Church’s Harsh Letter to Congregants About Firing Pastor Accused of Sexual Misconduct Earns Universal Praise

A church in North Carolina has earned universal praise after announcing on their website and social media pages that they were terminating the employment of their pastor for sexual misconduct, using decisive and ferocious language in clear contradistinction to most other churches in similar circumstances.
The letter, which commenters have contrasted to the way the International House of Prayer dealt with the sexual misconduct of Mike Bickle, sees Pursuit Church in Denver, NC, offering more details than most when making these types of announcements, betraying a no-nonsense attitude and no tolerance towards outgoing pastor Jordan Green:
The decision to terminate Jordan Green was made unanimously by the leadership team of the church including the Elders, Staff and members of the Finance Committee. This decision was made swiftly after church leaders learned of situations involving Jordan Green that were in direct violation of Pursuit Church’s policy regarding workplace harassment. We want to be clear, Jordan Green committed acts of sexual misconduct which has deeply wounded his victims, the people who call Pursuit Church home and this leadership team.
They continue:
On Thursday, Jordan initially confessed his version of the sexual harassment that he engaged in to two of our church leaders. This led to immediate meetings with all those who were directly involved in the situation to gain further insight into what transpired. On Friday, Jordan called the staff together and confessed his version of the sexual harassment that he engaged in. Jordan’s confession was no confession at all. In these meetings, Jordan told partial truths and manipulated the events to fit the narratives he so desired to control.
After more information came out, Green tried to minimize and reframe his side of the story, which the leadership say they saw through in light of the facts and testimony, detailing the process:
Simultaneously, Jordan contacted a member of the leadership team with a “further confession.” The staff and leadership team met again on Saturday to hear Jordan’s “further confession.” Jordan’s “further confession” was no confession at all.
In this subsequent meeting, Jordan told partial truths and manipulated the events to fit the narratives he so desired to control. Just as he had done the day prior. The difference was after this “further confession” the floodgates opened and truth began to be revealed.
One by one, brave souls began to share their personal stories of how Jordan had harmed them during their employment at Pursuit Church. It was raw. It was angry. It was real. He sat silently, head down, unresponsive, except for two instances where he attempted to defend himself. After more than an hour of raw testimony from his victims, your staff and your family, Jordan was dismissed from the room and our staff.
The website where the letter is linked has gone down, possibly due to traffic influx, but we have made them available in our feed below:
Truth ultimately wins. Good for this church for not sugar-coating this wolf’s activities.
sounds like a company firing a CEO. doesn’t say that he was sent to the pews to participate as a regular church member . why do churches act like corporations….
Consequences. What a concept!