Worst Acting Ever! Hilarious ‘Deliverance’ Feat. Kathryn Krick and Renouncments from ‘Nazi Witchcraft’

Apostlette Kathryn Krick is the most disingenuous, fakest deliverance minister working the charismatic circuit today. The well-known and popular huckster has accumulated hundreds of millions of views across her social media platforms, putting on extended shows of pomp and pageantry while she ‘casts out’ demons from sad and desperate people. 

For those wanting a deep dive into her many errors, Chris Rosebrough did a long-form exposé here. Krick routinely uses actors to pretend to be possessed so she can then cast out the demons, using not just adults but kids as well:

In a a video posted to her YouTube Channel, Krick explains “A few Sundays ago a man who came to @FiveFoldChurch a week prior as a skeptic, came so humbly and vulnerably renounced his past sins and his past life in the dark side of Hollywood. God set Him free so powerfully, and as God led him to renounce more, He was set free more and more! PRAISE GOD!

What follows is the most ridiculous and fake “deliverances” we’ve ever seen, by one of the worst actors we’ve ever seen, being passed off as the real thing.

Sadly, her supporters have no discernment and are eating it all up.

h/t Shawn at Revealing Truth on YouTube

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3 thoughts on "Worst Acting Ever! Hilarious ‘Deliverance’ Feat. Kathryn Krick and Renouncments from ‘Nazi Witchcraft’"

  1. Wow, I was chuckling as I noticed that as all those demonic spirits were leaving his body, they were considerate enough to keep him from falling off the stage! He rolled right to the edge, then changed direction and rolled the other, safer way…C’mon, folks, do you actually believe that a demon from hell would take such care to keep him from falling and getting hurt?!!! Gullible, gullible, gullible. Krick is a crook.

    1. I also appreciate the fact that the demon(s) did not use foul language or spit, etc. Krick could definitely school Catholic exorcists on how to make Hellspawn behave more politely.

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