Baptist Megachurch Pastor Uses…(checks notes) Proverbs 30???…to Argue For Pro-LGBTQ Relationships

Howard-John Wesley is the senior pastor of the 8,000- member Alfred Street Baptist Church (ASBC) in Alexandria, VA. In a newly unearthed sermon, Wesley uses Proverbs 30:18-19 as a prooftext against an exclusive affirmation of Edenic marriage:

“Human sexuality is complex. It is not simple. It is not simply man and woman. It’s so much more complicated than that. Now, I realize here’s where you may disagree, so I brought me a little scripture to go with it. Proverbs 30:18-19. Proverbs: written by Solomon, the wisest man on earth. Proverbs: written to pass wisdom on to his children.

The wisest man on earth, writing wisdom, says in Proverbs 30: ‘There are four things I can’t understand that are a mystery to me,’ and one of them is the love of a man and a woman. The writer of Proverbs, in his wisdom, acknowledges that human sexuality and relationship, even in its heterosexual form, is complex. It is a mystery. It is something that cannot be understood.

And if heterosexism [sic] is a mystery, does it not stand to reason that homosexuality and all that falls under that umbrella is also complex and mysterious?”

According to @wokepreachertv:

“Wesley’s church, Alfred Street Baptist, just put out a seminar on “Embracing Pride,” much of it deriding Christians who refuse to use preferred pronouns.

Since at least 2018, Wesley has been slow-walking this shift to his congregation, clumsily and obviously pretending to hold a moderate position that isn’t simply “open and affirming”

While Wesley was publicly dissembling on this issue, he hired Adam R. Taylor, the president of Sojourners, who openly celebrates Pride Month and publishes articles with titles like “Mary, Mother of God, Help Me Find Queer Joy.”

Add Wesley’s trajectory to the long list of wolves who have falsely stated they “just want to have a conversation” and reassure you that everyone will get to hold to their own position and compromise with each other.

As we also see with the PCUSA right now, reality will win out. These positions are incompatible. The law of non-contradiction cannot be suppressed. The antinomians will eventually demand full control over your institution.”

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