KY Megachurch Pastor Charged With Rape After Caught With 15-Year-Old

In what has seemed like the floodgates of justice and exposure pouring over a pantheon of perverse megachurch pastors over the last few months, another impostor has been exposed, with Zachary King of LexCity Church in Lexington, KY, being the last perp.

According to the arrest citation, King admitted that he “engaged in a sexual relationship with a minor over the course of the last year and a half.” The victim was 15 years old, and he acknowledged having “sexual intercourse in the minor’s home, at his residence, and at the church where he was a former pastor.” According to Lex18:

“King resigned from his position at the church after being confronted by other church staff regarding the allegations. The citation also states that King told the investigator that he would call and message the minor using “Snapchat and WhatsApp” to arrange the meetups as well as “receive sexually explicit images of the minor.”

He’s been charged with:

  1. Procuring or promoting use of minor by electronic means
  2. First-degree rape
  3. First-degree sodomy
  4. Third-degree rape
  5. Third-degree sodomy
  6. First-degree sexual abuse

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15 thoughts on “KY Megachurch Pastor Charged With Rape After Caught With 15-Year-Old

  1. Seriously people… Morris comes to light and now this pedophile at another prominent church? We are losing face with the public at a lightning pace. If the girl is 15yo and it’s been happening for a year and half, that means it started around age 13yo. Morris’ victim 12yo. What is this Warren Jetts’ polygamy cult?

    I wrote it in a previous comment and I reiterate, churches brushing off men viewing pornography as not that serious is a gateway drug for this sin pattern. It has consequences, serious ones. Go watch interviews on TED Talks, etc. of experts discussing how it damages men and boys physically and psychologically. Watching routinely depletes Dopamine just like any other drug so the user has to do more and more to get the same high. In this case, weirder and darker to get the same thrill. Boundaries are shattered, making the profane seem acceptable.

    Know the schemes of the devil or else how can you fight/prepare against him. If you’re unaware look up the practices that are trending in the newest videos. Choking women is featured, which has been found to physiologically make them dumber by injuring the brain each and every time they do it. Or look up the term “face porn” and cringe. Actress Rashida Jones has come out against many practices involving just turned 18yo young women who look younger. It’s an education. Here’s a video on the “Hot Girls Wanted” scam she made.

    In the mid 2000s, not sure stat still holds, the FBI reported that tracking Internet patterns the greatest amount of porn was consumed between 3-6pm. That’s teens and younger after they come home from school and before parents arrive from work. What are they being taught about how to behave with women and sex? Men learn visually because of high concentrations of mirror neurons- I see it, I copy it. So choking a woman during sex is appropriate and although she fights me, really she likes it? Are they training rapists?

    The church as an institution is on fire. (not in a good way) Smoke is billowing and alarms are sounding. Stop debating about if you should call 911 because you personally don’t see the flames. They’re there as these revelations attest to. The anti-Christ is coming sooner than you think. In order for there to be the maximum number of converts brought in before, we need to get serious on sin.

    1. Wouldn’t think Christians needed to be warned. But yes. The warning would have been in their own spirit from the get-go.
      Here is the process: It begins with a thought, then to an imagination, and then gets a stronghold…strong hold.
      The process can be found in II Corinthians.
      2Co 10:3  For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: 
      2Co 10:4  (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) 
      2Co 10:5  Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; (KJV)

        1. You probably won’t care too much for what comes after the falling away of the church, but it’s totally your call. It’s coming. Everything we’ve read as believers is rapidly falling into place. There’s a thing called “holy fear” and it’s believing what you’ve heard and going forward with trepidation. It’s not too late for you to clue in.

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    3. Make money online from home extra cash more than 18000 to 21000 Dollars. Start getting paid every month Thousands Dollars online.RGevth I have received 26000 Dollars in this month by just working online from home in my part time. every person easily do this job by.

      HERE==______==)> Online work

  2. Another ‘Good Christian’ caught in the cookie jar. They all praise themselves that God is righteous which makes them the same while living a double lie. How many gang Hispanic gang members wear the cross while causing trouble, the females who blow the neighborhood saying she’s a good Christian girl, the hypocritical Mom’s, the drug addicts who say Jesus washed their sins away as the needle enters the vein and Pastor after Pastor; give me money and give me sex.

    1. There’s indications that this person was NEVER of the faith. Lots of people hide behind labels to conceal their evil- drug counselors who deal, CPS workers who sex traffic, Doctors who mutilate genitals, cops who run cartels. Liars calling themselves anything respectable. These so-called “Christians” haven’t cornered the market on evil. Sorry if you’ve been personally injured by someone claiming to be of faith, but this guy is garden variety pedo. Don’t confuse God’s righteousness w the false front of people.

  3. While the few bad pastors being exposed is a minute fraction of the total, to the public it doesn’t sound that way. The Great Falling Away is in full swing, sadly.

  4. These places aren’t “Churches” and these “Pastors” aren’t the servants the Scriptures require them to be. This has been going on where ever sin is ignored and not handled Biblically. This is the falling away of the end times and those who attend and think they are pleasing YHWH are sadly mistaken.

  5. Make money online from home extra cash more than 18000 to 21000 Dollars. Start getting paid every month Thousands Dollars online. “_ERTync_” I have received 26000 Dollars in this month by just working online from home in my part time. every person easily do this job by.


  6. According to his LinkedIn profile, King has significant experience serving in youth ministry, including at Craig Groeschel’s Life.Church and Metropolitan Baptist Church in Houston, Texas, where he spent more than eight years.

    Talent search firm Vanderbloemen, praised connecting King with Metropolitan Baptist Church as a successful partnership in earlier comments on his time with that church. “Since the first project that we were able to walk through with the Met, we have successfully helped the church with hires in Student Ministry, Worship, and Executive Leadership. In our first engagement with the church, we were able to help them connect with their Student and Teaching Pastor Zach King,” Vanderbloemen said. “Zach has served at the Met now for several years, the Student Ministry is flourishing, the church overall has grown to over 4,000, and plans are being drawn up for the new campus of the Metropolitan Baptist Church.”

    Craig Groeschel, Life.Church, Metropolitan Baptist Church in Houston, Vanderbloemen — all to be marked an avoided. Check to see if your church uses Vanderbloemen to find ministry job candidates – they are the kings of the “church” staffing business for heretical churches and heretical “pastors”. If your church uses Vanderbloemen, you need to find a real church.

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