Prominent Charismatic Prophet Claims God Calls Kim Jong Un “The Pillsbury Doughboy”

A prominent charismatic prophet is claiming he has a word of God about President Trump, and it is super, super bizarre.
Brandon Biggs has a YouTube channel where he spends much of his time recounting visions and prophetic dreams the Lord is giving him, sharing hundreds of prophecies that he believes he is being shown, most involving the destruction of the United States and upcoming doom and pestilence.
These include: the Lord showing him an upcoming massive EMP attack on America from “Oriental people” using missiles from the “USSR” that take out half the midwest, that Italy will have an enormous volcano eruption that will cause significant devastation, that there will soon be another plague that will kill 350,000,000 people, that there will be a major earthquake that results in helicopters having to fly in food for hundreds of cities across America because all the bridges will collapse across the country. (See endnotes)
He gained notoriety this past summer after charismatics claimed he prophesied Trump’s assassination – a claim that made it into major news sources like Newsweek and The New York Post, which was easily debunked.
During a recent video titled This is what the Lord is showing me for 2025 and beyond, Biggs reveals all sorts of things the Lord has been speaking to him directly, then makes this weird claim about how the Lord describes North Korea’s despotic dictator as ‘Pillsbury Doughboy.’
Bigg’s wife: “And then you say you saw (in a vision) coming in with this glorious- he (Trump) had that whip in his hand- and he was cracking it, making those devils pop back and changing things, and then that’s whenever you saw”
Biggs “And then I saw Kim Jong-Un. He said “Pillsbury Doughboy” is what the Lord called him.
He was very, it sounds, I’m telling y’all, the Lord was very angry about Kim Jong-Un. And I heard him say he was going to humble him in a day. And then (the Lord) said, read what he said.
Bigg’s wife: (The Lord) said…”The little Pillsbury doughboy, that boy. You see him? I’m going to humble him. He has been in the way too long and I will humble him…”
h/t to Revealing Truth on YouTube, who posted and found this vid.
This narcissistic opportunist is among many on social media claiming God Almighty is giving him Holy revelation. The fact these wolves have thousands of followers/supporters says volumes about how naive and undiscerning many self-professing Christians are these days.
These ‘prophets’ obviously have zero fear (or belief) of The Lord. Sucks to be them at Judgment…
His charismatic Pentecostal followers will believe anything lol
He’s fatter than Kim Jon Un himself.