The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, Continues His Crusade of Hate Against Blacklisted Chaplain

For decades, the deplorable Anglican denomination has been drifting towards damnation, abandoning all biblical fidelity and proving time and time again millions of members are not the least bit committed to upholding the biblical teachings. Instead, they’ve adopted the worst excesses of the woke movement in a pathetic and desperate attempt at relevancy, and it shows. From voting to bless same-sex civil “marriages” to praising the Hindus for celebrating their pagan holiday’ Diwali’ and wishing them well on their week of unrestrained idol worship, they are as corrupt as they come.

This deviltry is displayed with an extra dollop of clarity in a recent article by Dr. Bernard Randall, who laments the continued inaction by Justin Welby, the impish and effete Archbishop of Canterbury, regarding the gross and grievous injustice that was perpetrated on him by his denomination after he taught their own beliefs. He explains:

I have been the victim of religious discrimination within the Church of England. Because of a sermon delivered in 2019, I am being treated as a safeguarding risk. I don’t know why, because they have so far failed to tell me exactly what the problem is, but it appears to be because my sermon upheld the Church’s own teaching on marriage.

I was reported to secular safeguarding authorities, but they have all cleared me. Only the Church stands out against the acceptability of the Church’s own beliefs.

In an effort to get this taken seriously, I made a formal complaint to the Archbishop of Canterbury about my treatment by the Bishop of Derby, Libby Lane, who bears “ultimate responsibility” for all safeguarding in her diocese. After much back and forth over more than two years, no action is to be taken.

Give the rest of it a read:

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