Prosperity Preacher Keion Henderson Claims God Said His Followers Would Give him $4.4M Over Next 3 Weeks

Megachurch Pastor Keion Henderson of The Lighthouse Church has revealed to his followers that God told him in a vision that they were going to give him $4.4M over the next three weeks to help repair and rebuild his church buildings that were recently damaged by a hurricane, according to the Christian Post.

We would expect nothing less from Henderson, who spends half his sermons preaching the prosperity gospel and the other half parading around his luxury clothing and accessories from the stage. As All Things Theology has pointed out, Keion is a huckster and terrible bible preacher who can’t go a single sermon without tickling people’s itching ears and wallets, plucking pennies and coaxing coins away from unsuspecting victims.

With 16,000 members across four Houston campuses and millions of followers online, he has a big pool to manipulate.

Not one to waste a golden opportunity after Hurricane Beryl caused $20M damage to three of his campuses, Henderson revealed to his congregation that God gave him an incredible Holy Spirit vision.

Henderson earnestly reported that while insurance will likely be enough to cover the loses and rebuild his churches to the same size they are now, God actually wants him to make the churches bigger so they can be double in size.

“God gave me a vision, and He said we can do it in 21 days. I’m asking 2,100 people to give $2,100 in the next 21 days, and what we’re calling it is ‘Out of the Harbor.

I call you from California. I call you from New York. I call you from Florida. I call you from the U.K. I call you from Africa to join us in our call to action: 2,100 people, $2,100, 21 days, to kickstart our efforts to get back into our building.”

He continued:

“I want to increase the size of our sanctuary by two. I want to double the size of it so that no one who has an opportunity to get in is turned away because we don’t have a seat.

“We can’t wait on the insurance company to do that. I need you from around the world. If I’ve ever preached a message that has touched your spirit, if I’ve ever spoken into your life and you started the company that you were not going to start had I not pushed you in faith, If you were thinking about ending your own life, but somehow God gave me a word that made you fight to live another day, I need you.”

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