Southern Baptist Megachurch Invites Heretic, Steven Furtick, to Celebrate Lead Pastor’s 25-Year Anniversary

(The Dissenter) Pastor David Hughes of Church by the Glades in Coral Springs, FL is little more than a stand-up comedian, running a so-called “church” that does nothing more than tickle the ears of lost people. In one Instagram post, Hughes stated “If there’s one thing we can guarantee with 100% certainty about Christmas at CBG, it’s this… you will not fall asleep!”
Despite what the Bible says about Christians coming to Christ because of what Christ did for them on the cross, Hughes believes that in order for people to come to Christ, they must be entertained.
Hughes’ church is nothing but a clown show, and Hughes himself is responsible for it. If it isn’t foul-mouthed bands, it’s circus… to continue reading click here
This article was written and published at The Dissenter
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