Podcast: Permanently Disqualified

On this episode of the Bully Pew Podcast, David discusses the extrabiblical standards used to mark a pastor as “permanently disqualified” and some of the problems with contemporary church culture that lead to pastors burning out or falling into sin.

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3 thoughts on “Podcast: Permanently Disqualified

  1. The “one woman man” requirement is likely now null and void. Above reproach is now questionable, which likely causes a huge distraction for outsiders. He can do something other than elder / deacon. He can still be useful for the Kingdom. Get off your high-horse.

  2. Commenting on this without listening to the podcast…there’s nothing extrabiblical about permanently disqualifying a pastor who has fallen in this sin. His true status has been discovered. The standard is right there in the text (1 Tim 3 and Tit 1). Now we should be upholding the standards regarding a pastor’s children, that they are “faithful”, i.e. professing Christ. They should not be rebellious, apostate, etc. A man who has come to faith later on who has children who refuse to profess is a disqualifier for anyone seeking the office of elder. Sorry; hard to swallow, but true. Oh….and pastors should never, ever, ever be single men. 1 Tim 3 and Tit 1 are not only about marital unfaithfulness. They’re also about polygamy, which was allowed by the Romans for Jews. They’re also about men who have never been married. They’re also about men who have remarried while their 1st spouse is still alive (adultery). Sorry; marriage is for life between a man and a woman. Remarriage while a spouse is still alive is a newer doctrine that cannot find its roots in Scripture or for the first 1600 years or so of church history.

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