Hypocrite Pope Calls Trump Plan To Deport Illegal Immigrants a ‘Disgrace,’ But Then Does THIS At Vatican

Pope Francis continues to stir his favorite progressive pots by criticizing President Trump’s plan to deport illegal immigrants as soon as he gets into power, calling it a “disgrace.”
Francis has long been a proponent of open borders, having previously forcefully denounced efforts to limit migration at the US border by calling it “madness,” along with claiming that people who build walls to keep migrants out are “not Christian.” (Despite the Vatican being surrounded by a massive wall)
During an appearance Sunday evening on the popular Italian talk show Che Tempo Che Fa, Pope Francis shared his thoughts on Trump’s plan, which will initially target those convicted of criminal offenses.
“If true, this will be a disgrace, because it makes the poor wretches who have nothing pay the bill. This won’t do! This is not the way to solve things. That’s not how things are resolved.”
Francis loves nothing more than to meddle in American politics, yet when it comes to issues closer to home, such as a recent Catholic school’s decision to fire a Christian counselor because they defended the nuclear family and biblical marriage, he is always strangely silent.
Yet in the same breath as he denounces closed borders across the pond, the decrepit and hypocritical pontiff has instituted more stringent policies and tightened up their own rules for people entering the sovereign state illegally, with the European Conservative reporting:
A few days before Christmas, the Vatican issued a highly restrictive decree designed to impose severe penalties on anyone attempting to enter the world’s smallest state illegally. The existence of this decree was only revealed by the Italian press on January 12th.
The rules for entering and leaving this territory are precise and restrictive, and the decree of December 2024 reinforces them even further.The new decree targets “anyone who enters the territory of the State of Vatican City by violence, threat or deception,” i.e., by avoiding or evading security systems. Violation is punishable by one to four years imprisonment and a fine of between €10,000 and €25,000.
Aggravating circumstances include if the offence is committed using firearms, if the person seeks to disguise his or her identity, or if the intrusion is made by a group of people. Another aggravating factor is when an individual enters the state’s territory at the wheel of a vehicle, forcing a border checkpoint.
…Convictions will be accompanied by a ten-year ban on entering Vatican territory.
While there is no such thing as a ‘good’ pope, Francis has been particularly noxious and vexatious, doing things like affirming the faith of Joe Biden and saying he would never refuse him communion because the President’s love for abortion is between him and God, endorsing civil unions for gay couples, appointing multiple pro-choice people to his pro-life organization, saying that he’s open to priests blessing homosexual relationships, so long as there is no suggestion that they’re blessing gay marriages, and continuing to promote and endorse notorious LGBTQ-affirming priest James Martin.
What’s with that crap line about no good Popes? Notwithstanding the routine idiocy out of this Papacy, to declare there is no such thing as a good pope screams anti-Catholic. Seems like a pretty un Christian thing to say. But you do you. Maybe do some research about your “sect” of Christianity. Because every single one of them is a spin off of the Church created by Jesus Christ himself. That would be the Catholic Church.
That’s a common lie put out by the Catholic cult. They claim to have always been the “church,” but they are a cult established hundreds of years later by a Roman empireror who incorporated a host of pagan practices and changed the books of the Bible. Blasphemous from the beginning, and getting worse as time passes.
You should read the New Testament – cut down the volume of fecal matter between your ears.
Catholics are evil traitors to Christ worhsipping Mary instead of him and traitors to this country supporting Satan’s church of immigrattion pushing. And the Catholic church is pagan filth started by Roman Emperors not Christ. And its not even the same as then as its been rebooted 5 or 6 times by councils that change everything. Vatican I and 2 being the last two.
Also, you forgot the worst blasphemy that Pope has recently spewed: that all religions worship the same God and are equivalent. That’s Satanic and leading people into peril. The only way to God is through Jesus, and this statement can drive people into worshipping false God’s and spirits. This statement alone reveals the Pope as being in opposition to God.
Trump should arrest the pope and have him executed for destroying Europe with Muslim immigration. I’m serious. And any Catholic who is not a traitor to the US and to the White race and to God would applaud him if he did.
Those who chose him knew what they were getting. They wanted him because he would protect them against discovery and punishment.