Transformation Church ‘Album Sunday’ Features Tesla Cybertruck, Outfit Changes, and Lots of Red Lights

Transformation Church in Tulsa, OK, held a church service/ live recording of their newest album this past Sunday, featuring an all-out extravaganza that at one point saw a Tesla Cybertruck driving through the church and then later getting danced on while red strobing lights washed over the crowd.
We last wrote about Transformation Church after they hosted a celebration of life for the late pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ, hell-denying, Trinity-denying, Universalist, Unitarian Bishop Carlton Pearson, where lead pastor Michael Todd praised him as a “man of God” who faithfully lived out the gospel message. Then we watched Todd display his contempt for the scriptures by trashing the stage and pouring syrup and whipped cream all over a bible, and later giving a strange and strained sermon illustration, preaching nearly his entire message in tight pink pants while his barber gave him a haircut and shaves on stage.
The three-hour service featured all seven songs from their album Undefeated Champion, which dropped on November 15th and is the fourth project released by Transformation Worship. Hyped as a prophetic album that will change the culture and possibly the world, the service also included behind-the-scenes footage of the making of the album and a message by Todd, who incidentally went through a couple of outfit changes during the service.
Todd also had his birthday celebration, where his wife Natalie brought out some mockups of the album, telling him:
My husband, in true Mike Todd fashion in Crazy Faith, we are saying that ‘Undefeated Champion’ will be number one on Billboard and that (the album) Thy Kingdom Come will get there too. Grammys are on the way baby, they’re on the way!