‘ELOHIM SEND ME TO FIGHT CRYBABY SATAN’ Arrest Made in Satanic Temple Bombing+ Note Found

A week after The Satanic Temple (TST) came under attack by an unknown assailant who threw an ‘explosive device’ onto the porch of their headquarters in Salem, Massachusetts, causing minor damage to the building and prompting the FBI to investigate, an arrest has been made. According to the Department of Justice website:
Sean Patrick Palmer, 49, of Perkins, Okla., was charged in a criminal complaint with using an explosive to cause damage to a building used in interstate or foreign commerce.

..At approximately 4:14 a.m. on April 8, 2024, surveillance cameras outside TST captured a man walking towards TST wearing black pants, and black jacket, a black face covering, a tan-colored tactical vest and gloves. According to the charging documents, as the man approached TST, he ignited a pipe bomb—a type of improvised explosive device or “IED”—threw it at TST’s main entrance, and then ran away. Seconds later, the pipe bomb partially detonated causing minor fire and related damage to TST’s exterior.
According to the charging documents, the pipe bomb appeared to have been constructed from a section of plastic pipe covered with metal nails, which were attached to the pipe with tape. The inside of the pipe was filled with a powder-like substance, preliminarily identified as smokeless gunpowder. A single human hair was allegedly located on the pipe bomb containing a DNA profile from a Caucasian male.
Palmer also left a six-page-handwritten note, which said among other things:

According to the DOJ: “The charge of using fire or an explosive to cause damage to a building used in interstate or foreign commerce provides for a sentence of at least five years and up to 20 years in prison, three years of supervised release, and a fine of up to $250,000.”
Seems like a bad idea to publish the note of a nutjob terrorist.
Elohim should have taught this guy some proper English before having him write notes…