Morris Cerullo Ministry Speaker Slaps Elders, Steals Money in Prosperity Gospel Masterclass

We’ve shed no tears for Morris Cerullo. who passed away in 2020. The world-famous evangelist was also a world-famous wolf and prosperity heretic who destroyed tens of thousands of lives, blaspheming the name of Christ in his desperate bid to store up for himself treasures on earth by preaching one of the purest forms of the prosperity gospel we’ve ever heard.

Despite his death, his ministry, Morris Cerullo World Evangelism (MCWE), continues the legacy of devouring widows and urinating on their corpses. This was clearly seen at their April 27, 2024, Feast of Passover Celebration, featuring shameless heretic ‘Papa’ Ayo Oritsejafor.

Orisejafor is a ‘prophet’ and ‘apostle’ who leads the 35,000-member Word of Life Bible Church in Warri, Nigeria. Elected President of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) in 2010, he founded the African Broadcasting Network, which has an audience in 75 countries. Like his mentor Cerullo, Orisejafor has a knack and glee for parting poor people from their possessions, which he showcased in spades.

During the event, Orisejafor did a deliverance where he prayed for two grieving women who had suffered death and tragedy in their homes, promising them that after he prayed for them, no one else in their families would die young, repeatedly slapping them on the head during his impartation.

Following this, he used every emotional tool in the book to get paid. He spent over half an hour fleecing the flock, revealing that God told him 50 of the people listening were to give him $1000, urging them to come forward once they committed to giving. Once he sensed the $1000 pipeline was tapped out, he pivoted to giving him $500, then $200, then $100, all the while coaxing them with spiritual sounding language being whispered into his ear by demons.

It’s grossly abusive, as is everything about this ministry, and perhaps if they could see the hellfire their leader is currently suffering in, they would repent from their wicked ways.

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10 thoughts on “Morris Cerullo Ministry Speaker Slaps Elders, Steals Money in Prosperity Gospel Masterclass

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  2. Demonic Lost Souls Are Bringing so many others with them. Lord open hearts and minds to you and Protect the innocent, women and children. God you are our God.
    You gave us everything of turn value, your sinless life! All out of love.
    Lisa above is all about death each time. Love God hate Sin.
    “So Jesus again said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep. All who came before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not listen to them. I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.”
    ‭‭John‬ ‭10‬:‭7‬-‭11‬ ‭ESV

    1. It don’t know who ever actually called it by the handle of prosperity gospel. It is the name that stuck, but it has never been about things and gaining things. Never. It’s about who do you trust? Where do you put your trust? The word of God?

    2. I do not know Morris Cerullo or this event either, but I do know there are always those that will deceive, and that includes the news. Pretty much a mark of our time.

  3. Oh yes. It’s just great having guys like Bill Bates, the money, running the world while you wallow in your ‘humility’.

  4. Oh yes. It’s just great having guys like Bill Gates, the money, running the world while you wallow in your ‘humility’.

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