Woke Pastor Reveals Support For ‘Ethical Non-Monogamy’ and….’Threesomes’?

Patrick Woodbeck, who uses He/They pronouns, spent a decade as the pastor of Windsor Park United Church before taking on a position at Gordon-King Memorial United Church.
Both congregations are part of the United Church of Canada denomination, which was formed when liberal Methodist, Presbyterian, and Congregational churches merged to create a new denomination. A Canadian version of the United Church of Christ, they are a denomination so woke and corrupt that one of its most prominent ministers, Gretta Vosper, has spent decades leading her church as an avowed atheist, and she has never been removed.
A proponent of progressive values, Woodbeck espouses not just a collection of the usual antichrist theologies (pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ, pro-euthanasia) but rather also is a practitioner of ‘ethical non-monogamy, a concept he explains in a video:
“So my partner and I have been together for probably 16 years. And so we were exclusive up until four years ago, so we are in a relationship where we can engage in physical intimacy with others outside of the relationship, both together and alone.”
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God has a special place prepared for those who mislead others in his name.
Anybody can call him self a pastor, get a storefront and start using the name of God and Jesus Christ to fleece the sheeple….this guy has done that….he is no Rev i n any shape or form.
Just show me the Bible verses that support your position pastor. I will go with the wisdom of God over the “wisdom” of man.
In biblical times a man could have several wives…
Acts 29:
A pastor must be devoted to his wife; one-woman man (Titus 1:6; 1 Tim 3:2). The pastor’s marriage illustrates Christ’s love for His church—His bride (Eph. 5:22 ff.). A Pastor must love his wife exclusively with his mind, will and emotions and not just his body.
This guy is just one of many Biblically unqualified pastors who willfully ignore God’s Word in order to justify his favorite sin(s). Pathetic.
Every person, stands at the foot of the Throne and gets to explain their life to God Jehovah/Yahweh.
I would not want to be in this “pastor’s” shoes.
The universal King Jesus Christ informed marriage is for one man and one woman also the great Saint Paul informed same sex sex acts is not natural and unGodly !.