12,000 Christians Baptized Yesterday in ‘Largest Synchronized Day of Water Baptism in American History’

A reported 12,000 people were baptized in and around the waters of the Pacific Ocean yesterday as part of Baptize California, billed as the “largest synchronized day of water baptism in American history.”

Baptize California is a “statewide movement of water baptisms on Pentecost Sunday” that unites local churches, including Saddleback Church, Sandals Church, Zoe Church, Restoration Life Church, and Higher Visions Church, under “a part of theology we can all agree on, which is the public profession of faith through water baptism.”
While the flagship event took place in Huntington Beach, there were dozens of regional baptisms across California, with many people signing up to partake in the festivities beforehand and others deciding to get baptized spontaneously.
Along with the baptisms, there was live music from Bethel Worship, Martin Smith (Of Deliriou5), and Sean Feucht of #Letusworship fame.

Notably, the event encouraged anyone who wanted to “publicly declare their faith in Jesus Christ” to be baptized, even if that meant being baptized away from their local church.

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But you made so much more than that as a prostitute. Why did you quit?
12,000 PEOPLE were baptized. If we are blessed, some actually became Christians. Sadly, as in most churches, the majority will NOT fulfill the requirements for Christianity in the Bible…the ONLY instruction manual for what it takes to go to heaven. It’s more than words of confession and dunking…it’s laying down your life for Christ…nothing less. And nobody can do that on their own. Scripture says, “No man comes to the Father except through Me (Jesus)” and “No man comes to the Father except the Spirit draws him.” You must take up your cross and follow Jesus. You must experience a new Spirit that gives you a new heart that desires to obey and will long for fellowship with God…not church socials…not just doing good deeds. If you don’t read the book for yourself, you’ll be duped.
Following the Words Jesus is the WAY,the Problem with picking up a Bible is that Paul is out of place he belongs which is at the end in the Apocrypha as an example of misleading and damaging doctrine. That is what corrupts Christs Church, the preaching of that apostate more frequently than The Savior and Messenger of Yahweh. It is a profitable Doctrine because preachers get PAID and They are Not going to give it up. Something the Mormons got right and the Rest of Christianity did not, even with the weirdness of their doctrines Unfortunately I agree Most of these folks will lose their way but I believe it will happen even if they read the Bible because they will be pointed to an interloper and not the Savior from Yahweh.
The Apostle Peter referred to Paul’s writings as “scripture”, and the very early church knew them as such. Your assertions are arrogant to say the least. Don’t be so concerned about these newly baptized ones losing their way, rather look to your own salvation, for pride goes before a fall.
You had me at Apocrypha and ‘Mormons got it right’
Neither are appropriate Scriptural references
The good news is that out of that number, there are no doubt many of those people who will legitimately follow Christ, praise God!
Baptism is merely a symbol. The important act is if one receives the gospel and places their faith in Christ.
If you add anything to this, you negate ALL. No works. No sacraments. No corporate membership of a church.
ALL the “Christian” cults ADD to the simplicity of the Gospel and insert some sort of human works into the mix. Reject this thinking.
Be the thief on the cross. Accept the simplicity of the Gospel, where I as a five year old could understand and receive it.
Baptism is a bit more than a mere symbol. There is grace in the act. Is is not a means of grace unto salvation, but nevertheless, the Spirit of God is present in a particular and meaningful way, and Christ is proclaimed and glorified. Not only do we communicate the intent of our heart to all present, and to Christ, but he also, in our baptism, communicates with us.
One would be hard to find any historical reference outside of the most recent approximate 70 years which baptism was characterized as a symbol. Baptism is an integral component of the faith “circle” which includes such things as prayer, worship, giving, care of orphans, kindness, and other vital ingredients of faith. Without any of these, a huge incomplete hole perforates the faith circle. To begin His ministry, Jesus walked what is estimated to be 72 miles from Capernaum to the Jordan river to “fulfill all righteousness”. Before he ascended he told the disciples in Mark 16:16, “he who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved” (NASV, and other literal translations). This initial example beginning His ministry and ending statement for the posterity of history surely had to be of much more significance than only “a symbol or picture”. Should not the last commandment the Lord gave with His feet on this Earth be evaluated with an enormous measure of weight? The apostle Peter later told all of Christ to “walk in His steps”. Isn’t this why Peter most obviously commanded the household of Cornelius to be baptized? To Peter, it evidently was not an option. The obedience of faith aligns us with the goals and wishes of the Lord for our lives to also fulfill all precepts of righteousness. Baptism is an obedience of faith and not a work of ourselves. Where He leads I will follow. He said it and therefore to rise with Him (Romans 6), I did it!
The event was organized and largely financed by Ocean’s Church in Irvine, CA, yet this article doesn’t even mention their name!
This is so True? I don’t believe the Church is looking for recognition, it’s looking at the souls that turned to Christ! Glory is in their Hearts!!💕
Were they baptised in Jesus Name according to Acts 2:38 or were they merely deceived by trinity filth?
Acts 2:38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
39 For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.
Were they baptised in Jesus Name according to Acts 2:38 or were they merely deceived by trinity filth?
Acts 2:38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
39 For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.
@Steve Winter
Just looking at your picture it is plain to see you’re a nutter. No doubt there are many voices howling in that ugly head😂
Baptized into to exactly what ?
It’s seemed like the majority of the ‘churches’ involved in this activity designed to generate attention are dicey at best. But I do hope at least a few were actual Believers
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