NAR Prophet Makes Strange, Strange, Strange Threat During Twitter Squabble

Prominent charismatic teacher Lance Wallnau has been thoroughly discredited as a false prophet. A key player in the New Apostolic Reformation, he is a driving force behind the Seven Mountain Mandate that seeks to take “dominion” over seven designated areas of culture, including religion, family, education, government, media, arts & entertainment, and business.

According to NAR Connections, along with being the founder of Lance Wallnau Ministries, 7M Underground, Lance Learning Group, and Level 10 Leaderm, Lance is a member of the International Coalition of Apostolic Leaders (ICAL), a regional leader in the US Coalition of Apostolic Leaders (USCAL), a contributor to the Bethel Marketplace Apostles, a member of the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders (APCE) chaired by Cindy Jacobs, part of the core teaching faculty for Wagner Leadership Institute and a Board Member of The OAK Initiative, chaired by Rick Joyner.

We last wrote about him after he repeatedly tried and failed miserably to control a hurricane.

Yesterday on Twitter/ X, Wallnau made a direct and public criticism of Rick Warren’s character, pointing out that a recent tweet where Warren went off on Robert Morris was ‘uncharacteristic for the man who prefers to avoid hot divisive topics ‘ and is ‘fueled by his own personal axe which he can now grind with justification in public.’

Later, he would say it more pointedly:

When questioned further, Wallnau makes a prescient observation and a suprising good point.

Yet after user Tzadok commented on Wallnau’s shot at Warren, pointing out that Morris raped a 12 year old, Lance responded with his weird and bizzare threat:

While Wallnau is wrong on the fact of it (Cindy, the victim, was digitally penetrated by Morris, which is rape by instrumentation)- it’s that particular promise of a dismissal from the “(Seven Mountain) Utopia I am about to bring) which has more than a few eyes raised. That is a weird, weird threat that only a NAR devotee could make.

Later, Wallnau would pin a tweet to his account, showing that he does NOT get it the issues at play, and that he doesn’t even understand the situation, given that Morris did not fully disclose his sin, that his sin is in fact an incredibly evil crime, and that men who sexually abuse children are disqualified from the pastorate.

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8 thoughts on “NAR Prophet Makes Strange, Strange, Strange Threat During Twitter Squabble

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  2. Wallnau continues to be an embarrassment to the body of Christ because of his Julie Green-style rambling, train-of-consciousness, and quasi-political/religious “So sayeth the Lord” soliloquies. He’s a buffoon and shameless, unrepentant liar whose only ‘anointing’ seems to be fleecing an undiscerning and naive flock.
    Both he and Warren could better serve mankind by doing something constructive, like waiting tables.

  3. The phrase ka pox on all your houses’ comes to mind.

    All three of these fake pastors are grossly deceived with their own distorted messages. It’s just that Wallnau is just a little more ‘rat in a coffee can’ crazy. With a side of delusions of grandeur.

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  5. Frankly, I don’t think that Warren, Wallnau, or Morris were ever called of God to begin with. But that can be debated — and their fans will simply point to their “success” in ministry. And yet success in ministry, according to the Bible, is the building up of believers in Christ. The big problem, therefore, is that today we don’t even know what that means. Thus, when we have a false idea of what God is doing we are going to celebrate when that false idea happens.

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