Oldest Baptist Church in America Hosts Cthulhu For Horror-Themed Necronomicon

The First Baptist Church in America in Providence, RI, is America’s oldest Baptist church. Established in 1638 by Puritan Minister Roger Williams, it has since shed its long history of faithful teaching and tradition and is now being led by Pastrix Dr. Jamie Washam, where they regularly share progressive LGBTQ Propaganda and put out church signs about how Jesus has two dads and God the Father’s imagined personal pronouns.

This year, they helped host NecronomiCon, a three-day event named after horror writer H. P. Lovecraft’s famed magical grimoire, also known as the Book of the Dead. NecronomiCon is a “biennial multi-faceted exploration of the weird fiction literary genre, which combines elements of horror, science fiction, fantasy, and magical realism” and is attended by around 1500 people.

Lovecraft is also known for inventing the monster Cthulhu, “an ancient octopus-headed god-like alien that has lived in the ocean since before the dawn of humankind,” who made an appearance of sorts at the event.
As part of the festivities, the church hosted the opening ceremony of this year’s Necronomicon, where Gigi Mitchell-Velasco (aka Bride of Cthulhu) played some tunes for the attendees while this ancient horror God mingled about the sanctuary, just like we see in the New Testament.
Just for the record, Baptists did not consider themselves Puritans and vice versa regardless of is saying so on Wikipedia.