Atlanta Bishop Tells Congregants It’s A SIN To Be Broke

‘Bishop’ William Murphy is an international gospel recording artist, the “presiding Bishop of Worship in the FGBCF (Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship) International Ministries, and pastor of The dReam Center Church of Atlanta. According to his church bio, he is “truly an anointed man of God” who “walks with a trifecta anointing of Bishop, Intercessor, and Worshiper.
He is also pro-choice, recently ripped into people who were suggesting that famed heretic Carlton Pearson was anything less than a stellar man of God, performed a baby dedication for a same-sex couple, and is an arrogant, money-grubbing, prosperity-gospel preaching, power-hungry bible twister of epic proportions.
In a recent sermon, Murphy told the congregants:
You cannot serve God and wealth. Pay attention, listen, hear me clearly. You cannot serve both…but you can have both.
See, I’m gonna go step out here. I didn’t said it before, I might as well say it again: if you are broke, you are in sin.
You think sin is sleeping around? God said to tell you sin is barely being able to pay your bills.
Because what you say to everybody around you, who knows that you call yourself a child of God, is you say that God don’t take care of his kids.
God says ‘I’m sick of you misrepresenting me because you refuse to do what I asked you to do.’
I had a ‘Prophet to Pastors’ ask me if I thought ‘Jesus died so I could be broke?’
Same prophet (that was over-weight by about a hundred pounds) told a AoG pastor I know that ‘God told him he wasn’t supposed to be fat’and he was fat!
But I just don’t see God using a fat person to rebuke another fat person about being fat😂
But…what do I know‼️