very beginning of when he was discovered to be having a long-term sexual affair with a woman nearly 45 years his junior.
At present, while Lawson has men caring for his soul and has made efforts to reconcile with his wife, we are not in a position to know the depths or degree of his repentance: as only the Lord knows.
Furthermore, Lawson has kept silent about his situation as a result of counsel he’s been given by certain parties, as he goes through the process of discipline and discipleship, but is considering giving a public, personal update in the near future.
Keep Lawson, his family, and the men ministering to him in your prayers.
Thank you for the non-judgmental, kind, straightforward report. Too many have written him off as an unbeliever. But if we’re honest, we all know the sinfulness of our own hearts and we know that that could be us but for the grace of God.
Steve Lawson has spent an extraordinary amount of pulpit time demeaning other ministers by name and shouting how unChristian they are…so now it´s Steve Lawson´s time to be quiet. I do not understand why people are excusing his behaviour. On YouTube you can see a clip where he dealt with a guest professor who was to speak at the Master´s Seminary. Steve says that he was informed this professor was in sin and Steve is proud to tell us how he canceled this man and spent 2hrs “sobering” the men at the seminary about how sexual dishonesty destroys your ministry. Yet he was doing his own sexual dishonesty at the time was speaking to these men. Lawson spent so much time screaming that so many other pastors are “not real Christians.” The hypocrisy of this man. And to date, Joel Olsteen (who Steve loved to call out by name) has NEVER been accused of cheating on his wife.
funny to say Joel Osteen hasn’t cheated on his wife, well he has cheated on Jesus himself by his false teachings. his is worse and he needs to repent.
Steve Lawson has been attending a “small reformed church”. The church is the body of Christ. Not a building, not an organization. We do not attend church, we are the the church. There is no such thing as a “reformed church”. No such thing as Baptist, Presbyterian, Methodist, etc or any other denomination.
Stupid comments. Everyone knows that the body of Christ meets in local congregations that we call “churches.” There are, in fact, reformed churches where reformed theology is held in high regard and expounded upon. These are in contrast to typical evangelical churches that believe man has free will to choose Christ for salvation. The distinctions are necessary and they are legitimate. Again, your comments are stupid and ridiculous.
You’re being ludicrous. Literally everything you said is complete nonsense. You simply deny how language works, like a Buddhist stoner.
The universal church is made visible to the world through the local church congragations. All the presciptive actions that show evidence of ones faith as describerd in the NT are carried out in the context of the local congregation.
I just wish there was some sort of formal statement, from Lawson himself, to just put everything straight.
Nashville Tennesee, eh….is it Gavin Ortlund’s churhc?
The church he is attending is Stephens Valley Church (SVC)
6000 Pasquo Rd, Nashville, TN 37221
Phone: (615) 965-5519
Why post this? Are you trying to stir up trouble?
Not any more hes not if he is smart. Why post this. This was an unneeded post and to me this was not very Christian like.
Did God make Steve Lawson cheat on his wife?
This is why Paul says, Flee sexual immorality. Any older man will be attracted to an attractive younger female. It’s biology, it’s sin nature, or both, whatever you want to call it. The presence of an attractive younger female is a magnet for men. If a man interacts enough with a woman he is attracted to there is going to be problems.
“Men of God” would like to think we are immune to this fact, BUT we are not. The only women men should have extensive interaction with is our mother, sisters, wife (wife in waiting) and daughters, unless you are Catholic then there is Mary. I was a Catholic so I can make that joke. My heart goes out to Steve and his family, believe it or not he probably was so deceived by his lust he didnt see this coming. May the Lord be glorified, thankfully according to His word, he always is, and will be.
What is really sad about all of this is how the church handled this issue.
Shame on TBC elders, and shame on everyone with this pietism. You think that your pietism is better than the Biblical prescription from our Lord.
I love Brother Lawson, but he should have been charged publicly with this sin and dealt with it publicly.
The mistress involved should also face public charges in her church.
This is NOT a private matter. Biblical discipline, when practiced, is designed to bring us to repentance and reconciliation.
What a shame!
Steve Lawson was NOT a member of any church; therefore, no church has any discipline authority over him. That was the real shocker.
That’s just excuses. It can’t actually be true.
In reading all these comments, I can only observe the complete foolishness of the church system that cannot be found in the scripture. Denominations (not found in the scriptures). Church membership? (When you are born again you become a part of the body of Christ). “Gavin Ortlunds Church, John Macarthurs Chuch, Steve Lawson Church, no such thing. The church is JESUS and no one else. Steve Lawson was “deceived by his lust”. Hard to believe that one. Deceived by a fake religion that worships men. None of this is in the Bible.
Gavin Ortlund’s church means the church where he is pastor, obviously. Denying the existence of local churches is dumb bro.
The church he is attending is Stephens Valley Church (SVC)
6000 Pasquo Rd, Nashville, TN 37221
Phone: (615) 965-5519
You don’t need to publish the name of the church. All you are doing is g is stirring up trouble
Thank for this update on Steven Lawson. I can see how the Lord has been answering my prayer for him and his family. May our gracious Father continue to bring healing to this family and glory to Himself for “He does all things well”.
Julie Roys already outed him with some idiot taking pictures of him during church. People doing that or telling private stuff (looking at you Phil Johnson) are just as bad. Your sin is just different, but it is still sin. What Lawson did is horrible, but those bring more and more public are just as bad as they sit back in the self righteous section of their church.
No, you don’t Cybernetic Piper . You want all the details so you can pounce on his wounded body and that of his family.
H. Summerville: We get it. you don’t have to keep making the same point over and over.