‘They went to heaven together.’ Young American Missionary Couple Murdered in Haiti Last Night

A young American couple who were serving as missionaries in Haiti were murdered yesterday evening, according to Missouri state Rep. Ben Baker in a Facebook post, whose daughter was one of the victims. 

“My heart is broken in a thousand pieces. I’ve never felt this kind of pain. Most of you know my daughter and son-in-law Davy and Natalie Lloyd are full time missionaries in Haiti. They were attacked by gangs this evening and were both killed. They went to Heaven together. Please pray for my family we desperately need strength. And please pray for the Lloyd family as well. I have no other words for now.”

The couple was part of Missionaries in Haiti Inc., founded by Davey Lloyd’s father 20 years ago to “see the Gospel of Christ make a difference in the lives of Haiti’s young people.

According to an update from the organization’s Facebook page late yesterday evening:

Urgent prayer needed. Sam and I came to the states yesterday since the airport opened back up. This evening when Davy, Natalie and the kids were coming out of Youth at the church they were ambushed by a gang of 3 trucks full of guys. Davy was taken to the house tied up and beat. The gang then took our trucks and loaded everything up they wanted and left.

Another gang came after to see what was going on and if they could help, so they say. No one understood what they were doing, not sure what took place but one was shot and killed and now this gang went into full attack mode. Davy, Natalie and Jude was in my house at the end of the property using the star link internet to call me. So they are holed up in there, the gangs has shot all the windows out of the house and continue to shoot.

Their lives are in danger.

I have been trying all my contacts to get a police armored car there to evacuate them out to safety but can’t get anyone to do. I also am trying to negotiate with the gang so how much $ to stand down and let them leave and get to safety. PLEASE PRAY- Going to be a long night. The phones have all died I can’t get a hold of anybody for the past several hours now to know what was going on.

Then, a final update:

Pray for the families.

“Some faced jeers and flogging, and even chains and imprisonment. They were put to death by stoning; they were sawed in two; they were killed by the sword. They went about in sheepskins and goatskins, destitute, persecuted and mistreated— the world was not worthy of them”. Hebrews 11

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4 thoughts on “‘They went to heaven together.’ Young American Missionary Couple Murdered in Haiti Last Night

  1. Some won’t like what I have to say, but it needs to be said. Trump was right about Haiti. Sending American missionaries there is suicide and all missions there should be shut down. We need missions to America more than ever anyway.

    1. Sad, tragic and unnecessary. Sorry that I’m in agreement on this, but I am. They had their whole lives ahead them…just a shame. Only kids. Even Christ didn’t plead with the rich, young ruler to follow Him…He simply turned & walked away from him, and left him to the consequences of the ruler’s own free will.
      Still…it breaks your heart.

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  3. God has removed His hand of protection and favor from this country for many decades because of the spiritual wickedness practiced there. How horrible that yet more individuals have been martyred trying to help – they’ve earned their crowns and eternal rewards.

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