Lutheran Church (LCMS) Puts on Video Games-Themed Service + ‘Christian Principles’ From Tetris

King of Kings Lutheran Church in Omaha, NB, is one of the largest churches in the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod, (LCMS) conservative Lutheran denomination that stands in stark contrast and contradistinction to the filthy menstrual rags that is the progressive ELCA.

Claiming 3500 members and led by Greg Griffith, they’re several weeks into the a video game sermon-series Game On, which asks “have you ever wondered how some of the most popular video games can teach you about faith?” and which “explores the Christian principles that can be found in Minecraft, Super Mario Kart, Tetris, and Frogger.”

Naturally, they’ve gussied up the lobby to go with the theme.

Covering topics on creation and stewardship, unity, perseverance, and overcoming obstacles, this series seeks to help congregants discover “how these games offer insights into faith, community, spiritual growth, and redemption.”

Notably, guests can also win one of two Xbox video game systems by entering a draw.

While we’ve seen plenty of run-of-the-mill non-denominational churches put on these sorts of series, the fact that an LCMS congregation is getting in on the action is a little unique, if not wholly unnecessary.

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4 thoughts on “Lutheran Church (LCMS) Puts on Video Games-Themed Service + ‘Christian Principles’ From Tetris

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  2. You know saying things like describing the ELCA as “filthy menstrual rags” makes you sound like weird, bigoted lunatics, right? I mean, you can have disagreements about theology without sounding like a raving lunatic. What the hell is wrong with you people? Do you really hate women that much?

  3. I would refer to ELCA as a heretical synod that has departed from the Christian faith and bears no resemblance to orthodox Lutheranism. I would say that the LCMS congregation in Omaha is wasting time playing silly games and is distorting the Gospel…which is worse? I wouldn’t send my kids to either.

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