Woke Pastor Preaches Mother’s Day Sermon On…Abortion and Reproductive Rights?

Rev. Stephen Milton is the satanic impastor of Lawrence Park Church in North York, Ontario, a pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ denomination linked to the United Church of Christ. According to Milton’s bio, he has a “passion for creating new ways to explore spirituality, which will appeal to people who aren’t interested in regular Sunday morning church services.”

During his grotesque 2022 Mother’s Day sermon, Milton utilized his pulpit time to passionately defend a woman’s right to choose, particularly in light of the then-news of the imminent overturning of Roe. v Wade. 

Milton argued that part of being a mother is the right to make decisions about her own body, including the choice to terminate a pregnancy and have self-determination to decide when she wants to bring a child into the world. 

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3 thoughts on “Woke Pastor Preaches Mother’s Day Sermon On…Abortion and Reproductive Rights?

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  2. What could possibly be more evil than promoting the mass slaughter of unborn children on Resurrection Sunday? Pretty sure this was the same Easter sermon presented at the Satanic Temple.

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