Pastrix Ashley Wilkerson Claims Someone Removed The Names of The Female Apostles from the Scriptures

Ashley Wilkerson is a lead ‘pastor’ at Pacific Coast Church, a church located in the Pacific Northwest, According to her bio, “she has earned both a Bachelor of Arts in Human Development Psychology from Lee University, a Masters of Education in Applied Child Psychology from Vanderbilt University and began Doctoral work at Clemson University.” Notably, she says she is “passionate about teaching the Bible in a way that is challenging, relevant and faithful to the original historical context of scripture.”
Speaking at the ‘Girlfriend’s Conference’ Wilkerson, who credits Beth Allison Barr for this little theological gem, explains:
“Prisca, Mary, Phoebe, Junia, Tryphena and Tryphosa -their names are my favorite to say- many others that were Apostles, leaders in the early church. Some of which, their names have been changed in scripture because we understood, we thought “oh no they can’t be women Apostles.” Yeah they were. I’m not telling you this so you distrust scripture, I’m not talking about that, I’m calling you to dig deeper because sometimes it gets muddled in our culture. “
Church pulpits all over this once-great country are infested with biblically illiterate buffoons such as this. No wonder our society has been given over to wickedness…
Why is it that everytime someone touting a new revelation of sorts, starts out by claiming that the “original” teachings, or translations, of the scriptures have become “muddled,” or lost, or mistranslated over the centuries? They start out with that premise, and then lead many into error, cults, and new religions. Think of Joseph Smith, Charles Russell, Jim Jones, Sun Myung Moon, Ashley Wilkerson, et al.
Any woman who declares herself a pastor has rejected and compromised the authority of Scripture right out of the starting gate, so it’s inevitable that other rejections and compromises of Scripture will follow.
Zero Biblical training : Check
Claims to be a ‘Pastor’ : Check
Masters Degree in Applied Child Psychology: Check Check
She is over-qualified to lead a non-Church filled with goatlings