The Satanic Temple Wins Lawsuit Against School that Tried to Stop Their ‘After School Satan Club’

The Freedom From Religion Foundation has reached a settlement on behalf of The Satanic Temple (TST), according to a recent press release, after a judge ruled the Shelby County Board of Education in Memphis, TN, violated TST’s First Amendment rights by trying to stop the formation of an “After School Satan Club.

It’s not an unexpected blow, given that The Satanic Temple is “the only Satanic religious organization recognized as a church by the IRS and the Federal court system.” In this case, the after-school club was advertised as consisting of” fun” and “exciting” activities for the children, including science projects, community service projects, puzzles and games, nature activities, arts and crafts, and (of course) snacks, but was met with sharp resistance from parents and educators.

We last wrote about TST after they raffled off a free abortion to promote the organization’s religious abortion ritual, hosted SatanCon 2023′, billed as ‘The Largest Satanic Gathering in History,’ opened up a new abortion clinic to murder babies in satanic ‘ritual’ and recently saw a statue of Baphomet they erected in the Iowa Capitol destroyed and beheaded by Christian Vet Michael Cassidy. According to the press release:

“The school district attempted to thwart at every turn The Satanic Temple’s efforts to begin an after school club at Chimneyrock Elementary School. Rather than allowing it to rent school facilities on the same terms as other nonprofit organizations, including the Good News Club, the Shelby County Board of Education, which operates the district, chose to defy the First Amendment.

The district charged The Satanic Temple discriminatory rental and security fees, refused to adequately communicate, canceled the Temple’s club reservations, and generally treated members of the club as second-class citizens.”

As part of the settlement, the School Board will pay The Satanic Temple $15,000 in legal fees and will agree not to discriminate against the organization as it seeks to establish its club.

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2 thoughts on “The Satanic Temple Wins Lawsuit Against School that Tried to Stop Their ‘After School Satan Club’

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